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Edit: Some typos, but also Hestia's profile update at the bottom of the chapter.


<[Arcane Fever (Minor)] [Starvation (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

<311 human, beastman, elf, dwarf followers gained>

<Total follower count updated. Total followers of [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]: 22362>

<Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Solar Core Lv. 5] [Venerated Saintess Lv. 5] [Draconic Barrier Lv. 9] [Fluid Cast Lv. 7] [Foresight Lv. 5] [Detection Sensor Lv. 4] [Fear Resistance Lv. 9] [Tranquil Mind Lv. 5] [High-Speed Calculation Lv. 3] gained>

Thanks for the update, parallel minds. Really had no time to look at all the upgrades with all the action. Especially the [Fear Resistance] really leveled up when I fought Galg. Anyways, back to what’s important right now!

Krampf! Mhampgf! Mhmm, gam. Hoooooo, maampf!” My dragon maw worked, chomping down on giant pieces of meat and bowls of rice large enough to fit an entire feast-sized dining table.

The noise was equally as loud next to me, as I heard not only neighing but voracious gorging of food and water. “Magmp! Ung! Mamf, kramp, kamf! Hmmm! Kraampf!

Saori, in her wolfkin form, was looking at us all this time, silently slurping her noodles after she humanized after the battle. She frowned, wiping her mouth, before looking up at us as the both of us were still in our dragon forms. “I get you two are hungry, but could you, you know, not eat like skorrs?”

Neill and I looked at each other, making me notice her mouth and cheeks were dirtied with sauce, rice, and some bits of meat. I pursed my lips, noticing I was equally as dirty as her. However, we just shrugged and wiped our mouths clean, before turning to Saori to raise our tails.

“… Just eat.” Saori gave up.

“Miss Saori, please, don’t support them. You need to be sterner!” Tasianna, on the other hand, tried to push her to continue scolding us, but Saori just shook her head, saying she was too tired and hungry to do anything.

[“There is no shame in eating like this, Tasianna,”] Beth came to our support, seeing as she was a wyvern, she didn’t really care for etiquette when one dined. Even if she had been assimilating well into life in society.

Her brother, Shay, nodded his head as well. [“They are in their true forms. They should eat like dragons, not humanoids.”]

Urgh, I just need a break, come on, guys.

The “First Event Quest Incident.” Now that was a catchy headline for sure, and something a lot of people will remember for a long time since, as I could attest, it would make history for so many reasons. The announcement of the “Shakaie-Narn Alliance”—dwarven for North Star Alliance, or “Star-North” if you wanted to be exact—the celebration of the Event Quest’s fulfillment, and then the whole tragedy of Maagneil’s interference in all of this, all starting with his employment by the demonkin Prince of Greed to his last moments as a grieving father.

The chroniclers and historians will remember him as a monster for what he did and, honestly, its exactly what he deserves. His intentions were that of a father’s … but with his actions, he defiled his son’s body and memory. I was seeing the matter as a bystander and enemy, but as a daughter, it did make me wonder what my own Papa would do if it meant we could be together again.

He was a law-abiding and hard-working person, even if he had a temper. Papa loved Mama, me, Nanny, and everybody in his close family. He was a family man through and through. However, watching Maagneil’s madness surfacing like this made me scared of the possibility of Papa unable to properly cope with my death. I hoped he wouldn’t blame himself.

Regardless, I was already in anguish with my whole Earth family situation, it would be better to not mind it for now. The consequences of my death would show themselves once I was done with Aurena’s request. I could worry about it then … as there were far more pressing matters I could handle, right now.

This was my break time. I needed the food due to how I went a bit overboard for all of this. [Arcane Fever] was the most pressing matter, as my skin had turned pretty blue with a lot of purple patches around my right arm. My crimson scales were hiding it, but if you looked through the gaps, you could see how sickly they looked.

