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<Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Continuous Cast Lv. 6] [Mana Eyes Lv. 7] [Benevolent Aura Lv. 6] gained>

<423 human and beastman have become your followers>

<Total follower count updated. Total followers of [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]: 18403>

“Rank B. Hunter’s and Mercenary’s guild. Thank you so very much for all your help, Princess Hestia.”


Four days of healing. It took me four days to finish healing everybody in Elyonda, which included the civilians, the tourists, the adventurers, the knights, and any nobles. Which was why my follower count rose up so high, since I actually got to personally meet some of the people who were still a bit apprehensive of me.

As much as Elyonda was a religious state, there were quite a few people who admitted to me they didn’t believe I could have actually regrown some people’s limbs. In fact, they didn’t even bother to come with the initial wave of people, which was mostly made of fanatics who came purely ‘cause they knew of my singing and healing abilities. It took these hold outs until the third day to actually appear, after they saw two days of my hard work.

Well, outside of that reason, all this healing took me four days also ‘cause of the time involved. While using [Miraculous Grace] wasn’t a problem if I did it slowly and for a single person, having to do it more than once and for hard procedures like regrowing limbs or bones was a herculean task. The spell by itself consumed a ton of mana, which meant arcane corruption. That alone meant I had to be careful considering how many people were injured in this city.

Now, I could have had Neill perform the same thing she did when I healed the demonkins—eject the corruption right out of my body with her dragon paths. However, the city had a severe mana spawning problem right now, to the point you couldn’t go a day without at least ten rank Cs or Bs appearing. This meant those capable of fighting, like my group, had to be sent out hunting monsters repeatedly over the past few days.

Sure, the saurians, the wyverns, Neill, and others were leveling up pretty well and the slain monsters provided food, but the city was beyond understaffed. The place had so many problems, including building temporary shelters for everyone that lost their homes with earth magic. I also was included here.

Honestly, I could go on and on about how much this ruined city needed—water mages to push the flooding away, fire mages to burn corpses, earth to build homes, and wind magic to clean up rubble—but it wouldn’t end. There just was so much. Even poor Rita was being overworked like a horse, since she had flora magic. The land had to be cultivated again. And we couldn’t forget Mother’s ice had also frozen a good chunk of the place, too.

You know, I saw a ton of these natural disasters hitting cities and towns on the news, but the moment it affected you, you really realize how much of a nightmare this all was. Healing could only do so much until hunger came into play. Food and safety really were the biggest problems here.

It was when I was resting after the mass healing that a representative of the hunter’s and mercenary’s guild asked me to come to their temporary guild hall. Although, it was just a tent with the receptionists and guild master, really. This was prime time for adventurer work, after all.

This was how I just got my ranks upgraded.

“But why?” I asked the temporary de facto guild master as I took back my ID.

“The adventurer guilds are usually neutral when it comes to wars, but this was technically a monster invasion. While you didn’t formally receive the Quest, my lady, you still partook in the Quest that Duke Alberstien and Lord Jethro issued. As Lady Renee said, ‘You deserve what you are due,’” the guild master, a rather drained-looking man in his forties, explained. “My own contribution to the invasion was quite meager, I admit. I shot down a few high orcs and echikobolds, but for a rank B? Pitiful. However, the reports I read from the people I asked told me you had done more than just kill a couple of monsters.”

I guess I did.

“Wooooo!” While I wasn’t feeling that too enthusiastic about the rank up, the person next to me was feeling it for me. “Rank A! Finally! Ahahaha, come on, why aren’t you more excited about it? Rank B? That means more possible Quests you can take, so why not just say ‘WAAHOOOOOO!’ Eh?”

Neill was pretty much a pure adventurer with a tendency to plan her trip towards cities with tournaments. I had forgotten that fact.

“Wahooooo!” Seeing her so excited, I just did my best to sound hyped up, although it did kinda remind me that I have barely taken on any normal Quests since that geisenlarg extermination. I made such a big deal of raising my rank when I first became a hunter, but now, it just was something I put behind my idol and blessed work.

“Well, it does make things more exciting though.”

Also next to me was Tasianna, who was here since she also got her rank upgraded. In her case, her actions and contributions were just delivered to us this morning from the guild master in Port Annencia, probably ordered by Duke Greenveil, who I sent back home with his knights on the day I woke up.

