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Finally we'll soon finish this month with a great addition to the collection of Mario girls. Pauline has had it's light mainly for having a greater p̵a̵i̵r̵ ̵o̵f̵ ̵ personality than the rest of the girls. I mean, have you seen that personality overflowing from her!?

... bursting - with personality.

Woke up pretty early this morning to get that dress working. It's essentially done but I still have to do some work on checking it doesn't look odd in different positions and such but it's looking nice up to now. What do you think?

I'll be adding some extra outfits as always. I already have in mind adding that tennis outfit and recreate her outfit from Mario World for school but maybe keeping it simpler to have time to have everything else looking nice!

So yeah. I hope you liked all previous releases of the month and are happy with our dynamic of poles and decision-making. You can always come and tell me what you think!





I love Pauline! :D Can't wait to see your take on her.