Not exactly [Arcane Fever]’s fault, but it was still arcane corruption, specifically, the mana I accidentally absorbed when I snatched the Earth Elemental Emperor from Maagneil. Oh boy, I didn’t expect the damn elemental to have absorbed the demonic mana, or energy or whatever it was called, until the System told me I had to usurp it. No wonder Maagneil was on a bloody spree of mayhem despite how Saori thought he was dead, the elemental was actually being supercharged by everything going on.

It spoke to me, cursing me how I was “ruining everything, again” or how I was “another of Crustacia’s minions.” Buddy, I already got one goddess on my back, I don’t need another. Nevertheless, it was true that I was doing this for her and to fulfill my Divine Quest, so I saved the elemental from all the demonic influence, which caused my arm to really feel what arcane corruption could do to my body. It probably wouldn’t leave a scar after my treatment, but it sure hurt a lot, as if something was inside my arm, squirming around.

<[Divine Quest: Uncover the truth behind this “golem” and solve the problem on hand with them] completed. You have done well, Champion, please accept your reward>

<Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor] has risen from [Level 31] to [Level 32]>

<Attributes have increased due to level up>

<Acquired 800 skill points>

<Your rewards from Goddess Crustacia will be given to you once you visit the Chihiro shrine deep under [Manethala’s Nest]. Your Event Quest reward will be sent to you by visiting the Crustacia shrine in Inkoran-Tazul’s cathedral of Crustacia>

That was what happened after I usurped the demonic energy. More tasks, in other words, instead of just giving me my rewards. Bleh, annoying, but I guess I couldn’t complain about being level 31 now. 14 more and I would reach the max level for rank B. Still, to reach rank A, I still needed to level up my essential dragon skills and also wait for about three and a half more years.

Argk!” Somebody groaned and it wasn’t me.

I turned around, noticing Neill had stopped eating and was inspecting a wound on her leg. It was bandaged instead of healed. It wasn’t from her fight against Galg or Maagneil, but instead a present from her battle with Manethala at the end of this whole incident.

Why wasn’t it being healed by a potion of healing magic? Well, simply put, I couldn’t do it as I was under [Arcane Fever] and didn’t want to make it worse; I was in my dragon form for that very reason, after all. The second reason was ‘cause of our surroundings.

I raised my head, finally embracing the chaos happening around me.

“Move those legs, tazongs! Another set of twilight slime over to tent four! Get there as soon as possible, the elves and humans can’t make so many pots fast enough!”

“Herbs! More Belzac herbs, now! Get to the storage facility and get us another box—Wait, and get another bag of herbs from those Carmaniate traders. They really help with the base making.”


This was an emergency clinic-slash-war camp.

The reason was due to the aftermath of the earth elemental emperor’s army, as he had made too many gnomacotta warriors and those serpent golems. During the initial attack, Maagneil had created a ton of those golems to attack everybody, and they were still swarming around the area after everything else was done, so we had to get rid of them now.

The area behind the Hub—the path to the two dungeons and through the valley into Loatryxian land—was a wide open area. Mostly untouched aside from the gravel road.

When Manethala was beaten and Neill caused the giant stone statue to fall, it created a huge roadblock in front of the valley, blocking our way through it by foot. That thing was nearly tall enough to touch the tip of the small bridge on top of the mountains, so when it fell, I was actually worried for everybody who was fighting under it.

Well, suffice to say, people did get hurt. Neill received a pretty major scolding from King Fugnarus and Saori—she really got into it since she was worried we had to pay for it. Personally, I was amazed by the power of [Battle Frenzy (Major)], but it showed just how inexperienced Neill was in using it, as her first technique in that state lacked any of the finesse and control she usually had for her dragon path techniques. It couldn’t be helped, as it was her first use of it during a real fight, but it was still irresponsible for her.

Whrooo!” Neill let out a mighty sigh of happiness. [“Alright, back to fighting.”]

[“Don’t got to crazy, alright.”] I warned her.

