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Edit: Some continuity error fix


The scene was turbulent, filled with furious, pained, and confused cries. Grimnir’s mana blast had sundered the earth, destroying a small section of it before the blue barrier protecting this hold flickered back in sight. The damage to the road wasn’t restored, even if the barrier was. So it was possible to break it!

In any case, with the smoke almost done dissipating and the hoarse orders of the Luedbrumdar clan’s leader, Maagneil, echoing inside this part of the industrial district, I reordered my list of priorities. From wanting to handle this peacefully to not endanger everybody’s lives, to getting the fuck out. We had everybody here!

[“Ellaine, Grimnir, flee or surrender?”] However, I still asked their opinions on it. With the twins and students ready to follow up on any of my decisions, I only had to ask those two.


“I ain’t hearing one more word from that bastard uncle of mine!”

Guess that was decided.

Volcanic Blaze!

The magma ball leftover from [Magmakammer] was still around, glowing bright purple and exuding mild noxious fumes. [Magmakammer] was a Territory that kept burning things around it using my aura, making it extremely simple but a clear counter against anything susceptible to the volcanic heat. As such, the magma would still linger around, available for me to use [Volcanic Blaze] on it.

With my path forwards clear, I blew the ball up like a volcanic eruption, raining shards down onto the people in front of us. Bombarded by this poisonous magma, the dwarves couldn’t do anything but defend themselves, giving us the opportunity to flee. Even if some of them were to get hit and get poisoned, they wouldn’t die. At this point, I had learned to not mix in anything too strong.

The twins, noticing my action, forcefully heaved the students onto their back before taking flight, flying around me while spraying their ice breath on me to cool down my body in Tasianna’s stead. We would break through the siege.

“Don’t let them—argh—flee! Shield wall, now! Auracoil! Pavise! Use whatever in Crustacia’s name you have!” Maagneil did not want us to escape at all cost, but the corrosive magma rain wasn’t just disrupting their formations but the sticky slime left behind also created gaps in their defenses they couldn’t cover up.

[“Master, let’s go!”] Ellaine grabbed Grimnir as black slime oozed out of her armored arm, forming it into a long, eldritch arm. [Whiplash]—how long has it been since I last saw her use her demonic powers?

She then shot it at Shay’s leg, using it to tether herself onto him before jumping up and retracting the demonic claw. I heard some outcries at Grimnir, calling him “demon maker” and “cursed smith” which made me pretty angry at those allegations on his behalf. In any case, once everybody was on the wyverns, I charged forward like a tank with [Panzer].

The dwarves began shooting crossbows at me, which prompted my [Foresight] to activate, telling me to dodge them if I could. Considering their runecraft, I took this as a precaution and swirled my body around their hails. Using [Halo of Consecration]’s periodic flame wave, I also managed to blast some of them away that way.

Once I was right in front of the shield wall, I activated [Volcanic Blaze] once again, controlling the stationary magma. Enough accumulated around the entrance from the magma rain to the point I could create a small tidal wave with it, washing the dwarves away using the small gaps in their defenses.

We charged through and into the city, where I took flight, as my body was far too large for the dwarven streets. As a reminder, I was the size of a large mammoth, while the best you could fit in these dwarven streets was probably either three elephants or two Saori’s. From just a quick glance, I knew if I ran through them, I would break the buildings on both of my sides with my bulk. They were made for dwarves, after all.

“Lass, go to the eastern entrance. There is a dungeon there that also acts as a mine. The lasses and lads found something interesting there the last time we went there, and I think it might be a good place to hide out the noise.”

Kohaku also explained that was where the Grimnir team had been mining for the smithing contest while under watch. It was good, hard work, plus there were monsters they could hunt there in addition to gathering ore. Kazumi also emphasized how they found a pretty big secret there that even the hold didn’t know about, so if we wanted a place to rest, that would be it.

Therefore, we flew over there. Immediately, a guard station came into view. It was an entrance, after all, so it made sense for guards to be there. The moment they saw us, the guards on the roof took out a crossbow, readying them to shoot at me. Grimnir warned me dwarven crossbows were designed to break through monsters with hard, stone-like hide and carapace, so while they were heavier and slower than conventional ones, they could probably pierce my [Panzer].

