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Thanks for your messages on Discord! I'm back now and it's time to vote!

Checking Discord I noticed there were still not enough entries on the Comics Applications. I saw however many entries on the Anime Applications which made me glad. I hope to see more of you guys daring to put your chracter requests  ;)

I have to say that some of those applications are out there already in several (hundreds, in some cases) different iterations. I'm not entirely sure of what to do of them so I'm gonna add them just to see how they do in this poll. I have some ideas but I wanna know how much you like them. Bulma is a particularly interesting choice of character to do a Deluxe version of BTW.

Remember to vote for your favoriteS,



Max Steel

Will Poison Ivy be her normal appearance or her 2019 Harley Quinn appearance? Same with Catwoman?


I feel more inclined for Bruce Timm's versions (or JLA for Poision Ivy) but if they win we'll probably do a small poll to decide which version!

Max Steel

Thank you, your answer made me vote them as I want both their Harley Quinn (2019) designs as their other designs have mostly been done to death.


Can I still give requests even after you made the poll? Like for future polls maybe?


Of course! The Discord channels for applications are always open, no matter at what stage of the votations we might be in. ;)

Mecha Cake

Catwoman <3


This has been a very close match. I had never seen a quadruple tie. But it seems Hex might win this one. Remember, runner ups will come back if the Supreme Council of Kimochis decides upon that on next week's poll! ;)