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Remember you can repeat votes since the hiring polls are getting really big and we are just a few members.

Someone suggested in the survey we should do runner-up polls, I think this is a brilliant idea that we haven't really implemented because of Halloween. This falls in the hands of the Supreme Kimochi Council. It falls upon them to take this decision next week on the Deluxe/Exclusive Poll! So let's see!

Hope to see more of you participating in the survey!

Also, thanks for filling so many applications on Discord this week : D



Holy goddamn this is gonna be a tough decision 😤


I think u forgot to add Coco bandicoot (Bigdad ) version :0


Oh no! I did forget her. Don't worry, I think this month I'll be opening a new NSH poll. I'll add her to the Discord list. But just to make it fair, If there is a runner-up poll, I'll put her there to give her a chance.


No way! Lola is the hardest! xD! If she wins, I'm gonna have a hard time doing those bunny cheeks! :'''D


Judy is gaining on her, so you never know. Regardless, I'm certain everyone will be pleased with your output. You handle characters like this amazingly.