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Disclaimer 1: All models and characters provided in every download available in this post and on this Patreon page are fictional works of art simulating characters that are at least 18 years of age or older.

Disclaimer 2: The files and images contained in this download and post are sexually oriented adult material intended for individuals 18 years of age or older. If you are not yet 18, if adult material offends you, or if you are accessing this site from any country or locale where adult material is prohibited by law, PLEASE LEAVE NOW! If you understand and accept these terms, you may DOWNLOAD.

I spent years doing Lola (kinda). This is a special release, it's essentially what I had envisioned and failed to deliver years ago:

It marks the culmination of what I expected from this wonderful KK adventure we've embarked together. It's actually really cool for me to see we've been together for so long and that you guys actually believed I was going to be able to deliver on my INSANE promises. Thinking back to the day I said we'd have a Lola headmod, I can't believe I had no clue if it was even possible. I thought it was impossible as a matter of fact. But here we are. You believing in me, has to be the greatest catalyst for growth :3. Deep thank yous :3

---------------------------------Now get me some eggs! :3------------------------------------

We're getting close to my 2 year anniversary as a fox-person-thing. I wanted to make something special and if you want to participate in it you're welcome, otherwise you can skip all of this xD.

I'm making (with Frankie) a special Bonus poll in the near future. A whatever-you-want kind of poll. Only 10 characters will be placed in the poll. 5 will be chosen by my most loyal patrons, and 5 by those who can bring me some egg. BUT NOT ANY EGG. it must be a specific egg.png that you must DM me on Discord before the 16th of April. It should be easy.

You need a hint? IDK maybe use Gib: LolaBunny to get the .txt file with a hint. Though you may not need it.

How!?!?!?!??!: Like this!

I CAN'T SEE THE CHANNEL!!!: Integrate your Discord account by connecting HERE.

d( > w o )/

---------------------- About GIB-BOT, the meaning of life and such ------------------------

i've been thinking of using Gib-bot to deliver a password. Simple as that. You get the files, you get the password. End of Story X3

But I know some of you haven't integrated to Discord, and honestly, some of you might be ULTRA CONFUSED. so I couldn't do that just now, it would've been chaos. Im unsure of the future of Gib-bot. It could be great, or it could be a total failure XD. We'll have to see. If anything, Gib-bot might have some cool features for you, so you don't have to look for old stuff or I could use it for extra early releases, more hunts (if you like them :3), idk. Consider joinning Discord if you can. :3

---------------------------------------- That's it, enjoy! -----------------------------------------


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you got Lola before April, 4, make sure to update her card and headmod. There was an issue with the manifest and Headmod09.  If you have this issue, make sure to download the updated files and replace Lola's headmod on your mods folder. 

Update: I updated her headmod so that her eyebrows would be a separate entity that you can edit (colorwise) in the Eyebrow section. This also allows for more combination of expressions. I also corrected a couple of expressions that were not showing before:

( ô w ô )

Available too  on Discord with Gibbot:

Gib: LolaBunny




You deserve a cookie!

Daniel O.

I wouldn't say you "failed" years ago. I love them both.


DAMN! Shes looking so much improved! great job.


Idk how but after downloading the mods for Lola it messed with Spider‐Gwen headmod. I tried redownloading Gwen's mods but they're still messed up. Any suggestions?


Problem was solved yesterday. Try downloading again the files for Lola :3. If you still have issues try contacting me on Discord.


Gwen still completely broken for me after lola mods


after updating her hair is stuck facing up. Is there a a way i can fix this because it may be on my end.

Dr. Gabe

I'm struggling with updated Lola for some reason. The original card still works fine, and I've yet to have any issues with Gwen like some others, but the latest version of best bunny loads as a horrifying monster with several facial features missing. I've re-downloaded the card and mods several times, but it hasn't seemed to help rid me of this nightmarish abomination, which is a tragedy because she looks goddamn gorgeous in your preview images. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? I'm going to assume I've fugged up somehow, rather than it being any fault of yours.


I have a couple of ideas but please, if you can DM on Discord and send me some images so I can help you better ;3 EDIT: Issue was solved by downloading the card again from the link provided in the .rar.

Dr. Gabe

Sent you a quick DM on here about that. (Seriously appreciate both the speed with which you responded and the fact that you don't seem to mind helping personally, by the way! Very much makes me proud to be a Patron.)