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Remember that one time in that episode when Diana, Supergirl, Powergirl and Star were like, "we like... really REALLY want some ice cream"?... and then some random dude handed them some ice cream and they ate the ice cream?... Yeh, that was also the highlight of my childhood.

Results are in and the tie has been broken! There was a tie between DC/Marvel and 'This Knee' but in the end those DC/Marvel fans totally won by showing their true passion for those sweet good ol' chirpy superheroine tits.

(Photoshop skills, man... Art School is paying itself)  

I noticed that votes were not very mixed in terms of design interests. Essentially, those who voted for DC/Marvel were really adamant about their decision and rarely voted for another choice- 'This Knee'. And the same went for those who voted for a more dynamic/cartooney style... rarely voted for another choice- 'This Knee'.

So seeing this, next month I will focus on DC/Marvel but I will also try to keep it mixed for you guys and the following month I'll probably work with a more dynamic style but also keeping it mixed if that is ok for you guys :3

I'm glad you decided to participate. We have a good amount of superheroines suggestions on Discord to be done for next month which is excellent. So yeah, thanks for paritcipating, and stay tuned for upcoming polls and releases.


(Also, the artist from the main image is R_ex if you want to check him out:  http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/D-rex/profile/page/all )



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