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Lists are getting bigger every day. Awesome! :3

Since lists are growing at a healthy tumoral pase I'm getting concerned that they are so big it becomes tedious to vote in the future. So to keep some control, I'd probably reserve those characters who show to be very niche in several polls so the polls have a manageable number of candidates. But let me know what you think! If you mind or not having 30, 50, 100 characters per list. You tell me I also wanna get your opinion on that.

Besides this, I may not include every character from applications that include every characters in a series/franchise from the get go xD - like Kim Possible and Jojo's for instance...

I appreciate the passion you got for your series but I need to have some control or you'll go wild and become goats and carry the parrot of shame on your shoulder forever!!! It's true. So I'm adding those characters who are the most popular per series first to see what goes on.

Hope you're having an awesome Christmasy time with your familiy and friend and getting some hot cocoa with marshma- TIME TO VOTE FOR NAKED LADY!!!!




Damn I wish I could vote for more than one


I really hope Pacifica wins the Bigdad style ist just awsome


Future polls will have multichoice enabled, don't worry. This was an exception : P


Difficult choice but I had to go with Velma, even though I feel like she ain't got a chance.

Hark Indeed

A good velma card would be nice too