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WOW!  Best episode yet, and we're only 3 episodes in!  I am absolutely stunned that an episode of this quality was put at the beginning of the show...  This is the kind of thing most shows would keep for the end.  Straight fire.  Also...  ACQUIRE REINHARD NOW!  He NEEDS to be a part of our group.  He's too overpowered.  We would destroy anything and everything easily.  Just do it.  Subaru, please...



(2:05): They rarely play the opening or endings (at least with the visuals). There are only 3 / 50 episodes that have both an OP and ED with visuals (2 (though the ED here has a different set of visuals), 10, 20). Every other episode either skips the OP or ED entirely, or has it play over a scene. I'm a bit foggy on the exact number, but there's only like 35 OP or ED sequences out of a normal 100 (2 for every episode), which is pretty insane to me, I'm not aware of any other shows that so frequently skip the OPs and EDs. (2:35): Technically they're always canonically blue. I think it's just a way to make it a bit easier to tell whose using what magic, though it's not really consistent in the anime. (3:30): I really enjoy it when reactors theorize. Obviously I won't tell you if you're wrong or right (though maybe I might correct you if you say something blatantly incorrect (that is easily proven by stuff you've already seen), or if you have a blatant error in your logic) so I probably will just skip commenting on any of them, but keep them coming. Good theorizing will be rewarded (and will help you better understand what's going on). (5:55): I'll explain some stuff about magic later when it comes up in the show. (12:35): I did some sleuthing, and it seems like it's a reference to Metal Gear Solid V or something (basically it was some other characters war cry). So it really doesn't have a meaning. (15:40): That you have :). It always feels good to have you're predictions come true. (18:35): Correct, many reactors just assume that Reinhard just chooses not to use the sword, despite it being pretty clear that it's not really Reinhard's choice.