I didn’t doubt him. My defense had always been my weakest point, and while it had increased with my [Young Sunfang Dragon] evolution and all my defensive skills and spells, I still shouldn’t tank things, if possible. Well, outside of heal tanking, but our intention was to escape, right now.

“I’ll handle this!” Tatsuya shouted as he placed another fulinoe leaf in his mouth, before assuming his battle stance. “Let’s go! All-In!”

Tatsuya’s skin began to turn red as he [Dragoon Jump]ed off of Shay, before using [Spiral] to turn into a human drill. Once the crossbows were shot, he stopped his movement mid-air and swung his spear, creating a small amount of gust to blow the bolts away from me. He then stomped the air with [Air Walk] and used [Dragoon Jump] again.

With his skin turning red once more, his speed increased even further before he landed on the guard station’s roof. With swift movements, he disarmed the guards of their crossbows, only  to flinch and jump back when they pulled out their melee weapons. However, this did distract the guards quite a bit.

<All-In: A skill revolving around explosive powers at a cost. By consuming fulinoe leaves or seeds, the user may store up to three charges at once, enabling them to consume 20% of Health, Mana, or Stamina per charge to increase specific stats. Two or all charges may be used simultaneously to further increase the boost by 10%, 30%, or 75%. The boost will only last for one attack of any kind, and the user may only have one [All-In (X Charges)] active at once, with X determined by the amount of charges used. These effects may be gained:

Health: Strength and Vitality

Mana: Intelligence and Wisdom

Stamina: Agility and ignores Vitality and Wisdom of the enemy

Killing a humanoid or monster while the status is in effect will refund half of the used resource>

The high-risk, high reward unique skill of Tatsuya, similar to his previous one—[Rush Hour]. Only, this one was even riskier as overusing it could kill him. Without regenerating any Health, using this skill to increase his Strength five times would actually kill him, per the rules of the System. Really fitting name, as such.

Unlike Kyouya’s unique skill, Tatsuya’s didn’t have a level, so it couldn’t get any better than it already was. As such, the only way to strengthen it was to either level up and get better base stats, or use his druidification.

Also, coffee addict, jeez. His unique skill just had to involve the coffee-tasting tea.

With our opening created, I cast [Wind Blast] behind me, boosting my speed even further. I then stomped on the ground, blowing every single dwarven guard away from the entrance, allowing the wyverns to pass by. Ellaine even grabbed Tatsuya with her [Whiplash], allowing us all to make a perfect getaway.

We dragonkins rushed through the tunnels, following Grimnir’s instruction before we were forced to transform back into our dragonewt forms due to the size of the dungeon’s entrance. There were few confused miners, adventurers, and guards around, but after Kazumi and Kohaku showed the latter their IDs, we headed right in. Technically, some of us weren’t allowed to enter, since we needed permission from the local adventurer guilds—myself included.

<[Humanize (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

“W-wait, is that Grimnir?! Get him!” Well, it didn’t take too long for the guards to notice our group’s most notorious member. We pretty much had to run.

“This way!” Grimnir ordered as his armor lit up blue, activating a few runes on his boots as he sprinted away, far faster than before.

Seeing him rush away like this, I had Shay and Beth carry the students under their arms, while I moved to help Ellaine. However, the Aurora’s fourth member shook her head before the armor around her legs began to twitch around, to the point she could catch up with Grimnir’s run. What the hell did those two do while I wasn’t around?!

In any case, the Gazahan Iron Mine was the name of the dungeon we were headed for that also acted as a mine for the dwarves. According to Grimnir, the old ore veins had dried up ages ago, before he was even born, so most of the hold’s minerals came from the two rank E and one rank D dungeons in the area.

The monsters inside were barely a threat to us, as they consisted mostly of rank Fs in the first five floors. Once we got to the sixth, rank Es finally appeared, but they were mostly slow rock monsters or golems. To a new adventurer group, these monsters were a real threat as their Vitality were high and most normal dwarf adventurers didn’t have magical attack weapons. In addition, they were just far taller than a normal dwarf.

To us, though, they were living target practice.

<Experience for development Jobs has reached multiple breaking points.

[Idol]: Lv. 4 -> Lv. 7

[Mage]: Lv. 8 -> Lv. 12>

[“Seventh. Are you kidding me, how did you guys train? I barely get anything from them!”] I complained as we had to take down monsters as they stood in our way.