In addition, Shay and Beth also got their contributions reported, but since they weren’t adventurers, we couldn’t do much about it. Beth, who had come with us alone since one of the twins had to watch over Mother, didn’t think it was necessary. To her, she would do whatever I wanted, even if she was officially part of Aurora or not. Her brother had a similar opinion.

Wanting to know why Tasianna was more excited about it than I was, I asked her to elaborate. “Well, obviously, dungeons, my lady! Don’t forget that we need higher ranks to enter the higher level ones!”

“… You goddamn genius, I had forgotten all about that! THE LOOT!” I jumped right up, before I snapped my head over to Neill and back to the guild master. “… There were 20 reported rank Bs, and I managed to kill five of them—the navy ones—with a spell and a spell song all by myself. Not including their battalions and fleet. Why am I not rank A, then? Why only B? I thought you needed a couple of rank As to defeat a rank B monster?”

“Oh, that’s because you still need to fulfill the rest of the requirements, Sis,” Neill answered for the man, before deepening her voice to sound like an officious old man. “Ahem. ‘Requirements to become a rank A hunter or mercenary: first, 40 rank B and ten naturally gained rank A points, reaching level 100, and, lastly, a qualification test against a rank A adventurer or acknowledged combatant.’ I took my test a while ago. Ha, should have brought somebody at Yorshka’s or Vifi’Yok’s level.”

Neill was smirking, knowing full well how impressive of a feat becoming a rank A adventurer was. Sure, I had been meeting more than my fair share of rank A adventurers, despite how rare they were, but most were either associated with the guild or some high-ranking position like a knighthood. Like Yorshka and Farron were knights, and the saurians weren’t rank A yet, but they would have a meeting with the guild after us. Even then, they belonged to a recognized warrior faction.

Outside of them, Tehmrayn was a Champion and knight, Larent was a former knight, Muraina, the elven ranger in Griffonpeak, was the representative of Artorias’s hunter’s guild, and Neill was my sister. … Aside from my enemies, I was pretty sure those were the only official rank As I had met up until now. Those I could confirm, anyways.

… Then again, wasn’t Tehmrayn level 161? Wouldn’t that make him rank S? Honestly, I should finally ask about it.

“Question then: how do you become a rank S?” It was a question I hadn’t asked up until now just ‘cause it wasn’t relevant to me. I was a rank C for most of my adventurer career, after all.

The guild master placed his hand forward, only showing two fingers in a peace sign. “Level 200.”

“… That’s it?”

“How many people in this world are at such a high level?” the guild master asked me, but I couldn’t really answer it. “We cannot test you outside of sending you off to slay a rank A all alone or have you join a party to slay a rank S. However, those were the only few ways you can level up to such a level. What do poultry sums of points mean in the face of overwhelming power?”

If that is the case, then getting to rank S will take a looooooong time. I can’t evolve, after all.

“You were promoted to rank B because of your ability to decimate rank Bs as if they were nothing. Even fighting a single rank B would have sufficed. The same thing applies to Miss Tasianna. Lady Hesita, through your deeds in this siege, you have gained enough rank B points through slaying rank Bs, slaying hordes of rank Cs, and taking on a raid against an SS rank. You also recieved enough rank A points from this battle as well. You are over level 100 too. All you need to do now is to take the test, and you will be promoted to rank A.”

And thus concluded my meeting with the adventurer guild. How long has it been since I started out as an adventurer? Nearly a year, I believed. I was this close to becoming a rank A. All I needed to do was to ask Farron or Muraina for a test, and I could probably become one.

Tasianna on the other hand was still missing some rank A points, due to her contribution mostly coming from the Port Annencia battle in the Lecartiglio Duchy. Apparently, Yorshka was the star over there, so she and the wyverns had less to show for themselves.

Speaking of the wyverns, I had asked Beth if she still didn’t want to become an adventurer, arguing that they could only join me in a dungeon if the twins became one. Hearing me say this, Beth said that she would discuss it with her brother. Both were feeling like they were severely falling behind us.

“Blessed Hestia!”

As I left the guild tent, a horde of people holding up baskets suddenly ran up to me. Some of these people were wearing tattered clothes while others looked like they were soldiers. Still, all of them held up the baskets they were carrying, offering them up to me. Looking inside each of them, I noticed there were sun-dried fish, fruits, and wild vegetables.

“What is the meaning of this?” I asked with slight irritation, prompting one of them to answer.

“Our gratitude! Please, today, please accept them!”