[“Ha, who do you think you’re talking to? I am Fargryneill Qi—”]

[“Sis,”] I interrupted her, causing her to stiffen up. [“I heard you were different before meeting the dragonslayers according to King Fugnarus, but I see this is your real, unbridled personality with the confidence of a true dragonkin. Haa, I see the sister I’ve come to know was just a phony.”]

[“…”] she didn’t even respond, so I kept going.

[“Also, don’t forget what Yorshka told me, you didn’t bring Manethala from 100% down to 10%. You brought him from 24% down to 8%. Very remarkable and worthy of praise, but you know who deserved it, too? The blessed who helped. Yorshka. Midirn. Krim-Slak, Grazlahta, Akast. Or, you know, the damage we did to him before he turned mad? Or did you do all of that?”]

[“… You don’t need to hurt me that much, Hestia. Father’s horn, that hurts more than Mom’s kicks.”] Neill departed our part of the camp in a less than stellar mood, returning to her more humble ways. Only “sticks and stones,” yeah right, maybe for a monk or a true saint, but words can hurt others and sometimes keep them from becoming worse.

Neill was more-or-less the person who killed Galg and two of his dragonslayers—the armored spearman and then the archer during my third meeting with them. She regained the confidence she lost when they first chased her. It is a good thing … but hopefully she won’t turn too conceited.

She had to pay reparations for the statue, and it was something the Loatryxian leader of the alliance couldn’t dissuade King Fugnarus out of. Well, I made it sound so sinister, but it was more like Neill accepted the punishment after she saw what her powers did. “With great power comes great responsibility,” which was something Neill understood from her education.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get rid of all of it. Concentrate on the injured and the roaming enemies,” she told him, and that was the “reparations.” She would get rid of all the rocks blocking the path, and the money to rebuild it, she just said, “I’m a rank A adventurer after Elyonda, do you know how much those Quests pay?”

Speaking of which, I hadn’t taken my rank A exam yet. Too many things happened after I first met the dwarves, and I had no time for anything else, even when I was in Artorias to gain the funds to deceive Maagneil with my obsidian trap. I forgot I had to speak with Muraina for the exam.

With everything going on, I probably wouldn’t be able to gain my advancement until after the alliance’s formal founding and the ensuing battle against the Prince of Envy. Especially with everything that is happening now.

“We will meet during the summit. Have a rest, Meoschaera Hestia,” was what King Elutis of Saelariel told me.

King Fugnarus practically confirmed what our next move was, as he and his wife were pretty infuriated. Too many people died, and the dwarves believed in Kronnaz’s ideology when it came to bloodshed or crimes. Grudges had to be avenged.

War … I have to dissuade them from going on a full-on war.

That was a priority for me during the summit. Fighting couldn’t be avoided, since I had to prove the current bishop of the church of Aurena was a fraud; the moment I do, I would have to fight him. For that, I needed more people to believe me, and, thankfully, one person survived it.

I need to speak to Saintess Fleindia as soon as she wakes.

Another point on my to-do list.

Sadly, not now. I couldn’t even walk away now with Tasianna and the wyvern twins adamant about me standing down and recovering. I couldn’t even act as a surgeon. Currently, the healing duties were all handled by Asaka and the white mages from Saelariel when it came to those heavily injured, while the alchemists prepared proper curatives for anybody else. That was why Neill only received some bandages, she was relying on her natural healing factor to kick in while the stronger healing options were needed for those in more urgent need.

Those at the fair, those at the Hub’s entrance, and those who fought back the attackers—too many had died and were hurt. I could still hear crying in the distance as children and family members cried over those lost from Maagneil’s insanity, grating my ears as it made me question if I could have stopped it all by keeping his gundam within the dungeon.

It made me angry, to the point my body temperature was getting higher and higher.

“Hestia, you are almost warm enough that we are the only place with no snow,” Saori noted, prompting me to look down at the muddy brown ground I was sitting on.

I looked around, noticing some white bits mixed in the earth around the camp. Some blood stained the ground also.

We were close to winter, after all, so this much was just normal. What wasn’t normal was that I was melting all the snow around me. Anger really ruined the beauty of life, huh?