“Further in!” Kazumi replied. “Everything will be answered once we get into the secret location.”

“Also, you guys owe us an answer, too! Tatsuya-kun, Kyouya-kun, Hesti-chan. We need to catch up now that everybody’s together! I mean, you got everybody, right?” Kohaku looked at me, prompting me to show her a thumbs up, before showing off my [Room] runes.

We got everybody… Although I did point out that I didn’t have the time to look for their equipment, to my surprise, Kazumi told me it was alright. Apparently, all their equipment was stored at the Luedbrumdar clan’s warehouse.

With a smug meow while twitching her katzune ears, our team’s cat burglar smirked as she told us she knew everybody would go towards the Edgesworns’ base. She saw my Territory appear, so she hazard a guess she didn’t need to reunite with us. Instead, she went to get their stolen equipment, where she found Grimnir and Ellaine sneaking into the place as well.

[“We were trapped inside the artisan district, under the Luedbrumdar’s sanctioned smithy. That was where the smithing contest was held and where they trapped us after Daichi got a bit too hotheaded,”] Ellaine exclaimed. [“We noticed the commotion and Master decided to demolish pretty much everything in his way with his new armor. We got to the clan building, and then we decided to hurry over to you guys. Our perfect timing was a coincidence!”]

Aurora really had bad luck when it came to our encounters, but there really was that little bit of luck that connected us all, huh?

“Oi, speaking about that coincidence, how is that damn brat? He okay?” Grimnir sounded angry—rightfully so considering what Daichi’s outburst caused. Still, the look through his open open-face helmet told me he was still concerned about him.

[“Bruised, but I healed him. He’s with the others.”] My answer visibly caused the wrinkles on his face to soften, returning it to his natural expression. He still looked like he would lecture people, but that was just Grimnir before a drink or food. [“Speaking about others, where is Klea’Hatma? At this point, she should have made an innuendo or something.”]


I turned my head around, seeing as Ellaine wasn’t answering. I couldn’t see her face through the face mask of her body suit.

[“We’ll talk later. First, let’s head into the secret passage.”]


On the ninth floor, just before the staircase to the dungeon’s boss room, Kazumi hurried us over to a dead end. She then pointed at the floor before the wall, telling Kyouya to wipe the dirt away. Once he did it, we noticed a small slit. Kohaku told him to pull the stone brick out, and once we did, he told us there was something like a handle inside it.

Kyouya then pulled on it, causing cogs to suddenly turn, clanking together as the brick cavern-like wall lit up blue, before it moved up like some hidden door. The entrance was revealed and the dark tunnel behind it was lit by manatech lamps.

“It’s safe,” Grimnir reassured us before letting out a deep sigh, swinging his manahammer over his shoulder and attaching it to a small sheath on his back. “Broggi, that crazy fellow, really had secrets even he never told me during our travels.”


<[Humanize (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

While I transformed back into my moderate form, the twins remained in their minor form to stay on-guard. Well, Shay wanted them to stay in their minor forms, while Beth wanted to use her moderate and even major form, since she already spent the SP on it.

[“My lady, please, tell my sister she should worry about her duty! We cannot let our guard down, even in a place of safety!”] Shay pleaded to me.

On the other hand, his usually disciplined younger twin argued back, [“Mistress, my brother’s reasoning only follows that of a wyvern despite our current situation! We are no longer in the Avitor Peaks, so we don’t have to follow the law of the strong with every step, and should be allowed to experience more than just our world. It is our duty as royal guard to understand what you and the Empress have to deal with everyday!”]

… Well, this certainly was a pickle. Either I become a hypocrite by agreeing with Shay’s reasonable demand, or determine that leaving your guard down to “feel more comfortable” was the correct choice with Beth. Considering I always go around in my moderate form cause it combined being cute with my combat prowess, I should go with Beth … but I kinda agreed with Shay.

“… Do what you want.” As such, the best answer was just to ignore and run away from the problem.

[“My lady?!”]

Well, after deciding to ignore the constant arguing of the twins, the rest of us traveled down this tunnel. It was still the same mine-like aesthetic, but now, instead of torches, manatech lamps lit up the place. You also couldn’t see miners digging up ore or adventurers hunting monsters crowding the place in noise. It was eerily quiet, outside of the distant rattling of cogs.

“Broggi was always more of a supporter of Crustacia, unlike the rest of us Luedbrumdars.”


