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How to add an entry:

Go to Discord!

Use the Menu to select where and how to post your entry. Just make sure to have an image URL, select the relevant option and fill in the necessary fields.

Consider reactions are important, so don't forget to react with an emoji to any entries you like so we know which ones should end in the polls.

Only the most popular entries will end in the Selection/Elimination polls every month. This month only Cartoons/Comics/Movies will be open and will close at some point so hurry and post your entries now. Go crazy. Make me proud! :'3

I don't understand! What's going on!?!?! :'0

From February 2023 we changed our entry system to get fresh entries and give everyone a chance to participate and see your participation reflected. All this done with a system that supports the submitter and the moderators.

Every entry prior to 2023 and any entry that is not embeded was erased and the polls will be reset every 6 months or so, with periods of reaction and open entries to make polls dynamic. Entries come without any restriction on the amount or past results. All is allowed (except luleez) and you decide who makes it to the official poll with your reactions/emojis.

Criteria haven't changed regarding the selections. The makeup of the polls will be determined by reactions/emojis on Discord (if necessary) and winners will be voted on Patreon polls as usual.

The makeup of the Final and Deluxe polls will be determined after Selection/Elimination polls.

But why? : 0

I thought it would be nice to have a change in the makeup of the polls. To have new entries coming, to measure your reactions on Discord under a realistic period and - in general - see the preferences of my current patrons reflected.

The cornerstone of all of this is Grabbot - which thanks to PickledJoi works beautifuly. It is intuitive, it enables tools for the submitters and it (and other small changes) will save us days of work that I can now spend studying anatomy, animation, 3D methods etx for doing the naked ladee instead.

Where do I post my entries?

Here ---> On Discord!

In #add_entry channel using Grabbot (as shown in the images above). This is to facilitate data entry, data processing, enabling modifications on entries, search and a lot of other cool stuff.

How do I edit my entries?

Just Right click on the embed/entry on Discord and go to Menu -> Apps -> Edit app

You'll have 24 hours to edit a new entry. You can also ask a moderator for extra time to edit an entry.

The link leads nowhere!!! I can't seem to access the channel!!! I'm confused, I can't get into the Server and from my point of view the Jedi are evil!

Make sure you have a Discord account and make sure to connect your Discord account to Patreon to have access to the Server if you haven't connected:


This will lead to an authorization window, allowing you to have access to the server and have a role assigned.

What's a Discord?

Alright, if you're too confused about all of this but you still want to add an entry - for now - send me a message on Patreon chat with this info:

- Name: [Compulsory] - Source: [If Applicable] - Artist: [If Applicable] - URL of image: [Compulsory]

Can I add entries that have already appeared in the past?

Yes. As long as it's not a character that has already been made here, you can post anything you want... except lol eez.

What happened to my entries!?!?!

We killed them :3

If they were from before 2023 or were not embeded, they were erased. But don't worry, unless you have violated the no-|o|is policy; you can post them again using Grabbot so they can be subjected to the people's will.

I liked the makeup of the prior polls. What can I do?

You can propose however many entries from any past poll you wish on Discord, it's okay.

Here ---> On Discord!

Is there a limit to the entries?

There is no limit to the number of entries. We leave that to your common sense but there is a cooldown. Keep in mind, there is a limit time for when you'll be able add entries. Just make sure the entry category is correct and that it's not a IoIi.

I read it all and I still don't understand... help :'<

If you've tried and you're not able to add an entry, let me know by sending me a message on Patreon chat and I'll help you or I'll add your entry when I see it ;3. Make sure to include:

- Name: [Compulsory] - Source: [If Applicable] - Artist: [If Applicable] - URL of image: [Compulsory]

I don't have Discord but I want to participate.

Read the prior bullet point ;3

A huge weather balloon fell onto me giving me strange and uncanny abilities. What can I do?

Read the prior bullet point ;3

I looked at the weather ballon for too long trying to gain X-Ray vision and now I'm temporarily blind.

Read the prior bullet point ;3

Help! I think the weather ballon stole my wife and kids and killed my neighbors and now it's calling the police and trying to incriminate me. I don't know what to do! What's happening!? I can hear the police coming already - it was an ACCIDENT - NO - I mean, I didn't do it!...What am i supposed to say!? No one will believe a weather balloon killed George! Why is this happening to me!? Am I a joke to the Universe!? You said it would be fine! You said the weather ballon would be "cool"! WHY?!?!?!... No, please! i'M NoT CarRYin any weap - no. please. don't SHoO-

Read the prior bullet point ;3





You already told me around when I joined about people can be kinda scared to do Disney characters. Still i'm always surprised it took this long to see someone attempt to do Moana for this game. Jasmine is still my favorite princess and I still choose Mulan and Pocahontas over Moana. But I do still like Moana. I really enjoyed the movie. Also that said I already got a representation of Mulan for my game. Though wouldn't say she follows to much from the Disney version.