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Hello everybody,

I would like like to announce with this post that I've made the hard decision that I needed to rewrite certain parts of the latter half of the current Aureolis arc due to my personal dislike of how the plot and writing has been going.

As you might have noticed from the less than stellar frequency of release that chapters haven't been coming out on time recently, resulting in 4-5 days of wait instead of the usual 2-3. This was mostly due to my own failure in properly sorting out the different details of the arc, resulting in shallower writing quality than I would like.

I blamed writer's block or burn out for this failure, but I've realized that I've been wanting to write but that my word count has been drastically reduced. I've been distracted and having trouble stringing words together until I realized from trying to write the latest chapter for the patreon that my brain was going through too many details, strings, plot lines, and character interactions that need to happen for personal arcs that even my spreadsheets and notes aren't helping me.

In other words, I've made the plot too complicated for myself and I think it's been showing with the quality of this arc. I've been focusing a lot more on the side characters this arc while neglecting Hestia's own involvement in the story aside from some cool moments. Not to mention, my fighting scenes feel even more convoluted than usual.

I've just been dissatisfied with myself, feeling like you guys aren't earning my best work similar to the writing that hooked you guys into supporting me on this Patreon or reading on RR or Scribble Hub. I don't want to keep disappointing you guys, nor the story itself.

As such, I would like to ask for everybody's patience until I fix the chapters leading towards the current chapters. This will result in some major changes to the plot if I find it necessary. All for the sake of closing some major plot holes and strings that I've been exposing these last few days. As such, any update you will be receiving in the next few days will probably involve these rewritten chapters and also the release date post on the 24th for Dragon Idol Book 2.

Once again, I would like to ask for everybody's patience and also thank you for your continued support. After all, the next character will probably be quite fitting considering this is the year of dragons! Without your support, this character wouldn't get her art!



Take all the time you need. The story did seem a bit . . . Disjointed lately. Between the Midirn, Saori, Vifi, Yorksha, and Kush Point of View/personal battles keeping a focus is a tall order without just sticking to hestia. Thanks for the update. Take your time. I know you probably feel guilty missing the chapter release goals. You write a quality story. Hiccups, problems, and rewrites are expected given your self inflicted timeframe.


Take your time, it's fine! Yeah, as others said it, these chapters have been... not the usual fare I'd say. I'll eagerly wait for the Patch notes and bug fixes :)


That is the plan. Refocusing on plot line while removing anything not needed to make it more seamless. Cutting unimportant scenes or melding them together would allow me more time to address and end more plot lines. I don't want too many open-ended strings at the end of this arc.