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And we're done with Chapter 1! Hope you guys liked this comic. Thanks for the support.

To explain a bit why Kai immediately forgot she was a guy: she didn't use very much power to activate the enchantment. Remember, the lower the power, the faster reality sets in.

I wrote about my inspiration and thought process for making this comic. I marked it as History below. 

I've been brainstorming Chapter 2. I'll add it to the poll when I have a more solid idea of the direction I want it to go. Anyway, thank you for the support.




I loved this and hope to see the continuation in the future too. Probably my favourite of your content

Jonathan Griffith

definitely would love to see a continuation


Please don't change the barber back. I definitely think that she (he) likes being a woman. Also...maybe you could incorporate the barber into your stories with Kai, Brandon, and her mother?