Another side effect of my healing was the fact some people had become even more fanatical. I couldn’t understand why. Sure, some people were entranced by my singing, which was what I expected, but even more were coming up to meet with me ‘cause I was a blessed. They called me a miracle worker, considering my healing spells were stronger than a normal priestess’s. Well, the spell I used does have “miracle” right in the name, but still!

It felt like I was being adored too much, and in a way I didn’t want. This behavior was even more grating since some of them even offered “donations” and white grace payment, despite how I didn’t want them. I wasn’t here to take things from people in need. Sure, I ate a lot, and with my solar core broken, I couldn’t harness solar energy. But I couldn’t just accept this, right?

“I told you this already, but I don’t want your gifts. Yes, I appreciate them, but I didn’t heal you because of monetary or materialistic gain. I did it because I promised it to you and that it was the correct thing to do. Just accept it already, please!”

This was not the first time.

“How could we?” This time, a woman spoke up. “You saved my child’s legs! Those godless undead were eating my child and I in the arena, but you came up to save us! You burned the enemy away with your purifying flames! Oh, Goddess above, please, accept it, Lady Hestia!”

“Yes! Not even the knights came to our rescue! Not even the nobles! We forgave Prince Markval, but he wasn’t the real reason we survived! It’s like Champion Rhea has said, you and the many other adventurers were the heroes!”

As the man said that, others came up to us, each presenting presents to Tasianna, Neill, and Beth. Looking at their frowns, I could understand their feelings too well. They, too, were victims of Renee’s “owe what is due” speech.

[“Master …”] From my shadow, Rajah was growling a bit, frustrated by how they were inconveniencing me. How, just like Beth, he had to hold his temper.

“No!” Still, this was something I couldn’t just accept like a rug. Hearing me raise my voice caused the people to cower a bit.

As a normal internet dweller, I had learned of the more devoted fans—the stans—spending obscene amounts of money towards somebody they idolized. Whether it were streamers, entertainers, or just political figures. They would throw away money on merchandise or donations, despite needing it themselves!

Some might call them suckers. Others, simps! All these insults may be true, and to an idol, the support of their fans was an important factor for their career. “Free money,” you could say, and I could understand it. Idols work hard; breaking sweat and ruining their bodies to perform for their fans, so why shouldn’t they accept some compensation? It made sense.

However, my goal as an idol was to bring smiles to people’s faces. I was born and raised with a silver spoon, so I never knew the importance of money until Saori forced it into me. If I had become an idol on Earth, I wouldn’t have cared about the money. I just wanted to perform.

However, with my current situation in this world, davi was important. I needed coin for nearly everything. For example, the recent [Crystal of the Divine System] purchase really hit my party’s funds like a freight train. Monetizing my concerts for the nobility and rich and selling people merchandise and food during the performance were a necessity. Still, I had my limits to this.

For example, taking food from people clearly losing weight due to rationing. With water mages, water was abundant, but not the ingredients for a healthy and balanced diet with two or three meals a day.

“If you want to show your gratitude to me, then show it by helping people out who need your help!” If personal feeling arguments wouldn’t work, then the next best way to do it was to take advantage of their religious feelings towards me. “I cannot be everywhere to help everybody, so I do my best wherever I can. This is why we people, those living in society, join up together. A single person, no matter how strong, cannot do everything. But, in a team? We can share the burden, widen our horizon, and reach the ledges a single person cannot.”

I looked over at Tasianna, Neill, and Beth. I smiled and gave them a nod. “Defeating the leviathan and the grimgarians wasn’t a one-woman job. I couldn’t have done it myself. We did it together. However, with the fighting over, you now have a bigger problem. Your ruined home. Helping us when we don’t need it won’t get you anywhere, but if you can lend this hand of yours to others, those too weak to stand here with you, then I am sure the Goddess will smile upon you. Even if it isn’t Goddess Aurena, I would be happy to see us all work together.”

A bit too preachy, honestly, but it felt like the right thing to say here. Fortunately, it seemed to have worked when they started speaking to themselves, before nodding to my face.

“You’re right, Champion Hestia! No, Idol Hestia, you’re right!”

“Truly an idol to how we should act and behave to thank the Goddess for the blessings she had given us! In the darkest moments, we also need to shine bright! We must light up the fire to banish the shadows away!”

“Yes! The Champion maker! You brought us Dame Rhea! To bring a human up, despite being a dragon. Thank you for your wisdom, Lady Hestia!”

