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I'm finishing Honey Lemon. It took me much longer than I initially planned because I wanted to add some extra detail to bring Honey Lemon to life. It's a character that already has a ton of details in its design so I had to add many mods and try to make them all work together. Besides having a bag - which already complicates stuff - what I wanted was to add some cool "extra functions" to her suit that Hiro migh've forgotten to add (or maybe not, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ). It took quite a while but it's looking decent now:

Besides that, there is alot of work put on her face maps. Details, lines, normals, overlays, etc. I just want to make some corrections, work her hair (which is done from scratch) - so that you can remove the helmet like in other of our masked releases -  and maybe add a couple extra piece if I got time.

I did't find I needed to do much with the textrues on her armor since it doesn't have much or any detail (I believe the color maps are the craziest maps on this one) but i did remake the inner parts and tried adding as much as possible into our release:

I'll be working on Honey Lemon probably one or two days and release her but I wanna know your opinions ;3

Apart from that, I'm already working on Samus. I've been working on the outfit and I ended up remaking her suit by doing some UV cuts onto a KK bodysuit which is not what I wanted (because it takes more times) but it works better in KK, so whatever. It's more work but the end result is always better. 

I've been a bit absent these days - specially after Halloween - the schedule might have changed a bit and there have been some new challenges arising. If you don't find me online that's because I'm trying to get on schedule super hard XD. Alhtough I think it's worth taking a litte extra time to increase quality of the releases too ;3 

U w U




Honestly, she looks amazing.