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I've read your comments about hentai/anime business... I guess it's time for another survey soon. :P However it wasn't really clear who's going to win so hold your Berserk horses there for a moment. This is where we see who truly wins.

I concluded the elimination round early becase I think it's clear who wasn't gonna make it to this poll. Doesn't mean I'll be executing all the losing suggestions either. Anyways, it's time for you to decide who's the ultimate winner of this poll for this month!!!

Voting time!!!

( ノ^ω^)ノ゚


Ultra Power

Can I just say that the argument of “they’re to relevant to be fair” is kind of silly? Like, if people like the character, they like the character. If it’s from something recent, it’s from something recent. That’s hardly an excuse to bar people from wanting Delgado to do them.


It's more that they outta be in their own category. That way they aren't competing directly with our childhood favorites and the flavor of the month.

Rikou Hogashi

like Seperateing them into Eras would help too also if your reffering to my arguments i go into ferther detail than just relevancy i look at it in all angles like how their outfits would look like on other girls/women and the like and the effort needed to create said outfits due to the unique aspect of each girl/woman the cosplay potencial in this game is nearly unmatched

Ultra Power

I think it’s just unnecessary. Like don’t get me wrong I have unlikely characters I’d rather have too but the point of this isn’t to get every single child hood favorite. I dunno it just seems like people don’t understand what majority means

Rikou Hogashi

its just trying to make things less predictable of a winner to encourage more votes to other characters other than being disheatened when flavor of the day keeps winning otherwise whats the point


I agree if it's a foregone conclusion who are going to be the most popular, why even have a vote? Sometimes it's not even close.