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A backstory on these two was not at all what I expected going into this episode!  It actually had me slightly nervous that one of them wasn't going to make it out of this episode, haha.  Extremely interested with what Roswaal was discussing at the end there, though!   (Still working on getting the video quality better!  It's a process that'll take a few videos to figure out exactly where I want it!)



I haven't watched your reaction yet (and it might take me a few days to get there), but you should know that there's a month timeskip after this episode that isn't really mentioned.


@baseballlover723 - Haha, wow! That's so weird that you mentioned this before watching... Because I randomly decided to talk about time skips in this episode. Though, I was talking about fairly big time skips. Thank you for the heads up! Seems like a good place to put one, as it feels like this little arc has closed off nicely now. (Also, oops... Meant to actually reply to your comment lol.)


(9:00): Yep Rem is the one who is better at all of the household tasks, as well as magic and combat in the present day. (11:15): Good question, unfortunately we can't really talk about it now, since you currently don't know anything about the attackers. (19:35): Nah, Roswaal was flying around trying to find Subaru and found him because when Subaru used Shamac, it created a big plum of like smoke stuff, which led Roswaal right to them. (28:40): Recall that the Dragon is the entity that essentially founded the kingdom (the one who formed the covenant with the royal family to protect the kingdom). So having a goal to kill the thing that's been protecting the country for a long long time is like really mind boggling. (30:30): Acronyms don't translate very well. It's "Emilia-tan Maji Fairy". "Maji" is a word for "Seriously" or "Really", so it's more accurately translated as something like "Emilia is really a Fairy", but then it wouldn't really line up with EMF anymore. (32:40): Every night Roswaal pour his own Mana into Ram's remnant of a horn (technically there's a little bit left, but it's more or less non functional (hence why Ram ran out of Magic so quickly)). Basically the Oni need to gather Mana to live (and use magic) and normally they do that via their horn absorbing it from the atmosphere, but Ram can't do that since her horn is broken, so she's pretty dependent on Roswaal (or any strong mage capable of transferring Mana) to live. Some background on Rem and Ram's childhood stuff. Basically the reason that the Oni hate twins are because they think that twins split the power of a regular Oni, so instead of a singular regular powered Oni, you get two half powered Oni (IIRC there are actually some cultures with thinking similar to this). So the Oni kill twins on birth since they're weak. The only reason that Rem and Ram weren't killed, was because Ram's power was so great that it was worth sparing. How great was Ram? Incredibly powerful, and not just for a twin, she was considerably more powerful then the other Oni. To give you an idea of how powerful she might of been, I think it's probably in the range of, "Ram could of soloed a small nation". There are some wild theories that I've heard a bit of about regarding child Rem and Ram, and I won't mention them because of spoilers, but man are they crazy wild. Anyways, I think this gives some more context to why Rem feels so inadequate about just being alive in the first place.