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Welp, it was bound to happen sooner or later...  This one hit me in the feels.  Just that moment of realizing she was still alive and crawling toward him.  (I generally try to keep these vague just in case someone hasn't made it this far yet!)  Did we get a first glimpse of the actual witch here at the end??  That didn't look like a minion, but then again Betelgeuse was able to do some crazy things without even touching.  So, maybe it's just another Sin?



Totally slipped my mind that Roswaal wasn't at the mansion when this went down. I'm out here wondering what the heck he's doing and he's not even anywhere nearby, haha!


(1:00): Mic sounds good to me, though pretty much anything will sound good enough to me (though last episode maxing out the mic a bit was something that I did notice). (1:50): I basically never hear any of the background stuff. I think I've only noticed like once or twice in all of the episodes where I hear some background noise. (3:00): You'll eventually be able to piece together where Roswaal is during all of this, though the novels make it clearer. (3:35): There are some wild theories about Petra that this scene has fueled (ie, why only she got her eyes gouged out). (5:55): Yeah, Re:Zero is really good at manipulating the viewer and that's just one of the scenes where it does it really well, putting that brief though into the viewers head that he's gone all the way back. (7:15): Without getting into some potentially spoilery topics, yeah, it's stronger now then it was at this same time last loop. (10:30): There are flying dragons, which I think The Dragon is one of. I don't really recall and I don't really want to look it up, but I presume that flying dragons are harder to tame and are thus wild. But that's really just conjecture on my side. I'm sure it's in a side story somewhere something about the domestication of land dragons. (13:15): There's just a lot of them, you kill some of them but theres just too many of them. (14:35): Ok, so a minor correction here. His name is actually Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti. Sometime after Season 1 aired, Tappei in a tweet or a Q&A mentioned that he is specially Petelguese and not Betelgeuse for some plot reason (and we still don't know that plot reason to this day). So it's not really a mistranslation per se, but yeah, it's Petelgeuse and not Betelgeuse. (17:35): The voice actor for Petelgeuse is Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, who has voice a ton of characters, and most famously, Kirito from Sword Art Online. He is an absolute fantastic voice actor, and I think this is one of his best roles, considering how instantly recognized Petelgeuse is recognized as being insane. IIRC in an interview he actually said that he could of gone farther in his voice acting for Petelgeuse, but they actually told him to tone it down a little bit. (26:00): It should be noted that it's current Summer in the world of Re:Zero, snow isn't natural this time of year. (27:55): I thought the same thing when I first watched this episode as well. Glad I'm not Subaru. (29:30): Subaru's back and he is pissed. All of his despair has now turned into anger. (30:30): You've watched episode 18, so I can tell you, that it was Puck and it was also Puck that killed him at the beginning of the episode as well (you can actually recognize the voice actor, though it's a slightly different voice only used when Puck gets serious). (31:00): It gets everyone, it's a principle reason that Rem is probably the most popular character in Re:Zero, and make an absolute shit ton of money via Rem figures, which is one of the reasons I think that Re:Zero will eventually get a full adaption over the next 2 decades. (31:45): I like to call these cliffbottoms. You're not really hanging on the cliff waiting to see if you live or die, you already know he dies, you just don't don't know how you can avoid running off the cliff in the first place. (32:25): I agree. This is the first of the S tier episodes imo. It's one of the best episodes I've seen in all of TV. Just absolutely masterfully done, from the fantastic voice acting of Petelgeuse to the wonderful direction at the end with the fantastic OST Requiem of Silence playing, to the blood red credits rolling. Personally I have this at the bottom of my S tier, but only really because this episode isn't enhanced as much as the others in a rewatch and to be frank, a lot of it's impact comes from the shock value of everything in this episode, which is pretty reduced when you already know what's coming. But yeah, for a first time viewing, it's probably #1 or #2. A fun fact about this episode, when the director heard the Requiem of Silence, he immediately re-storyboarded the ending sequence to fit the music, which is a contrast, since usually they would adjust the music to fit what was already animated, but the director felt so strongly about the song that he retimed the scenes to better fit the music.