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Well...  Sloth is a MAJOR PROBLEM.  I don't know exactly how he is able to transfer, or what conditions need to be met.  But,  the fact that he actually got into Subaru is a cause for concern!  Can he just jump into anyone at well?  Or, is it the book that allows him to transfer to others?  Wonder where this reset is going to put us...  I'm also wondering how exactly we are supposed to get rid of this guy!



Ayy, I finally caught up. (4:05): That's fine, it's probably more trouble then it's worth to try and break them up. Technically, you could also put them off a bit and watch Season 2 if the timing doesn't quite line up for you. For reference, the first OVA (Memory Snow) doesn't really have much relevance to the main plot, but it's still a fun watch. The 2nd OVA (the Frozen Bond) is much more relevant to Season 2, but really you could watch Season 2 episodes 1 through 4 without missing literally anything, and you don't miss much so long as you watch it before Season 2 Part 2 (starts with episode 14). Technically the they might be better watched after Season 2 Episode 1 (though I rarely recommend this ordering, since it's a lot more difficult to word suggestions, and it's so much easier to just say to watch it in release order). The point is, if it takes some extra time for them to come out, that's fine, if you watch a few episodes of Season 2 and then do the OVA's, that's fine as well. At the end of the day, the main story can be mostly understood without any of the side stories. (5:05): The anime cut out a fair bit here. It's mostly just Ram shit talking Wilhelm (and having a fight with him) and "If I had my horn, I would of wiped the floor with you" kinda of talk. Which probably would be true, since the author mentioned somewhere around this time period that Ram with her horn would of been the 2nd or 3rd most powerful person in Re:Zero and could of soloed the White Whale. Instead the anime just skips the extracurriculars, since they aren't that important. (7:00): You're not forgetting about something. That girl was never brought up again, after Ram mentioned that she disappeared at the end of episode 11. (12:34): I just want to say that Nect is super cool, I'll explain more later. (14:35): I just want to say that Felix literally dies here and presumably resurrected himself (cause he's just that good at healing). I don't know too much more how he did that, since Felix literally downplays it in the novels. Literally what he said in the novels was "I died once, that's all" (18:35): I think so too... Those mabeasts, especially not a horde of them shouldn't be a match for Petelgeuse. (22:35): This actually isn't the first time you've seen Petelgeuse take over Subaru. It also happened at the beginning of episode 18. Remember when Subaru mentioned that he was hearing the laughter of someone he hated? That was Petelgeuse laughing through Subaru. (25:40): I'm not super familiar with the mechanics of it, but it requires some future knowledge to talk about at all, so I won't mention my theories. (26:45): It's very long. There are 11 or 12 planned arcs. You're currently on arc 3. Currently the author is writing arc 8. This episode is the conclusion to volume 8, and Volume 36 was just released in Japan this month. There's a long way to go.


Oh I forgot to put the part about Ram and the flower stuff. So Ram can only use Wind magic, but the illusion that Subaru and the others experience is actually an attribute of a certain flowers pollen, and Ram is just using her Wind magic to spread that pollen, hence why she's holding the blue flower at the end of episode 22.