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Didn't really think about the dynamic poses of her hair in the comics and have been working with impossible geometry for days. I had to come to a compromise with it but I still want to work on her a little more tomorrow before releasing.

I'm not entirely sure this is Stacey TBH. I might be wrong, you can correct me in the comments. I thought the FBI agent was Stacey... anyways, tell me what you think and I'll be working on it.

On a different note, I am still reworking Ashley as I'm working on everything else. I'm going through different versions of her head. It's rigorous but it's the only way XD.




bob earl

It's damn near close, but its missing something. Maybe more detail? More realistic proportions? Maybe more smug? Idk but it's going in the right direction

Antonio B.

Unexpected, but I do like where this is going. : 3

Adren Bailey

Whatever happen to shadman anyway?


damn come here like every hours to check if he have posted her yet...