Turning their heels around, the group of men and women dashed away from us, shouting that they would do me proud. Did I do the right thing here? This honestly looked like I indoctrinated them into what I believed they should be doing.

“Ahh, don’t worry too much about it, Sis.” Neill showed me a thumbs up. “Dragonewts are worse. They took everything I said as gospel.”

… That doesn’t make it better.

[“Mhmm! These humans understood your brilliance, Princess! Ooooh, it makes me excited to join them! Maybe I can help them out more than just going out to hunt?”] Beth stroked her chin as she glanced around the now slightly rebuilt city, curiosity looking around for a task.

[“Yup, yup, Master. You always know best!”] Rajah stated with the utmost admiration for me.

“… Can you both not act like yes men? I want friends and family, not people parroting everything I say as if it were the truth of the world.”

The two were shocked to hear me say that, but I couldn’t foster such behavior in my group. To accept everything I said or did just ‘cause it stroked my ego was a one-way trip to arrogance and unnecessary pride. I developed into the woman that I was ‘cause Saori kept objecting on my stupid ideas, Tasianna keeping my moral compass steady, Ellaine reminding me of where I started, and Grimnir granting me the wisdom of reality. To continue staying true to myself, I needed capable companions, not bootlickers.

[“I-I apologize, Princess. I got a bit too ahead of myself.”] Beth bowed deeply, letting her wings and tail go limp.

[“Mhmm, but Master …”] Rajah wanted to argue, but stopped when I reminded him how I trained him when we first met in the Belzac forest. I would praise him when he was good, and admonish him when he was being feisty. [“… I understand. I’ll try to be less … childish. Master, wants a powerful Rajah, after all! Not a weak Rajah who only hides in her shadow!”]

As long as you understand. I nodded, content with the fact I put my foot down as a tamer. I still hadn’t chosen his rank C evolution yet, but that would change today. I just had to make sure he went into it with the correct mindset.

Still, rank B, huh?

I took out my ID and poured some mana into it, activating the emblem on the left of it to turn into one with a bow and arrow, symbolizing the hunter’s guild and their quasi-patron Goddess Themestra, Goddess of Hunting and Archery. I then looked down, where I saw a clear blue “B.” I did the same for the mercenary’s guild’s emblem, silently rejoicing at the fact I was a rank B.

I didn’t do many mercenary Quests, since being a bounty hunter and bandit killer wasn’t my style, but it was good to have it. Who knows? Maybe I would one day get a Quest to hunt down some Yanderu Eluseuss? Now that would be something I would gladly do. Having the correct rank would ensure I could get into it.

Hear that? The Yanderu Eluseuss are fine game, but a demonkin girl I could sympathize with isn’t? Feels so hypocritical of me.

Well, that was my daily self-deprecation moment, so it was time to do some work. Neill excused herself, as she and the saurians were part of the hunting crew. Monster could emerge from the ground at any time due to mana in the area, so it was best to have somebody on patrol.

Meanwhile, the rest of us went to the castle. Today was technically my day off after all the people were healed up, but there was still a ton of things that had to be done to get this city back onto its feet. Sure, most of the rubble and flooding was gone, but there were still a ton of people who didn’t have any shelter and there was a huge famine problem right now.

Why wasn’t I sharing my food? Well, there was a reason why I had the skill [Gluttonous]. With no solar core, I couldn’t make any solar energy, which meant I had to eat. A ton. Like a dragon’s share. Just like Neill. As “cold” as it was, I had to take care of myself and my party first. Another reason why I found the people trying to give me food kinda annoying.

After we made it to the castle, I looked around the place, trying to find Renee. The servants and guards were all busy with their own tasks, and I didn’t want to bother them right now. As such, it was time to use my nose for a change.

“Rejected! We can’t possibly afford such a price for all the supplies. That is simply robbery!”

Hmm? I noticed a lot of arguing behind a still undamaged door, recognizing the voice behind it.

“Nonsense. This is business, as callous as it is to say. Feeding an entire city, not to mention a nation at this point, isn’t an easy task. The labor, transportation, and time must be calculated into the pricing.”

“The Greenveil Duchy is loyal to His Majesty, King Drangleic. As the Grand Duke of House Greenveil, I have a responsibility as the kingdom’s Grand Duke of Economic Affairs. I need to calculate every possible event, seeing as we are currently entering winter. As abundant as our harvest was, I must sell it at an appropriate price.”

Seems like negotiations aren’t going too well.

“Hestia?” I turned my head around at the sound of that familiar voice, noticing Renee was approaching us. “Here so soon?”

