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Ohhhh.. In general, this period in the month allotted for the update was extraordinary. 

  • Birthday.
  • The disease is apparently coronavirus, again... 
  • Moved into a new apartment, because the one I used to live in, they decided to sell.
  • Endless procedures related to my illness. Which take a lot of time.

And now this war.... Which takes away all motivation and all thoughts concerning development... It is worth saying that, "thank all the gods", this concerns me only indirectly, since I live in Kazakhstan on the border with Russia, but it's still terrible, I think you will understand me. [I won't go into details]

In this regard, some of the planned things I did not have time to implement, go into the roadmap of the future update. I hope that all this will end soon, and everyone will be safe, peace to all of you.

No war!
Thank you for your support ❤️


Update 01.03.2022 {Director 's version}



Estoy contigo, No a la guerra. parece mentira que esto este sucediendo en el 2022, es de locos y es preocupante ya que afectara a todo el planeta.


Sobre este video, muy buenas animaciones, felicidades buen trabajo. Con muchas ganas de probar tu juego