Haaaa, I sighed to myself as I looked over to the clinic, seeing Asaka shouting at a few dwarves, beastmen, and elves to get a move on while grabbing what looked like buckets full of her beige slime.

Her twilight-element slime that was able to heal wounds was surprisingly pretty useful in a situation like this where there weren’t a lot of healers and the alchemist couldn’t make enough potions in time to heal people. Why was there a lack of potions? Well, the potion shops and even the alchemist guild were practically destroyed in the mess; in fact, a lot of guilds and shops were destroyed in the chaos.

The potions the guard and adventurers had were used for those currently tracking down the wandering golems. Master, for example, was with everybody to heal and support them. Those golem serpents I mentioned were pretty much just like the ones I fought when I first met the Earth Elemental Emperor, so they were decently sturdy even if they didn’t have [Geokinesis]. You needed proper weapons to even break through their shell.

That was why Asaka was being worked to the bones. The conviction she showed everybody to handle the healing duty in my stead was transformed in her now ordering people around as she gave them her healing slime. Since it could be transported around, it worked just like potions or sealed spells, allowing non-mages to heal people.

Now, why were the elves listening to her was another question, and the answer to that was how she planted her feet and announced to people, “I am a Saintess of Ilsaphone!” before she began spraying graffiti on those who tried to argue back. Like, she just painted on a few people and ruined their clothes.

Well, as you would imagine, not everybody believed her at first as it was hard to associate her with the Goddess of Death and Necromancy. You would believe a necromancer or a dark mage would be more up the alley, until people from the church of Marsven appeared.

Elves dressed in black cloaks over a set of darkened chainmail walked over to her as their equipment rattled, sounding a bit like bones. I didn’t exactly listen to what they talked about, but Asaka said they asked her about Ilsaphone’s philosophy on the matter of life and death, as blessed were people who should have all spoken with their patron god one way or another.

They accepted her answer and after using her ID to prove her blessing even further, she began helping people as one of the chief  medics. It also helped that her abrasive nature was a boon here, as she rushed people more than you would think from somebody who hated responsibility. A “If I’m doing this, then you better do what I say” kinda mentality.

Of course, the other students weren’t lazing around, as they were transporting stuff around while Tatsuya, Kyouya, and Kazumi were running around to rescue people. There were still plenty injured trapped in the rubble.

Not to mention, Tamae was doing her best to feed the many people around. All this fighting did make people hungry, and depending on how long we needed to get rid of all the enemies, people might be eating dinner in this camp, injured people included.

I also learned after the big battles were done that Haruka and Daichi were around with the main army, actually filming everything! The recorder I gave to Haruka to inspect was used to film the entire affair today, and while she didn’t stream it, she had it saved up. We could actually review our battle just after Galg was killed. The power of technology, right?


Speaking of tech, it seemed like the second usage of the recorder’s streaming powers was about to be used now.

I looked up in the sky, seeing a blue screen being projected into the sky. Once a couple of seconds passed, it flickered before it cleared up, showing King Fugnarus and his wife, Queen Tragaya, next to him. The king closed his eyes, moving his fingers on his axe before opening his eyes to address everybody.

“Citizens of Inkoran-Tazul, my fellow people of Ankor-Nazta, and visitors from afar. I am the Ankoran King, Fugnarus Kongun. This message I am showing you is currently ‘streamed’ to you, meaning you are seeing me speak in real time using a new manatech one of my allies had allowed me to use.”

That person was Haruka. If she hadn’t started learning how to work with System-based manatech from Metosei, we wouldn’t be having streaming, right now. Even if it was still a bit wonky as the screen was flickering a bit too much due to the distance from the projected screen and the recorder, meaning we could still only do this close-by.

Looking at the environment, the royal pair were currently in the royal castle inside their office. The king hadn’t changed out of his armor yet, as it was still tainted with blood and showed the damage he had taken, especially the ones made by Galg as they were very clean slashes. Nobody could question that he fought, especially not with how everybody saw him lead the counter attack with the other four main alliance leaders. In fact, seeing him now might be inspiring … at least, I hoped.

