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New month time. I'm changing things up slightly with this month's goals.

High Priority:

  • [Comic] Son of a Witch: I should be able to finish the chapter this month. I think it'll end around panel 120 or so.

  • Next big project (poll)
  • Video (poll)
  • Sequence, animation, or single-page comic (poll)
  • Requests (from Transformer and Premium tiers)

Other Projects:

  • [Visual Novel] Quality Magic Tester - I really need to rework it. The characters are out of date and the branches are disorganized. I've started not liking working on it since I have to fight against the system I set up. So, here's the plan: I'll finish the update I'm working on (toolbox), and then in a couple of months, I'll release a completed version where all of the branches are finished. I'm done releasing in parts.
  • [Story] Midas Touch - I've been playing around with a few ideas, but none of them have stuck. I'm going to write a few chapters before I start submitting them again.
  • [Story] Orbs of Prestige - This is my passion project nobody asked for. I'll submit it as I write it. 

Tier Changes

  • The Watcher tier will no longer include the longer videos (but still includes the short animations if I do one). Also, only Members and above will be included in the credits.

One of the things I noticed about myself while working on Son of a Witch, I do much better if I push through something one at a time. If I split my attention, everything involved suffers. And if I take a break from something, it's hard to get back into it. I want to work and finish big projects, not split my attention with a lot of medium ones (but I'll still do smaller ones like sequences and short comics). 

So, if you're subscribed to me only for one of the Other Projects, I apologize; it might be best to move to a free member and wait for me to update it before subscribing again. 




Does this imply that Son of a Witch will get another chapter after this one’s completed?


I do have ideas for it, but I want to finish this chapter before making an outline. Once I do, I'll add it to the monthly poll.