“It was quick. Neill is probably getting the saurians right now,” I told her, before returning my attention to the noise coming from behind that door. “Seems like Anasthasia and Duke Alberstien aren’t handling it too well.”

“… Sadly. Anasthasia did tell you the principality had financial problems already, right?”

Due to the war sortie a few years ago, the principality was slowly declining due to civil unrest and an economical downfall. From the looks of it, the civil unrest was sorta dealt with after the siege when Renee, Champion Royce’s daughter, became the next Champion of Yeostar. However, thanks to the ruined city and the fact every village and town on the way to Elyonda was razed by the grimgarians, things weren’t exactly shiny.

Anasthasia had wanted to use the Festival of the Stars, with the harvest festival and tournament of Yeostar, as a way to generate money from tourists and foreign merchants, but that had failed spectacularly. Although my flash mob was a general success, all that effort was put to waste by the siege.

Speaking of the flash mob, the bards from “Bardic Inspiration Music” had already departed from the city. Neill told me that, as adventurers, they had to look out for work. While they wanted to help, they needed to find work or they would end up in poverty. This was the case for a lot of adventurers, even the Yeosian ones. I couldn’t blame them. People should seek what would make their lives better, not fall into the pitfalls of morality. My party, on the other hand, could afford it.

“Well, this is what happens when you bring in two experienced merchants to the table, Lady Hestia,” Tasianna let out a small sigh as she reminded me of the people behind the door. “Reajaen and Duke Greenveil are a frightening duo. If we had brought in Duke Equevanna, too, those two probably would be suffocated.”

One good thing about having me as a friend was how I had a ton of contacts. What did Elyonda need right now? Clothing, food, and tools. Who could provide this? Merchants. Now, from the people who I knew who were merchants, other than Saori, Ellaine, and Haruka? Exactly; Duke Greenveil and President Reajaen.

The Kingdom of Artorias’s Greenveil Duchy was known as the merchant duchy jokingly since most of their nobles were more merchant and land cultivator than nobles, while Reajaen currently presided over the largest merchant state in the Republic of Estralia. If Elyonda wanted a fair price, one not influenced by the fact that the city was in dire need of food and as such was susceptible to scrupulous merchants, then they had to speak with my allies.

Also, yes, after I allowed Duke Greenveil three days to spend some time with his family after he fought on two battlefields, I just brought him back to Elyonda. Kinda scummy, in a way. However, he had already negotiated with Princess Anasthasia about my concert with his daughter, Amelia, so he already knew what a dire situation the city was.

With Reajaen taking the position of a pure merchant while the Duke gave his input in the matter, the two of them were perfect to assure Yeos got the support they needed, but wouldn’t have to pay more than necessary. Sure, it sounded like they were destroying both Anasthasia and Duke Alberstien behind the door, but what could you do? This wasn’t a charity. There had to be some debts and such. The whole merchant and price thing wasn’t my specialtiy, so I left it to the experts.

“… We can offer some of the valuables we’ve accrued over the years. Our port was a haven for Imperial goods.” I heard Duke Alberstien suggest.

“That sounds enticing, but we can do better, my fellow duke. Griffonpeak has a dungeon, but I am sure His Majesty, King Drangleic, could possibly direct some funds for the goods if Artorias could gain access to your arena as a training ground. I saw how magnificent its area simulation was.” That was Duke Greenveil. Even now, he was trying to gain more favor from King Drangleic through this deal.

[“… It seems he might be building up to that,”] Beth noted, to which I had to agree.

“If it happens, then it happens,” Renee replied with a deep sigh. “The general populace already hates the Empire after they abandoned us. The summit you are meditating over will probably be an important event. If we can persuade the nobles …”

That was right, the Summit of Ankor-Nazta. The land of the dwarves was pretty much my next destination, barring anything unexpected happening. The summit where the alliance of the eastern races would be held, where the dwarves of Ankor-Nazta would form an alliance with the Kingdom of Artorias. Although, that was just the initial goal, since the plan was to cajole the elves of Salariel and dragonewts of Loatryx to join in.

I would be attending as the “Head” of this alliance, since I was made the pretty figurehead by King Drangleic. Since this alliance would give me the military power I needed to deal a decisive hit to the demonkin controlling the Church of Aurena—the Prince of Envy.

Now, I just had made Renee try to bring Yeos into the mix.

