SPECIAL PREVIEW // Ekhö volume 10 (Patreon)
Hello everybody! I'm here to tell you that I am really enjoying this sharing experience. I really appreciate your support and the love you bring to my work. This is why I want to share with you something special:
my last EKHÖ Mirror World book , volume 9 of the saga, is in stores, and I'm already working on volume 10, who's scheduled to be on sale next November. This book #10 is a special one, I am having REAL fun putting it in images. We're in China!
SO I want to share with you the first pages of this new adventure. You are the first ones taking a look at it, so please don't share this on internet or the publisher is going to kill me XD
You can see the rough page and confront it with the final inked page. You'll notice that, sometimes, I use pictures for some architectural details (like the roof in page number one)
hop, now imagine the textes XD
EKHÖ Mirror World is written by the superduper Christophe Arleston and put in color by miss Nolwenn Lebreton , for Soleil Publishing for the french version (but you can find it in many languages)