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This was a random little thing, was really inspired by Delta rune, and i recently started to do pixel art. SO wanted to do alittle fake rpg animation. xD music is from Deltarune and same with the sound effects. The monster is the nurse from Dead by Deadlight, and the Ghosty is ma friend Chesy xD


Fake RPG

THis was just a random RPG idea, was really inspired by deltarune and i recently started to do pixel art, so i wanted to make quick little animation. Music is from deltarune, the monster is the nurse from dead by deadlight lol.



Mama nurse is immune to chesy 😌 she's so powerful


Oh, seeing something like this is nice. It must have taken you awhile to do. Thank you for posting it.

Reginald Turner

Did you see the picture of the bear I made you on Twitter ?