With only one screen projected to the city—to us—King Fugnarus continued. “I am sure many of you are aware of the current situation. The first ever Event Quest was successfully fulfilled, with the blessed of Saelariel, Ankor-Nazta, and Caedhul all receiving their rewards, including warriors from Loatryx and Artorias. Without a doubt, it was a grand success for the twenty people we sent in, and the many adventurers and soldiers who helped them.”

Consolidate camaraderie between the alliance members by mentioning all those in the expedition force. Seeing as the majority of the people here are from one of those countries, this sure is a good way to start the speech.

“However … the festivities you all deserved were ruined. We were attacked by a criminal; a zuekluk I had personally punished for attacking a princess of Kargryx. Maagneil was his name, and a man I had stripped off his clan name for blemishing the honor of the Luedbrumdar clan. To assure this man saw justice, the lady he wronged, Princess Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor, pursued him into the [Menagerie of Golems] after our reports. I allowed it, as it was her right. But not long after, we learned his conspirator had killed the dungeon master.”

Embellishing the story a bit, huh? I guess it sounded better than me suddenly finding him during my training trip.

“I came to her support with my retinue, as I felt it was my fault for underestimating him. However, the person who aided Maagneil in his escape had given the man more than just simple help. He gave him a weapon. That weapon was that giant golem who attacked and killed so many of us today. King Elutis of Saelariel, King Drangleic from Artorias, the leader of the Loatryxian kinkyuro, the Madam President of Estralia, and young Prince Markval of Yeos; they were those who aided me with their soldiers to assure Maagneil’s arrest, and they were the ones who died in that service. Many of the expedition supporters could attest to this, as their fellow warriors were killed by Maagneil and his mercenaries as well.”

That’s the first lie, huh? They weren’t his mercs, the real threat came from the Empire of Folschreck.

“I guess he also doesn’t want to cause too much of a stir,” Saori stated. “The normal adventurers would believe Maagneil had hired dragonkin slayers into the Event, as the King emphasized how he tried to kill you. That means he was paranoid and it would help shut people up easier, while not antagonizing the Empire.”

It might be a convenient lie, but it did feel bad to cover things up like this. Well, this was how things functioned and I personally believed it would be best to not plant more hostility into the elven and dwarven people towards the humans.

“However, that doesn’t solve things. People still need an outlet.” I looked at her in befuddlement, not understanding what she was trying to say … until King Fugnarus made it clear.

“The deaths of so many people—loved ones, especially—cannot be replaced, and I will understand if some of you may bear a grudge. The man is dead, and I raise my tankard to everybody’s glorious triumph!” He raised his axe up in the air.

Haaaruuuh!” the dwarves cheered.

He then laid it back down, now holding it with both hands. “However, these words mean nothing to the civilians. My city’s visitors and inhabitants, you’ve lost people, I saw this when the emergency camp was built. Even now, soldiers and adventurers are fighting so you may enjoy the rest of the festival … but it wouldn’t bring back the ones you lost—may Goddess Death grant them peace. For that, Ankor-Nazta can only apologize and grant reparations to soothe your wounds.”

His words only caused those in anguish further stress as they rose up, shouting at the screen.

“Who helped that bastard!”

“What is that weapon and who gave that bastard it!”

It was burning fire about to explode, and what King Fugnarus said next was the kindling to set it ablaze.

“However, I can tell you who caused this! Who was behind that zuekluk’s damn insanity! A demonkin Prince of Sin!”


My eyes widened as I heard that, only for me to snap to the side, looking around the camp for Vifi’Yok. I believed she should be with Ellaine and Grimnir, as the former wanted to speak with Ellaine about her demonic powers. I was looking for them, but I couldn’t find them.

Was this what Saori meant by ‘outlet?’

