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Sorry for the small delay, I've been chekcing the numbers and this might be a bit difficult one to decide. Remember to vote for all your favourite characters. Only one shall win in the end though. So it's time to vote!

Don't forget the Runner-ups (Exclusive) polls will be soon coming soon too. ;3





no more furry please xd :(


Go Ariana!

Riley Renamon

Hoping Amy wins this since what I voted for didn't get in


Come on. We beat that hedgehog once, we can beat it again @ Besides, there is a bunch of hedgehog cards already.


Never voted for ariana grande before but it's my only choice now lol

Hark Indeed

Vote for funny family guy


An Amy the Hedgehog card has been posted on discord, so anyone who wants to grab this card, https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/238819 , and change their vote, feel free to do so :p

Daniel O.

As good as it is, I want to see how Mr.D's version comes out if she wins. I'll keep my vote. The one posted in the discord could be a bit more accurate.


I think anyone still under 60 or 70 votes at this point should consider changing so it’s not wasted

Levi VonMarx

Its always the sonic fans that come out of the woodwork. I say Mr. Del should just do the entire sonic main cast in one go so they're satisfied.

Daniel O.

I don't object to that. I'm always down for some Sonic girls. And it seems like there's a bunch of people who are dissatisfied with the current poll. I'm not sure how much work goes into each head mod, but if it's possible for one a month or so, it could work maybe? Just a thought. Then again, there are a LOT of Sonic girls.

Levi VonMarx

Given how lop sided the polls can become. Why not a divide: "human" works, and "non human works" Maybe you already do this but I think given your community is very mixed. Separating this helps both communities openly vote on what they want to see. My point being. Not many people who are non human voters will vote in your non human polls. Vice versa. I think this will help quell the "divide" that you see in some of your polls vs mixing them


Maybe not a divide per-se but an occasional poll that is exclusively non-furry? Tho to be honest furry doesn't bother me much. Just not a sonic fan