Grimnir suddenly began talking, filling up the silence with a conversation about something new. Which made it weirder, since he usually grumbled. He only talked when it was necessary.

When he noticed me raising a brow, he clarified on his reason for speaking up. “Just giving you all the context of the situation. The people who came with me already know, but you probably don’t. With everything you got yourself into to help us, it would feel bad if I left you all in the dark.”

Grimnir then turned silent from here on forward, leaving the rest of us only able to talk about Tatsuya’s and Kyouya’s unique skills. Once they told everybody about their skill’s description, Kohaku and Kazumi couldn’t believe they had such risky skills. Both could pay Health for their powers, making them extremely reliant on healers like Tamae or me.

Although I had already heard this before, listening to them explain how they got their unique skill once again still stunned me. Outside of them gaining their unique Job from entering a pact with Saori’s shadow pack, they gained their unique Skills after they evolved their first development Job during their stay with the vampires.

“It’s something with the food.” Kyouya grimaced as he recalled what they were served by the holier-than-thou vampires of Purchigchia. “Bread, some meat stripes, and practically no vegetables or fruits outside of … ‘blood oranges.’ Literally, blood. Well, at least they tasted decent … outside of the heavy iron taste. Although, I guess they gave us some to acclimate ourselves before they put us into blood knight training.”

As the vampire princess told me, they were gestured by Vivachel to take care of the boys, although training was never hinted at. Still, they did it anyway and put them into an almost spartan-like training where they had to learn fast and train while under the effects of hunger. That was why they complained how they couldn’t eat or drink anything for days.

The only thing they were given were these blood oranges and a ritualistic meat dish similar to tartar at the beginning of it. From then, the boys trained and trained, as the only way to get any oranges was to pass each checkpoint. While the vampire’s squires had to go through the entire process, the vampire princess decided it was enough once they gained their unique Skills after killing flying fortresses and alchemical gargoyles.

“We can show you guys it. We actually brought some of these oranges with us.”

The boys then took out some of the fruits from their storage, even a sample of the tarter they were given. They had already appraised them, telling us they weren’t anything special. They couldn’t really believe they had gained their unique skills due to the training, so they presumed they had spiked their food.

<Blood Oragha: An oragha fruit mutated in the bloody soil of Drascul, turning its savory juices into that of real blood. Acting as a feeding substitute for vampires to satiate their thirst before their next big drink, these fruits cannot fully replace their hunger due to a lack of mana>

<Bat meat: The meat of a bat>

I swear, sometimes the Divine System really was trolling with its description of mundane objects. It even did this to me back in the Belzac forest!

… In any case, I should give them to Tasiann and Rita for analysis. In fact, Cernust was coming to Estralia too so once he arrived, I could have him and Rita actually analyze these things so we could actually determine how the boys gained their unique Jobs. My guess was that these things did something in their bodies, mutating it in addition to Saori’s adding them to her shadow pack. After all, Kyouya’s unique skill was too similar to Saori’s own unique skill [Shadow Armament], while Tatsuya had the killing aspect of her [Life Taker].

They didn’t look or feel any different, and I even checked with [Mana Eyes] to see if there was anything weird in their bodies. Still, we probably should find an answer soon, since I still didn’t trust vampire princess Vadisma. Her hatred of Uzerra and wish to destroy Aleistunum and kill the people there didn’t resonate with me at all, to the point I had a feeling it would affect me in the future.

The boys and girls agreed with me, sharing my suspicion she might be trying to use the two boys as a contingency plan. Just like the demonkins. It really looked like everybody was trying to lure my friends in with nice and cool unique skills, only to remind everybody how there was some ulterior plan.

“… The world hates us.”

I couldn’t agree with Tatsuya anymore. I had the feeling there was something weird which made it that, wherever we went, there would always be trouble of some kind. Maybe Aurora wasn’t cursed, maybe us otherworlders were cursed! Just like in those light novels where the protagonists always got themselves in some trouble!

In any case, while we were wondering how all this would affect us in the future, we stopped our discussion the moment we reached  the end of the tunnel. Our eyes widened as we stared at the rusting walls and ceiling of the chamber before us.

Not brown, black, or grey rocky walls, but solid metal plates decorated everything inside like some sorta ancient factory. The specks of dirt and rust eating away the glistening metal really emphasized the neglected state of this place. Even the floor and the few tables around that were made with wood were slowly rotting along the aging chamber.

