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Thank you all for all the concern you've had. I have read your messages and DMs and I have been touched by your support. I had a difficult time and feeling you were there and having the people close to me helping did a lot. Special thanks to Desmond and Hark for keeping the server afloat, answering questions and helping sort this. 

I have a complete essay on what's happening down here but here is the short version: 

I was a bit sick, I ended in dept I had to finance my way out. I had to adapt and heal from the burnout but I didn't want to stop working on KK so I dedicated my time to study. I've now become more powerful than you can possibly imagine (but with better work ethics) and I need to implement some changes on Patreon to simplify things.

Where were you!? :'0

Back in June I had a small medical intervention. There was no major risk but I was tired, I didn't sleep well and I was overloaded with stress. I wasn't taking care of myself and the recovery didn't go very well. So I had to go to the hospital and I was fine afterwards. But I was burnt-out and I had a huge expense that I needed to pay. So I had to take a break and reorganize my life, find a way to save money and get extra income for a while.

What have you been doing all this time?

After moving and getting stuff more or less in line, I tried working on KK during spare times. Unfortunately I had become extremely neurotic to the point that my relation with KK had become strenuous and paranoid. I recognized I needed to heal. I had focused only on producing and didn't care about my health. So seeing how things were moving on and I wasn't, I decided to focus on learning as much as I could. I got very in depth with Blender, character creation, female anatomy, materials, geometry nodes, clothes simulation, Maya, Marvelous Designer, Substance, Zbrush, etc. a ton of stuff that I'm still learning but I've also already incorporated into the KK workflow. It took me longer that I expected but at this point I feel there is a change and I've come to realize our Patreon also needs some changes.

What changes will there be?

No more schedule on character releases. So far, to guarantee we had 4ish characters per month, we had a very convoluted and time-consuming process to estimate and control the workload. But it wastes a lot of time, it adds a constraint on how much time I have per character and it restrains your options. I'd rather just have you vote, work on the character until they're really good and then decide what is Deluxe or Regular based on how much I worked on it.

I'm tired of feeling that I have to consider a portion of an audience who equates creating our own assets to taking assets and porting them. And this is not a critique on creators who do it. If it's properly credited and it's free to use, I do it to. But incidentally or not, we rarely use existing assets and it's really demotivating when some people choose super challenging characters like Loona and then pressure me about other creators doing a Capcom character faster. ¬ n ¬

So I would prefer to take the time I need to make characters, and if you incidentally choose easy characters with assets, then they'll incidentally be done quickly. And if you incidentally don't, they'll incidentally take the necessary time.

I don't think we need Envoy and Minister. I wish I could only have Kimochi but I know some of you would prefer to keep a lower tier so I might just fuse Envoy and Minister. I would also love to have a new tier in the future for a different kind of work.

I've been trying to develop my own style over these months. I really like recreating characters as a way of paying homage to the classics, but I also wish I could incorporate my own standards and perchance create my own characters. And I would love to present work that goes outside of KK too without abandoning it but incorporating all.

Dispelling myths

No, I'm not dead. No, I didn't abandon KK. Yes, I have been working most of this time, No, I didn't escape to Dubai with the billions and billions of dollars from Patreon, laughing evilly from the top of Khalifa tower while drinking a dirty Manhattan that my newly married - but very plastic - wife had poisoned so I would die and she could get her hands on the sweet sweet Patreon revenue.

So what now?

Now there are many things I have planned.

  • Revamp the info and look of our Patreon
  • Finish a couple of character and release as soon as I'm done with thumbnails, clipping, etc.

  • Finish the rest of the character in time and with good quality, specially for those that require complex headmods

  • Halloween Polls and Halloween releases ;3
  • Maybe we'll get a little crazy????

  • I would love to do something for Christmas too and
  • Reinterpret characters that - in my opinion - urgently need high quality updates by the end of December

In conclusion

I'm glad to be back with lots of energy and ideas. I really love doing the naked lady. I feel very fortunate to have you guys supporting me and that has taken me a step forwards again. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much. Get ready for the next releases and polls ;3

If you have any comment or question, please let me know. I'll try to answer your doubts as soon as I can. Here or on Discord is fine.

(> w o)d




Good to see you back in action! And glad to know you're doing good!

Charly Hughes

Looking forward to jenny! I think cocos hair could use a rework too but I can just rip it from one of the new games otherwise. You're works always quality dude!


Glad to see you're back, Mr D! Also is that TV woman from Skibidi Toilet? Hell yeah, what a based entry!


Glad to see you're doing good, bud.

Som Luzur

Yay! Glad to hear you've recovered! Question: You mentioned bringing your own style to your future models. I do love spinoffs of characters, but I'd like to know if you plan to add your style to the girls' faces/bodies or their clothes or both. And if so, will you also be doing their classic versions?


I'd do it from time to time, not that often since it requires some extra work. That means doing the headmod, the body and different attires. I'll probably be focusing on updates for now. ;3

Hark Indeed

Thank you for finally doing a public address, I respect the tenacity.


My god! He's back babyyy!! Welcome back :)


Thanks for all the faps you bring. Keep takeing care of your mental health first for our sake too.