“Once again, after 2000 years, the demons once again dared to attack Ankor-Nazta. The demonkins didn’t find their war with the humans of Folschreck worthwhile, and it seemed like they had grown conceited enough to drag us into this nonsensical war of theirs! Cowards, for corrupting one of our own to do their bidding!”

“A justification for war…” Tasianna frowned. “The dwarves now have a reason to enter the war properly without any repercussions from their allies and subjects.”

Saori nodded. “This fight gave the alliance a ‘casus belli.’ This is, well, what you wanted for us, no, Hestia? The dwarves joined in, and now it is even more likely the countries affected by this will help as well. He announced the name of the alliance and then the people who helped him, meaning there is now a reason for elves to find solidarity with the humans of Artorias. It is like butter to smooth things out.”

… Cunning. Cunning. This is how aristocrats worked, and still something that felt so hard to do. I didn’t want them to put so much blame on the demonkins … now people will hate them even more.

The act of finding peace between the races was getting harder and harder at this point, even if this move solved the animosity between Artorias and Saelariel. It just didn’t sit right with me. Politics really was too painful for me to do.

The speech continued a bit longer, but his primary message was given to everybody. It was clear enough that war would come with this, as tragic as it was. Meaning, my role in the upcoming summit had just evolved from “figurehead” to an actual negotiator, and something I had to do properly, otherwise there would be even more problems when we attack the Prince of Envy.

I ignored the rest and the cheering and shouting mob, with most wanting revenge so very much. I ate my fill and began to move away from my allies, eventually finding Vifi’Yok, Ellaine, and Grimnir. When I asked the former if she was okay, she couldn’t help but smirk and take a bite from her donut.

“That man is good,” she praised.

[“Eh? T-that’s what you have to say about it?”]

“If you mean if I am worried about my people, yes, of course I am. However, worrying about it too much wouldn’t help me or them, as I am shackled to you now. Snitching would only cost me my head, as I helped all of you find that reason for war,” she explained. “Besides … politics is also part of a war, right? Trust me. I’m a Warbringer, so I get the gist of it, even if I’m not good at it. So … do your best, alright, ‘peacemaker?’ Hope you aren’t a lying politician as well.”

I was getting a headache and it wasn’t ‘cause of me using mana to use [Telepathy]. Regardless, I ignored that for now and addressed what they were talking about and also if Vifi’Yok wanted to stick around now that everything was mostly solved here. As I told her before, I wouldn’t let Franz blackmail her into doing something she didn’t want. The only way this partnership would work was if Vifi’Yok wanted to help me bring peace between the humans and demonkins.

“Let’s just say that I feel like your odds are far higher now after I had a long talk with Ellaine here, or, specifically, the one granting her all this power.”

[“Was too short for me, though. Wish she could handle it a tad bit longer.”] Like always, the innuendo-throwing archdemon of lust made me feel disgusted whenever I heard her speak in that manner. [“Well, it is good to be back after such a long slumber, but I also haven’t really said anything on the matter. To be honest, I was sure surprised you even figured something like peace would be possible, Hestia darling. A bit … boring, for my tastes.”]

[“That means you won’t help me?”]

She scoffed, [“Ha, not like I could refuse with Aurena holding me hostage, right? But, to be serious, I do find it marginally interesting, just due to the sheer difficulty of such a task. Now, though, you might have a titanic size issue that you can only handle with words alone, as you sadly aren’t your big grandpapa, darling.”]

[“Even if I had the power, I am an idol, not some tyrant hell bent on subjugating everything with my power alone. I am here to bring happiness and smiles. Tears of happiness, not this crap.”]

“Don’t worry,” Ellaine reassured me, holding on to the spell rings Klea’Hatma was stuck in. “I will persuade Klea somehow, you have my word on that. This is my duty.”

Vifi’Yok shrugged. “I expect donuts as payments, alright? Also, keep me out of most of your records, and I’ll do the same.”

I couldn’t argue with that, even if I wanted her to actually feel part of the team. Well, this was good enough, so I turned to Grimnir.