“Duke Alberstien and Sir Jethro, although he’s still stuck in his bed, are both against doing anything to upset our relationship to the Empire; however, both Prince Markval and Princess Anasthasia were for it. Although, as you can guess, our geographic position would be terrible if we were to take such a large leap. The Empire is literally just a day’s trip away with a boat.”

Yeos was weak militarily, so chances were low they would join us. However, I had hoped to bring Renee into the party for the future raid on the Prince of Envy. As a Champion of Yeostar, she would be a good companion if she could get trained by the God of Knighthood himself. But, if it wouldn’t work out, then so be it.

“Speaking about boats, I presume they made it to the Empire by now.” I was speaking about a merchant vessel we had sent to Port Saltzwieder, the closest port city to Elyonda. “I hope the city’s merchants can do something. We need food pretty urgently.”

Two days ago, Renee had sent out a merchant vessel with the help of the remaining Caedhulens, which included our reliable transport captain, Adhi. Yeosian merchants were entrusted with the funds the royal family were able to make from the festival to buy any food or items the city needed. Watched over by Master and Alistar, we were hoping this could help the famine problem out.

Pretty much everything was done to solve this problem right now. Even Rita was currently trying to make some farmable land for the farmers to work on. I even sent out a letter to Cernust, a woodland drake and [Flora Magic] user, asking him to come over. As a fellow dragonkin and friend, I trusted him, not to mention he managed to regrow the burned area around Cedaraille after the rachonoid queen raid. Also, I believe Rita mentioned how she knew him, so it should be the time for the two plant whisperers to reunite.

“In any case, why are you here?” I asked Renee after our discussion was over.

“Oh, I was planning on delivering some documents to the Prince and his mother. They need to be reviewed. One of them contains the schedule for my official knighting.”

“Woooah! Good for you, Renee!”

Prince Markval’s mother, the Princess Dowager Estelle, was known by people as an insane woman who had lost her mind after learning of the fact her husband had died. Due to this psychosis, some people had even spread the rumor that she killed the mother of Anasthasia, despite Anasthasia herself claiming her mother had died from a sickness.

In any case, I hadn’t heard any other rumors since I rarely visited the castle or anything Yeosian nobility related, but I knew Estelle was crazy. Like, fanatical mother kinda deal. Well, apparently, she had feigned her craziness to drive people away from her son as a way to protect him from the more overeager retainers. People would be less inclined to do risky stuff, when the fear of the crazy princess dowager could just order your head to be cut. Talk about extreme.

Oh yeah, speaking about nobility and stuff, the four princes—the leaders of the four other countries of the Divide of the Five Princes—were sent back home safely after they got stuck here for the siege. Apparently, those countries were currently in a similar state to Elyonda. Maybe even worse, since the grimgarian invasion in those areas hadn’t been repelled yet.

Yes, crazy to say it, but the invasion hadn’t totally ended. In Elyond and Artorias, we managed to drive them off, but in the nations along the coast, the grimgarians had managed to create a foothold. In other words, this wasn’t the end yet, and it seemed like this side of Altrust would continue to be tumultuous in the future.

Shouldn’t I be helping them? Why should I? They weren’t my allied states and I wasn’t some justice-crazy hero. Aurena hadn’t sent a Quest to me yet to help them, so why should I lift a finger to go there when Elyonda needed my assistance. Yes, I did feel bad for the innocent people there, but as I said, I wasn’t a hero. I have had enough of war for now.

Well, if they sent a request, I might consider it. It’s still good experience.

… Oh wait.

“Hey, have you heard anything from God Yeostar?” I asked Renee after remembering that fact, but she shook her head. After she first heard his voice during her inauguration as a Champion, she hadn’t heard anything from the man.

In fact, Aurena and Kramps hadn’t spoken to me ever since the siege. This silence was so weird. Was something happening up in Heaven, or were they ignoring us? In any case, thinking about it didn’t do me any good. I had something to do with Renee today.

“Anyways, Tasianna, can you help Renee out with the documents, please? I want to start my information session with her right away!” Tasianna nodded and left us to deliver the documents, while Beth, Rajah, and I went to the training fields.

After all, I had a Unique Job and skill to appraise! Uniquer!



Thanks for the chapter. Yes, finally we get to see the new shiny stuff.

Diego Rossi

by Duke Greenveil who I had sent him and his knights back home on the day I woke up. - by Duke Greenveil, whom I had sent back home, with his knights, on the day I woke up. The original version seems a bit off.