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Ended up losing power right at the end of my Re:Zero reaction... Man, I seriously hope it didn't corrupt the recording!! I've had issues in the past where my computer crashed mid-recording and it was fine. I hope that's the case with a full on power outage.
Posting from my phone now, but will update you guys when it's back on! Apologies if this sets me back a little on my schedule today! Fingers crossed it comes back on shortly here...



Rip, hopefully the loss should be pretty minimal, since it should be continuously writing to file every few seconds (video, particularly raw video takes up huge amounts of space, so it should quickly be encoded and then written to file frequently). Also it should be append only (which is more stable to events like this, since it doesn't overwrite data as it updates). Though it seems like it's still possible for OBS to corrupt recordings during loss of power. Though I wonder how much of those are just partially corrupt. Most people probably don't know how to open up a video file and examine the bytes and probably most video playing software doesn't enjoy eventually getting to corrupted data. There was one video file I had once, that had an error in the middle, and if would freeze the video output if it played over that 1 particular second, but if I paused it right before, and then skipped ahead a few seconds, it was totally fine. Just some programming thoughts I had on the topic, this is a pretty big deal (particularly for databases) in the software world.