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Edit: Pretty much a rewrite of the chapter since I didn't like how I did it. Flowed less well, and I think I put the character focus on the wrong characters. As such, it's pretty much a new chapter.

Also, since I am still on vacation, it took this long. To be honest, I rewrote this yesterday, but decided against releasing it then. I will have the next chapter ready a few hours later. When the US reader are awake. So most of my EU and SE Asians readers can pre-read this, and then understand what's going on the next chapter. Ehe.


<Individual [Sunfang Dragonewt, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor] has switched her Secondary Job to [Flame Lancer]>

<Attributes have increased due to level up>

<Flame Lancer Level: 0/20>

<Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Spear Technique Lv. 10] [Spear Mastery Lv. 10] gained>

<Skill requirement fulfilled. [Spear Technique Lv. 10] and [Spear Mastery Lv. 10] combined into skill [True Spear Technique Lv. 1]>

“And there’s that. Lucky! It’s RestDay, but the total of available Job changes has already reset for me? Guess it’s an aftereffect of being in that different dimension,” I cheered before snapping my hands to explode a tentacle into watery bits inside the rubble of Elyonda’s merchant district, before throwing Aurora’s [Crystal of the Divine System] to Renee. “Need to change?”

“You rich brat!” Renee’s flamberge produced a tornado around its blade before she shot it out to eliminate the undead around us. She then threw the crystal back at me. “Honestly, the fact you can afford something like this is just baffling! Also, no, the Unique Job System works differently. I need to level up all my ‘attachment Jobs’ first, before I can change.”

The benefit of being ultra-rich a few days ago was that I could finally get our own [Crystal of the Divine System]. The only way for humanoids to change their Jobs, and I had one in my hands now. This was mine — no, it was Aurora’s. The price we paid dropped our funds back to before we made all those merchant deals — to the point I felt poor again — but the reason I made this investment was for situations like this.

Changing Jobs whenever and wherever we wanted. To make leveling and dungeon diving more efficient.

While I contemplated on changing my Main Job to something more suitable for this situation, to my surprise, I discovered my max weekly Job changes had reset back to three. Today was only Sunday. From previous experience, the counter only ever reset on Monday of a new week, making me believe my little interdimensional visit caused this somehow. Somehow.

Regardless of the real reason, I could acquire new Jobs, and so I did. [Flame Lancer]. Why? Obviously, to level up my spear skills and also ‘cause I needed a quick to level up Job, since I was about to rack up some big-time experience! There was a horde of grimgarians outside the city; this was the perfect time to level up, change Jobs, level up, and repeat. If the weekly reset would still happen tomorrow, then I better not waste this chance!

After dispatching the undead and tentacles right in front of the arena, I told Renee to ignore the rest, as they posed no danger to the evacuees inside. I summoned [Unheiliger Engel] and took to the skies, since we needed to hurry up to the walls. Watching the undead swarms beneath us made me a bit squeamish; just remembering how hell erupted in the arena made me sick.

All’s fair in love and war, sadly.

However, my attention was quickly taken away by something happening to my left. A giant blue magic circle appeared in the sky as it materialized the form of a giant serpent with six pairs of feathered wings — a ryuukoatl, I believed.

It spread its limbs out as it gazed at the ground before roaring. It flew around in a circle before this magical golem turned into a giant water tornado with enough ferocity to create a small hole in the clouds above, letting some sun rays through. This was Master’s strongest custom spell — [Tehenhauin], at least, that was what I believed it was, since he never actually showed me the spell.

It’s also Tasianna’s inspiration for her [Slithering Frozen Serpent] spell. No wonder.

In any case, the port seemed secured if Master was using his grand AoE spell. With his catalyst, Master was a pretty fast caster. I could leave the place to him for now, as I rather focus on the dire state at the walls.

Undead and tentacles were starting to swarm and overwhelm the garrison and adventurers there. I could see large mana slashes outside the gate, in addition to the sound of small explosions piercing the rain and blizzard. A few mages were at the gates shooting spells at the undead inside the city, while knights flying around on their gargoyles picked the tentacles off. Leading them was a familiar-looking knight.


My parallel minds just notified me they were done tallying up all the System messages I had been ignoring up until now. I really should hurry, but I asked them to do this since I probably have to use my skill points later on. Whether it was Ghorush or the demonkin girl, I couldn’t bridge the level gap, but I could equalize things a bit with skills and tricks.

