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This knee used to be good, it really was good  You wouldn't guess it after 2020, but it's true. Not perfect but, who is? No one is perfect. We've all had that talented friend that once in a while would say some horribly anti-semitic slurr at some point in our lives and we'd go like: "Jesus, Meekey, wtf was that!?"  Those were the times. U u U

Do you love This Knee too?!?  I'm almost finished working on Mulan. Easily, one of the best This Knee movies. I have been mainly focusing on her face which has been a bit challenging to do in KK. I fortunately am using past headmods as a basis and it has come in handy but it needs a little extra work to be done.

Her dress or hanfu thingy has given me trouble too but I'll finish fixing it later. I think I would like to add another hair accessory that I have been making. I personally recognise Mulan with her hair tied up (although she does show many styles :P) ... and Ling - of course - but Ling is just a bun so maybe that's not as critical XD. Let me know what you think.

I know it's been a long time working on her, I'm sorry. It's not all been technical difficulties in all honesty. All month I've had to deal wiith fiscal stuff because my fiscal situation is unique. Without being specific, I have to respond to 3 tax authorities. So besides the time I spend talking with accountants and lawyers - I gotta say- it has also been - emotionally -  quite.... taxing

But don't worry to much. If I'm talking about this now, it's because I think things will be solved soon U u U. I'm trying to focus as best I can now and I hope I'll be done with Mulan really soon :3

Thanks for reading all that X3

(Also, extra points if you can find Winnie Pooh)




I am not a big fan of mulan. But DAMN Mr.Delegado the quality of her face is INCREDIBLE! 🤯


Hehe I am a fan of Mulan but was happy with the Mulan I had but hey this is one i'm looking forward to! Glad she's being made!