[“Grimnir, I have proposition for you.”] I smiled. [“How do you feel about becoming a blessed of Crustacia?”]



Name: Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor Level: 32 Race: Young Sunfang Dragon

Age: 1 Year Jobs: [Idol Tyrant Fledgling] EP: 30/30

Status:   Health: 19540 (+2309)  Mana: 49791 (+4378)

Strength: 11180 (+1850)  Intelligence: 16080 (+2839)

Vitality: 6009 (+1020)  Wisdom: 8021 (+1298)

Agility: 14931 (+2349)  Stamina: 11591 (+2160)

Effects:   None

Skill Points:  7450 (+3900)

Unique Skill: [Dreadflame Dragon Lv. 6] (+1) [Hellblade Dragon Lv. 6] (+1)

[Solar Core Lv. 5] (+1) [Venerated Saintess Lv. 5] (+1) [Idol Lv. 6] (+2)

[Volcanic Blaze] [Drakonian Sunlight Edge] (New)

Skill:  Magic skills and related:

[Lightning Magic Lv. 5] (+1) [White Flames Lv. 7] (+1)

[Corrosive Fire Lv. 6] [Sacred Magic Lv. 8] [Terra Magic Lv. 4]

[Wind Magic Lv. 10] [Wind Amp] [Wind Magic Efficiency]

[Storm Magic Lv. 4] [Space-Time Magic Lv. 6]

[Space-Time Magic Efficiency] [True Draconic Lineage]

[Draconic Barrier Lv. 9] (+1) [Silent Casting Lv. 10]

[Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 10] (+3) [Mental Stability Lv. 10] (+1)

[Mental Warfare Lv. 8] (+2) [Fluid Cast Lv. 7] (+1)

[Delayed Cast Lv. 5] [Continuous Cast Lv. 6] (+1) [Mana Eyes Lv. 8] (+2)

Physical skills and related:

[True Unarmed Technique Lv. 1] (New) [Sword Technique Lv. 1]

[Draconic Roar Lv. 10] (+4) [All-Damage Enhancement Lv. 1]

Senses and movement skills:

[Silence Lv. 1] [Accuracy Correction Lv. 8]

[Concentration Lv. 10] (+2) [Foresight Lv. 5] (+2)

[Danger Perception Lv. 10] [Probability Correction Lv. 8]

[Detection Sensor Lv. 4] (+1) [Enhanced Olfactory Sense Lv. 6]

[Enhanced Vision Lv. 10] [Tracking Lv. 5] [Night Vision Lv. 10] (+1)

[Odorless Lv. 1]


[Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 10] (+4) [Absolute Pain Tolerance]

[Mental Corruption Resistance Lv. 10] [Mind Protection Lv. 10]

[Mana Leak Resistance Lv. 10] [Abnormal Status Nullification]

[Fear Resistance Lv. 9] (+4) [Lightning Resistance Lv. 10] (+4)

[Sacred Resistance Lv. 6] [Storm Resistance Lv. 5]

[Water Resistance Lv. 6] [Tenebrous Resistance Lv. 1] (New)


[Stage Fever Lv. 7] (+1) [Handicraft Lv. 7] (+1) [Woodworking Lv. 8] (+1)

[Stonecrafting Lv. 1] [Trap Creation Lv. 10] [Instruction Lv. 2]

[Identity Blocker Lv. 10] [Tranquil Mind Lv. 5] (+4) [Cooking Lv. 9]

[Benevolent Aura Lv. 6] (+3) [Draconic Aura Lv. 5] (+1) [Royal Presence Lv. 5]

[Scale Manipulation Lv. 5] (+3) [Territory Release Lv. 3] (+2)

[Dismantle Lv. 9] [Thought Acceleration Lv. 5] (+1)

[High-Speed Calculation Lv. 3] (+1) [Multi-Thought Processing Lv. 6] (+2)

[Parallel Thoughts Lv. 10] [Core Regulation]

[Humanize Lv. 10] [Telepathy] [Aerokinesis]

Ability List: Dragon:

