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Requested by Mr. Domino

And here we go. Mr. Domino and I have been coordinating a long-running comic. It's about a new genie getting used to her powers. Hope you'll like it.






For as long as he has the Premium membership, there will be two pages a month (or until he wants to use his pages for something else).


Ooh, now *this* interests me! Here's hoping that this first witch gets interpreted in some way that isn't too bad for the new genie—she's likely into girls, no strong reason why not, so this guy might *become* a girl she'd be interested in—but ultimately, this comic's looks to already be planned out. ("...getting used to her powers" does bode well, though.) Potential typo: "What what!" instead of "Wait what!" in the last panel

Mr. Domino

Hope you all enjoyed it! And yes, this is going, for as long as I can afford it, to be a continued series! Not to cross advertise, but if this something you want to see more of, feel free to contribute to my own Patreon page to toss in a few bucks towards keeping this going! But again, support theXtra first (or both of us if you can afford it!).

thextra (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-11 11:50:30 We've been working on the genie lore, a general outline for the next few pages, and the direction we want it to go. I hope we can keep it entertaining. witch -> wish ;P (thanks for pointing out the typo, I'll fix it)
2023-02-01 00:39:41 We've been working on the genie lore, a general outline for the next few pages, and the direction we want it to go. I hope we can keep it entertaining. witch -> wish ;P (thanks for pointing out the typo, I'll fix it)

We've been working on the genie lore, a general outline for the next few pages, and the direction we want it to go. I hope we can keep it entertaining. witch -> wish ;P (thanks for pointing out the typo, I'll fix it)