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Everyone's dead...  Literally EVERYONE IS DEAD!?  Straight up disbelief at the end here...  I feel like my brain overloaded, lol!  I do really appreciate Subaru as a character...  He's definitely not the cookie-cutter MC I thought he might be when initially going into this show!  At this point, we HAVE to do a reset, right?  There is just no other way I can see this going from here.  Especially with Rem's situation!



The quality isn't too terrible... Might just keep this one up. Still messing with my microphone audio though! Can't seem to get it just where I want it... It's getting close, just a bit too loud here!


(4:10): So Julius actually did Subaru a favor with his duel (and hence why Anastasia was against stopping the duel when she learned it was initiated by Julius). Basically the other knights were really pissed at Subaru after his remarks about them, and some of them were plotting to kill him, but Julius preempted that by "dueling Subaru to the death" and showed everyone how weak Subaru was, and made them feel bad for Subaru (and thus not kill him). Julius basically showed the other knights that Subaru was a nobody who wasn't to be taken seriously. (8:10): Yeah he really isn't. I actually really like how they did this scene, because you can really see Subaru still being salty and refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing (which is something that tends to happen in real people). (8:35): Everyone always comes around with Rem. (11:00): You can get excited about whatever you want. And confirmation of a long running theory (or having it be disproven) is plenty to get excited about. (11:20): It hasn't been mentioned yet, but it was mentioned in episode 19, which you've watched, so I can tell you it was about 400 years ago that the Witch of Envy was sealed. (11:40): "It's said that her body is that of a half-elf with silver hair" - Betty in Episode 8. (14:15): So some cut content about the whole gate healing stuff. Basically the way gate healing works (at least what Felix is doing) is by injecting their own Mana into Subaru's body so that it can accelerate the healing process. Now injecting your Mana is sort of like soul merging, and thus you can sort of brainwash people by injecting your Mana into their brain, which is what Felix was also doing to Subaru. Anyways, Rem walked in on a healing session and saw what Felix was doing (since Rem also uses Water Magic) and confronted Felix, who admitted to trying to brainwash Subaru, and from then on, Rem was to be present at all healing sessions and it wasn't a problem again. (17:35): Probably not, Wilhelm used to be the strongest swordsman in the world. In fact, Subaru could probably dedicate his entire life to the sword and still never be able to touch Wilhelm. (19:30): You're 100% spot on. Subaru is super excited to have Emilia be in trouble, so that he can swoop in and save her, and get back in her good graces. Which isn't a very wholesome attitude to have. (21:15): I should probably mention that Felix really hates weak people and since he's judged Subaru to be weak (from the whole royal selection thing), he kinda hates Subaru as well. Also Felix is a knight as well, so he wasn't a fan of Subaru's knight spiel. He is only helping because Crush told him to help (as per her contract with Emilia) (25:20): Felix is his official name. Felis, or Ferris, or Feris are all different translations of his nickname that Crush sometimes uses instead of Felix. (28:20): You're right, but Subaru's ego isn't ready to hear stuff like that. Subaru's mental state is pretty volatile at the current moment, and is basically snap dividing people into with me, or against me. And by leaving Subaru, Rem isn't immediately helping Subaru, so she much be against him as well. That's basically what's going through Subaru's mind at the current moment. Not a very healthy way to look at things. (30:30): Subaru has been running for a while. Good thing he works out, otherwise he might not be able to run that much. (31:25): This is actually another Myth & Roid song called "Theatre D". It's got some interesting lyrics and reminds me of Hotel California. (36:35): You're 100% spot on. Now that you've started Arc 3, you can start to see some real despair.