[Dreadflare Aura] [Hellblade Edge] [Scale-Dust Veil] [Hellflame Breath]

[Solar Beam] [Magmakammer]


[Spiral] [Spark Crescent]


[Dragoon Jump] [Gale Steps] [Dragoon Dive]

Spell List: Custom Magic:

[Symphonie des Feuergottes] [Prayer] [Sanctified Blaze]

[Sanctified Blaze: Halo of Consecration] [Ignite] [Panzer] [Unheilge Engel]

[Scorching Sun] [Hydra] [Sun, Consume All]

Custom Spell Song:

[The Will to Fight and Survive] [Dragon Fire] [My Darkest Thoughts]

[The Heir of Hope]

Lightning Magic:

[Lightning Bolt] [Purple Flash] [Levin Core]

[Overload] [Clouds of Thunder]

Holy Magic:

[Sacred Smite] [Sacred Veil] [Sacred Field] [Banishment Beam]

[Major Heal] [Omnictus] [Gloria Ascendence] [Heaven’s Sword]

Earth Magic

[Terra Wall] [Bedrock Blades] [Rumbling Might] [Ruinous Rockfall]

Wind Magic:

[Wind Bullet] [Wind Cutter] [Air Shield] [Wind Slash]

[Swift Winds] [Wind Blast] [Featherfall] [Aerial Blitz]

[Tornado Bullet] [Sylphid’s Cloak] [Tailwind] [Cyclone Madness]

Space-Time Magic:

[Haste] [Storage Magic] [Warp Point: Entry] [Warp Point: Exit] [Room]

The Light Magic:

[Shine] [Sanctuary] [Miraculous Grace]

Titles: [The Light] [Bearer of Kargryxmor’s Blood] [Divine Inferno]

[Otherworldly Reincarnator] [Princess]


Diego Rossi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-14 04:00:22 Thanks for the chapter. Possible edits: I need to speak to Saintess Fleindia before she wakes. -&gt; I need to speak to Saintess Fleindia AS SOON AS she wakes. Of course, the only students were lazing around, as they were transporting stuff around with Tatsuya, Kyouya, and Kazumi running around to rescue people. -&gt; Of course, the OTHER students wereN'T lazing around, as they were transporting stuff around with Tatsuya, Kyouya, and Kazumi running around to rescue people. The first ever Event Quest was successfully fulfilled, with the blessed of Saelariel, Ankor-Nazta, and Caedhul all receiving theirs - REWARDS
2023-06-02 11:23:39 Thanks for the chapter. Possible edits: I need to speak to Saintess Fleindia before she wakes. -> I need to speak to Saintess Fleindia AS SOON AS she wakes. Of course, the only students were lazing around, as they were transporting stuff around with Tatsuya, Kyouya, and Kazumi running around to rescue people. -> Of course, the OTHER students wereN'T lazing around, as they were transporting stuff around with Tatsuya, Kyouya, and Kazumi running around to rescue people. The first ever Event Quest was successfully fulfilled, with the blessed of Saelariel, Ankor-Nazta, and Caedhul all receiving theirs - REWARDS

Thanks for the chapter. Possible edits: I need to speak to Saintess Fleindia before she wakes. -> I need to speak to Saintess Fleindia AS SOON AS she wakes. Of course, the only students were lazing around, as they were transporting stuff around with Tatsuya, Kyouya, and Kazumi running around to rescue people. -> Of course, the OTHER students wereN'T lazing around, as they were transporting stuff around with Tatsuya, Kyouya, and Kazumi running around to rescue people. The first ever Event Quest was successfully fulfilled, with the blessed of Saelariel, Ankor-Nazta, and Caedhul all receiving theirs - REWARDS

Diego Rossi

[“Grimnir, I have proposition for you.”] I smiled. [“How do you feel about becoming a blessed of Crustacia?”] “Lass?” OOoohhh, big twist! Love that.


Crustacia probably be like: Wait, I didn't agree to that. I have ya unique skill ready!