What also caught my attention was the fact this was where the sounds of those cogs came from. As I walked inside the place, I noticed giant cogs slowly moving around as blue streaks illuminated the place inside translucent pipes. Like a river stream, what looked like mana was all moving towards a singular location in the middle of the place.

The chamber was mostly empty, outside of a large smithy with a large pit full of dead, cooled down magma on the left and a large workbench with plenty of tools and other gadgets. The few tables and chairs inside didn’t look too usable nor aesthetically pleasing, but I noticed some dirty wooden dishes and scraps of meat and fruits here and there, giving this rather dour place some character. Although, it did contrast the abandoned nature of the rest of the chamber.

Grimnir then walked towards the middle of the place, where I noticed something like an altar was there. A statue of a short stack woman was placed on the very top of it, holding onto a tablet and what looked like those rod-like tools Ellaine always used for her artificer work. Looking closer, this woman seemed like a dwarf, as she had long rock hide around her ears, to the point she looked like an elf from afar.

I then looked down, noticing signs of the altar being pushed away. My eyes then turned to a small keyhole where all the mana pipes were feeding their mana. I looked up at Grimnir as he took out his helmet, prompting him to shake his head.

“The room was empty when we first found it,” he answered.

[“We used the room as our temporary base where we hid from the Luedbrumdar soldiers. However, we couldn’t do anything else as there weren’t any tools. The forge was dead and we couldn’t start it up with even Master’s fire breath, and the artificer bench was barren.”] Ellaine explained before she suddenly stood still.

Seconds later her bodysuit armor hardened up, to the point it looked like some sorta futuristic exo-skeleton with all its cogs and widgets. I took a step back as I saw blue seams lit up the armor like all the other dwarven armors I’ve seen up until now. It then made some yik-yik sounds as a brown and green light began radiating from her right and left hands.

The armor then opened up like some iron woman suit, revealing Ellaine’s face and real body. Surprisingly, Ellaine was actually wearing an actual skin-tight bodysuit behind that armor. In fact, the pieces of the armor formed up around her frame, morphing itself into the knight armor she used to wear. Some of the pieces were missing, but most of the wing and feather themes she had before could be identified, although the colors were now only white and black.

Where did the red parts go? My body pieces!

Not realizing my internal sadness, Ellaine cleaned up her messing blue hair before wrapping it all up in her usual ponytail. She then stared at me with her yellow eyes, smiling widely. I couldn’t help myself any longer.


We hugged.

“Good to see you again, Ellaine,” I couldn’t help but eke out.

Recovering her breath from my sudden embrace, Ellaine tightened her hands around me, even as I made sure my wings didn’t get in the way. “You say that as if you thought I would be in danger again, hiehie! … Aurora member, Ellaine Fiero Helvas, reporting in after a prolonged venture.”

I then released her, smiling back as I remembered how Aurora was slowly coming back together. Sure, we went our ways for a bit due to our differing goals and it had only been at most two months, but it was still good to see both Ellaine and Grimnir after only having Tasianna with me.

“What is that armor? And where did my parts go?” I asked.

Smiling wryly Ellaine, scratched her cheeks as a blush appeared. “… This is the Heavy Enhancing Shapeless manaTech Incursion Armor … Or H.E.S.T.I.A. 0.9, for short.”

“…” My eyes went wide and my mouth opened up a bit. I looked over at Grimnir.

He shook his head.

I then looked over at Ellaine, and she too shook her head. So I turned to Kazumi and Kohaku.

“… Daichi.”

That was all I needed to know.

“Never say that acronym ever again.”

Everybody nodded while I tried to refocus to get rid of this second-hand cringe. Regardless, while the acronym was a bit too embarrassing to say out loud, the full name did pretty much tell me what it was—a shapeless armor.

“The vault here wasn’t completely empty of treasure. In a small corner, hidden behind the smithy, we found not only the prototype version of this armor that had been made for a dwarven woman’s body, but also this.” Grimnir then nodded to Kazumi, who took out a book from her subspace and handed it to him. “A little work diary from Broggi. This place here was all his. A hidden workshop where he could create whatever he wanted without needing to justify it to anybody… makes you really think, huh?”

