STEP BY STEP // Irma Kiss anatomy process (Patreon)
Yo! Here we go, I want to show you how I construct some simple but very effective image like this!
I don't really have a master in anatomy, all I know about it I learnt it just drawing, working, copying other artists etc. The thing that interests me in anatomy is how to use it to make a character more expressive, alive, sensual ... connecting with the audience is my ONLY interest, so I use all I have for getting this target. So, don't feel scared about anatomy. You don't really need to know every muscle and every bone, just enough to pass your message. This is the target!
So, I always start from a ball for the volume of the head, and the action line. This for placing the drawind in the space of the paper, and putting down the very basi idea of the movement I want to get.
I started defining the head. I put the mask on the ball, wich helps me putting the ears and neck in the right place (there again, I don't have any mathematical knowledge about this, I just do what I "feel" right)
I start constructing the face elements: eyes, nose, mouth (in this order) chim, volumes ... Every element has his own volume, and normally there is a consistency in every detail of someone's face. Irma is very round and sensual, so every element has a soft round shape.
NOTICE that I never do real profiles. The head is twisted a little bit, so I can feel the volumes (notice where I marked the volume of the mouth in red). A perfect profile may look flat, this trick makes profiles more interesting.
Hop let's contruct the body: I always draw a simplified chest structure, then the volume of the hips. Imagine chest and hips like something solid, and what's between them as something soft and flexible.
The arm now. here again, I don't know every single muscle, but enough to make it belieavable.
Hands! Such an important thing!!! As for eyes, a LOT of our human communication passes through hands (more for Italians like me XD)
Here, the pose is not easy: some hand poses are disgracious, and there's no way to make them beautiful, so I did my best. I basically copied my own left hand.
... and Hair! Everyone likes hair! Hair is so expressive and sensual, it speaks a lot about us, and can create beautiful expressive shapes. It can add volume and movement. We could talk a lot about the psychological power of hair. Here I used it to add movement and -I hope - elegance. Don't you feel the gentle air blowing kindly on Irma's neck and bringing us her soft Chanel perfume? :D this is one of the secrets: you have to Feel your character as it was next to you. If you fell it, the audience will too.
For ending: the toad! I wanted him to look a little disgusting (not too much, just a little) to create a contrast with Irma's beauty. He acts like he's totally indifferent to the sexbomb that is holding him, and this adds fun -I hope- to the image.
Hop, it's done!
I hope this may help you create more effective images. As you have seen, anatomy is not the point when you construct a pose. The point is: what do you want to communicate, and how to make it more effective. Anatomy is a tool that can help you, not your enemy :)
kisses and hugs , take care!