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Damn Priscilla, I didn't know you were like THAT??  Haha, I do feel bad for Subaru getting played.  But honestly, it's hard to expect much else from direct rivals of the person you're trying to help save.  Mimi terrifies me.  It's always the little ones that you have to watch out for...  I knew right away to be wary of her innocence, lol.  Though, I do approve of her love of cheeseburgers.  Wondering what exactly is going to happen with this creature at the end.  If it is in fact the whale.  Is it going to be a problem??




(25:40): So Subaru's phone still has charge because it's not a smart phone and so the battery actually lasts for multiple days at a time in normal usage, but also because Subaru has been turning off his phone for the most part, since it's pretty useless, since it doesn't have service. He basically only turns it on when he has a use for it, and it's off otherwise, so it's still got a little battery left. (28:00): I really love this ending, there's so much to look at. In the small pictures you're shown Emilia's day to day live while at the mansion. You have the outlines of all the characters (including Subaru with a huge smile), slowly scrolling by, and of course, the lyrics. (30:50): Yeah Subaru got played this whole episode. He just doesn't understand what other people are doing and is just assuming that they'll help him because "it's the right thing to do", completely ignoring the fact that his reputation is in the gutter, this royal selection stuff is a big deal (I mean, duh, they're literally going for the throne), and how risky it would be to help them. I mean if you're Crusch, how many of your friends and people you care about are acceptable losses while helping a rival for little tangible benefits to yourself. Not all that many, hence why she refuses to help. All Subaru has really done is show people that helping him is a high risk, low reward play.