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Last time Hekapoo (Star vs. the Forces of Evil) won the poll and the second place wasn't clear really so here goes the last Halloween Poll to decide on the next and final character creation for this spooooky month!

I took away the least popular options again and added your suggestions from Discord! Again, Star Butterfly is here. And ag en, I just want to clarify - in case there was any confusion - I'm talking about Shadow Queen purple-thiccaf-crazy-hair-girl and not evil Peach.

(Anxiety about my future keeps me awake at nights... rwelly squerry!!!)  ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿  



Raim is on here twice


Star have to win.😍


You're lying, I didn't put her twice... You're tearing me apart Starock!!! (وT ωTو) JK. I promised I'd put her name correctly this time and I put her twice because... I was too tired to realize the errors in my ways! I'll be more careful next time! Anyways, if anyone wants to double vote Raim it's fine, and any option will be fine, it won't affect the validity of this process... and your names appear in the list so you better not be naughty. (=ↀωↀ=)

Hark Indeed

Hmmm, Shadow Queen or Star?


I think it's gonna be Shadow Queen