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We've been working for almost 2 months on Krystal. When I started working on her I didn't think it would be such a big deal to make a foxy headmod but boiii was I wrong. The workload that has come with this project stems from having to do a headmod  that has very little resemblance to the base head. Simply put, there was no way to cut coners. After sculpting her face and teeth, we were left with a mesh that just doesn't work. XD And we've had to do every expressions, fix bones, fix UVs, etc. It's been the hardest mod ever.

Fortunately, I've been getting a lot of help from FrankiePasta to do this. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be close to finishing. We've been working on all expresisons but also with the combination of expressions between different parts of the mesh which makes for hundreds and hundreds of keyframes to work on and a substantial bone nightmare 

T n T ¬u¬  T n T

We're now at the point that she's starting to come together and I'm super glad to be able to show you our progress. There are still some issues with the headmod atm. We managed to work on most expressions but we need to finish the combos with the tongue, teeth and eyes, which will take us a little while (that's why I called this a WIP instead of the usual :P). We also need to finish fixing bones and test it a little bit. Thankfully, I'm almost done with the rest of the mods. There are gonna be 10 extra mods just because of all the little pieces and things Krystal has.  But with that out of the way I can focus on finishing her face.

Here is a rotating gif:

I know it's been a long time of work. A long time wondering what's up with Krystal. A long time of uncertainty and pain XD, but it's gonna be worth it I think. I ask of you just a little bit of patience so we can finish this and go with the next Deluxe release; which is....... Ratchet (!?)... it's sure gonna be EZ (I'm beings sarcasms XD).  Of course, I'll try splitting my time with the regular releases so I'll be working on ... [Me checks polls]... Wendy Curdoroy (!?)...  XD why must you chose the hardest stuff!? XD

So I hope to get your opinions. I know I'm missing her tiara and like a headband, but if you have anything to comment, let me know, I always try to do whatever you tell me to :P, And super mega thanks to FrankiePasta, he's super chill about helping me out. I think it's fair he takes - at least - credit for helping me so much. This is his work as much as it is mine. He's not asking for anything and it's super amazing work that he's doing. I'll be giving it all to finish a s soon as I can ;3



Daniel O.

So far this looks fantastic! Looking forward to the finished model.

Vriz X7

Thanks for the sheer effort with this! Pushing the limit of what's possible with character creation and it's looking like it's well worth the effort!

Adren Bailey

Are you going to add the outfit from Starfox Assualt?