VIDEO // drawing Fourmille (Patreon)
Hello beautiful people. Here is the first video of the pin-up I did some days ago.
About it: I admit I was totally in my confort-zone :D I did a pose similar to this some other times before. What I like in it is to keep it the more dynamic I can, even if she's just standing. You shoul feel like she's "ready for action". There is a strong line of action from the head to the left leg, that is contradicted by right leg and hair, which makes it "vibrate".
The drawing is simple because I draw later again with ink.
TIP: the more precise is the drawing, the more stiff it will be after inking! So try NOT to be too clean in your drawing and let the ink be a re-drawing process. The result will be less "perfect" but much more alive , which is the target!
And: you can absolutely pull down the music XD I'm just testing my new app's possibilities, he hee.