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Second update log for the changes I made to the plot starting from chapter 457.

Chapters 461-463 are on the "patch notes" today, with 461 having the most major changes to the story. As those who were able to read them, the last timeline of the story followed Saori and her fight with the Sin Heir of Envy. However, since I changed, the fight with the sin heir of mostly left mysterious. The reason for this was to focus more on Hestia and her own ordeal to the situation.

I felt that I was putting too much focus off of Hestia, and wanted to correct that. Especially the emotional moments required Hestia to be there to witness them to create that impact I wanted. The threat of the demonkin is the main theme of this chapter, showing that if they are being serious that they mean business.

Chapter 461: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92414022

Chapter 462: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92674913

Chapter 463: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92844783

In addition, with this, my debt to my T1 patreons is paid: Idol's Fan tier can read Chapter 460, 461, and 462 now.

I do apologize to the other tiers and do ask for your patience. For T2, T3, T4, I owe you three chapters now. I do hope the new rewritten chapters are to your liking and if you have any feedback, please do write them down! I do apologize if things have confused you due to the new timeline and removing 3 chapters that should have belonged to Saori's fight and going straight to the "Grief and Rage" chapter.


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