Grimnir’s eyes closed up a bit, looking down as he stroked the little book. Ellaine frowned a bit as she looked at him, causing the students, the twins, and me to appear confused. Was there something important in the book? Why didn’t Kohaku or Kazumi know about it?

“Broggi had always been the extremely inventive type, to the point he was beloved by the people of our home. He was one of the best artificers of this generation, respected by even those in the capital. However, here, in our clan, Broggi never was that well liked, although nobody ever said that to his face. After all, he was our pride,” Grimnir murmured, reminiscing a bit. “I thought I knew him. I always thought so. The Luedbrumdars are followers of Bleidla, but he loved Goddess Chihiro like a mother. The mother of inventions. He revered her even more than the Earth Goddess.”

Grimnir then burst out in laughter, although it somehow felt awkward. Almost solemn. “I always endured how much he spoke about her, because I respected him as a fellow artisan … and as a friend. I thought he shared those feelings.”

His grip tightened around the book, wrinkling the leather cover of it.

“The only loyalty he ever had was to Goddess Chihiro, and his life goal was to recreate everything she couldn’t finish. The gun blueprints he wanted were for this goal, and I always condemn myself for talking him into it despite how much he told me it wouldn’t be possible … What a fool I was.”

He then opened the book at its end, scrolling a few pages back until he showed me the page. However, the handwriting was so messy, it was impossible for me to read. As such, Grimnir read it out loud.

“‘Finally, I did it! My cousin, Grimnir. I finally managed to talk him into it! He found the conviction and curiosity to follow me into the vault! With his expertise and crafting, he can make the tools I need. The best blacksmith and runesmith of our clan is now in my hands. Goddess Chihiro’s vault… her forbidden room, the one sealed away by Bleidla’s followers! ‘The room of Taboo,’ ha! Fools! Those blueprints are the future of our world! I must obtain them. I must! This is my goal, my life's work! I will assure all of them get to meet the sun once again. Whether it's me or anybody else, we will finish the Goddess revolution over the world and show how wrong Bleidla was!’”

“…” I was speechless.

My parallel minds reminded me of who Broggi was and how often Grimnir spoke highly of him and how he was the best artificer he knew. The techniques left behind in Grimnir’s hand were imparted onto Ellaine, helping her become the artificer she was today. Even Jadhund and Rosserto established this person as an impressive person… But what was this? Was this really his diary?

“I finished it when Ellaine and I were imprisoned. Nothing to do but read it, right?” Grimnir smirked before letting out a deep sigh, closing his eyes. “Broggi …”

“… The armor and materials; we found them there. Master and Daichi thought we could refashion them, fit me up with it since I needed armor which could hide my demonic form,” Ellaine explained. “It was also our entry into the blacksmithing contest, but everybody thought he had made an armor using demonic powers. It was a misunderstanding.”

“Hahahaha!” Grimnir interjected with a loud crackle, before putting the book onto a nearby table. “The ‘demon smith.’ A good misunderstanding, lass. With that, you can use your demonic powers whenever and wherever and we can just use the excuse that we claimed a few materials from the demonkin we fought in Griffonpeak. It doesn’t matter, right? All that matters is we resolved that problem of yours …”

… Where is Klea’Hatma? Why hasn’t she said anything about this yet?!

But before I could bring up the matter of her silence, Grimnir walked up to me, bumping his chest and showing off that dragon head emblem once again. “The Luedbrumdar place their clan crest on their breastplate. This is the Kargryxian Empire’s emblem—the head of the black dragons breathing fire in the shape of the crescent moon. Princess Hestia, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“… Are you sure?” I could already guess what he wanted, looking at how long he looked at that keyhole before. “Your cousin didn’t seem like he cared about you. You even admitted it—he used you.”

The dwarven smith nodded. “I still dislike Bleidla and how so many blacksmiths revolve around this god and his gift of the [Blacksmith’s Eyes]. Nay, I say. What is taboo about trying to keep the world turning? Inventing more? I will not blame everything on him, again … but, if my princess values promises, so must I somewhat. Broggi and I still made a pact, even if he wasn’t sincere to me.”

“… Then speak, and I shall do whatever I can as your party leader and master, Grimnir Luedbrumdar.”

“Will you help me retrieve Broggi’s equipment and unlock the secrets he held hidden here? So I can make you armor even your dragon form may wear?”