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It's been 2 years since I first had my first patron around this day. It's been a journey of learning a lot. I really wanted to do something special but I honestly could only think of doing an extra poll for this month with characters selected by our oldest members and the winners of the Easter Hunt for you.

I had intentions of making a character for each of our most ancient patrons but that would've been too ambitious and I would've probably died so I had to scale down a bit. XD

I gave the option to the chosen ones to support a choice instead of suggesting another character, so there is one character with a multiplier: for every vote Julia Harvey gets, 2 will be counted. That should be interesting. :3

Thanks for all the support, thanks for your patience with the surveys XD, with gibbot... I'm really glad I'm doing naked ladees for you. It may seem odd to say, but I'm really glad to. All of you have always been incredibly supportive throughout the years through whatever means you can, through your comments, with your moral support, sometimes even with your friendship.

It makes me a very very lucky and happy foxy and - I've said it before - I think the best way to show my appreciation back is to work the best I can for you. I'll keep doing it as I've done it throughout the past years. I'm glad to have such an awesome community around. Thank you very much for all! :3

Time to vote!
( U w U)d



All these characters are great but after looking through thousands of cards I couldn't find a good Lois Griffin from Family Guy or Leela and Amy Wong from Futurama @ I thought they would be easy to find but I guess there just isn't any love for the classics :(


Jasmine definitely need a update.

Rikou Hogashi

Seems Julia is in a Porn comic seems like cheating but why the heck is she so popular?!


No good cards of Noodle either.

Farlun Ceyric

Can we get Pocahontas one day? :3

Rikou Hogashi

We got a voting war everyone! like i said whats with the popularity of Julia?!

Rikou Hogashi

yeah tho not by mutch but she's essentualy my oldest animated crush and the sexiest of all the disney princesses in my eyes imho the live action reboot did her too realistly dirty imho


Guys, instead of nitpicking who is doing better, how about being happy for whomever wins? Because even if my pick doesn't win I know Mr. D will get to her one day. Sour grapes doesn't make anything better.


But I'm here to tell you now each and every mother's son You better learn it fast, you better learn it young 'Cause someday never comes


Jasmine, another already done character. What a waste!!!


Mr Delegado has improved so much since he started and the release of Jasmine and Nani, I mean he has improved A LOT! So of course I want to see what he can do with Jasmine and Nani now as they were the two of the three characters he released that brought me to his patreon in the first place.