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Wow, okay we are kind of screwed on the Rem situation, aren't we?  The ability for Subaru to go back has made me comfortable with losing characters.  Not to mention, bad situations in general.  This goes to show that it won't always help though!  Once that reset point moves up, there's nothing you can do in some situations.  Gluttony is next up on the hit list, it would seem.  Also, maybe it's just me...  But Rem over Emilia...  Anyone else feel that way?  Lol, Emilia is great and all, but Rem's loyalty and passion for her man.  That's some real wife material there.



Reuben Filimaua

Petelgeuse apparently is the proper translation.. while Season 1 had the wrong one with "Betelgeuse." So Season 1 adapted three arcs. Petelgeuse the archbishop of Sloth was the main antagonist of the third arc. Satella, the Witch of Envy is the main witch we've mainly heard about for majority of the series so far. From what I heard from novel readers, season 1 cut out a conversation between Subaru and Rem where they basically are made aware of their feelings for each other. But Rem knows Subaru loves Emilia just as much. Maybe even more. So Rem proposed that she has no problem being Subaru's second wife, and they came to an agreement to have a poly relationship if Emilia agrees to it. So, to put an end to the waifu wars lol.. Subaru loves them both. That conversation is what Subaru was trying to bring up to Emilia in the first scene of this season. He was practically gonna ask her if she was okay to have a three way relationship. And knowing how naive and pure innocent Emilia is, I bet she'd have fainted haha. Also to make sense of the timeline, Rem's confrontation with the archbishops of Gluttony and Greed happened not long after they defeated the white whale. If we remember, they defeated the whale in episode 21. That's a loong time gap.. so there was no way Subaru was gonna make it with Return by Death after all that time had passed. Not to get too deep into timelines, I can't imagine how that iteration of Emila must've felt after Subaru killed himself. He just declared his love and devotion to be by her side not that long ago... only to find he has killed himself. Season 2 is goated. Can't wait to see your reactions