<Multiple proficiency requirements fulfilled. [Mental Stability Lv. 10] [Mental Warfare Lv. 8] [Mana Eyes Lv. 7] [Concentration Lv. 10] [Night Vision Lv. 10] [Aerial Fighter Lv. 7] [Fear Resistance Lv. 7] [Speed of Sonic Lv. 6] [Tranquil Mind Lv. 3] [Thought Acceleration Lv. 5] [Multi-Thought Processing Lv. 6] gained>

<2096 human and beastman have become your followers>

<Total follower count updated. Total followers of [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]: 17287>

Also, this…

<[Hestia’s Retainer] has links for certain abilities from Titles: [Aelozonia’s Ambassador]. Seeking permission for activation… Individual [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor] has usurped ownership over [Aelozonia’s Ambassador]. Permission automatically granted… Intervention from Goddess Plesia. Usurpation rights activated. Overruling Supreme Administrative rights… declined. Usurpation rights activated. Overruling Supreme Administrative rights… declined. Usurpation rights activated. Overruling Supreme Administrative rights… declined. Usurpation rights activated. Overruling Supreme Administrative rights… declined. Usurpation rights activated. Overruling Supreme Administrative rights… declined. Usurpation rights activated. Overruling Supreme Administrative rights… declined. Usurpation rights activated. Overruling Supreme Administrative rights………… accepted! Permission granted by Goddess Plesia>

[Aelozonia’s Ambassador] makes sense since Master is more-or-less promoting his continent and making money to finance his countrymen’s immigration. Hmm, but the rest…

Obviously, Plesia got pretty frustrated there. How strange that my usurpation didn’t fully work on the blessing due to Plesia’s intervention. Aurena mentioned I just took over her blessing out of nowhere, which I attested to the fact it took her by surprise. Plesia probably was prepared for this, seeing there were exactly 182 of the same messages.

If my parallel minds hadn’t taken over, I probably would have gotten a migraine from all of this. Eventually, it did cease with Plesia granting her permission, although, considering this was a System, couldn't she have done a macro or left some program to handle this? Maybe it just got annoying after a while? Then again, if she could resist my usurpation attempt, why not just squa… Yeah, I wouldn’t want to die.

Thank you very much. I don’t care what ability I got. Thank you for your mercy, oh great Goddess of the Depths.

Regardless, seriously, I had no idea what ability I got from this deal. In Saori’s and Asaka’s case, when they got their blessings, I could’t extract anything as they were apparently “empty.” Guess the gods were doing everything in their power to not give me free gifts. To find out, I probably had to go [Battle Frenzy]... although it kinda went against Sis and Mother, since they told me not to overdo it since it could tire me out and mess up my mood.

Well, I was confident in my mental protection skills, so it should be good. [Young Sunfang Dragon] and all those mental skills were there for a reason. I made these investments to control [Battle Frenzy], after all, so they better make it worthwhile! I wanted to use it more than just a couple times in a row!

“Dammit! Run!”


The soldiers on the wall—those who were using the giant mounted crossbows to fight back against the grimgarians outside—were evacuating themselves. They were making a mad dash as a decorated soldier commanded them with that loud shout. Even the mages on it were escaping, preferring to go on the ground where the undead were.

What is going—

It was then I saw six black magic circles appearing on the mana barrier around us. This was the only thing keeping the grimgarians outside, forcing them to siege us with mana cannons. If it went down, this whole city would be swarmed. That was why Larent and Alistar were determined to protect it.

However, at this very moment—

Boom. Six times, followed up by multiple blue balls, only for six black lasers to attack a singular spot in the barrier. All of this happened in the span of ten seconds, I believed. Far too fast for me to realize there was a crack forming.

“Hestia!” Renee cried out the moment I saw it. I activated my scale-dust boosters, but it was too late.

A weakness was found, and the invaders didn’t let this go. The lasers stopped as something flew right through it, causing a loud glass cracking sound. In the next second, the barrier surrounding the city began to flicker, before it started fading entirely.

Time was of the essence, they say, and it seemed like my escapade in the arena finally caught on. This siege was never meant to last more than a day. The grimgarians were ready for everything the moment they came.

“Abandon the gates and camp! Retreat and reform ranks!” Renee shouted right next to me, almost falling down from her floating obsidian chair. Her voice, however, couldn’t reach the people below.

The monsoon and blizzard from the Territories of our two SS rank kaijus was raging about.


The “human” cannonball was none other than a heavily armored gnoll, crying out as it raised its arms in victory. It wasn’t clear what he was doing, but it was clear this was a signal. Unfortunately, there were still people on the walls, including the decorated soldier from before. None of them could hear Renee. It was too late for her to say it again through [Aerokinesis]...

… Good thing I heard it. Good thing my scale-dust boosters were already on. Good thing I was a wind mage and also a dragoon squire.

Wind Blast! Tailwind! Air Walk into Dragoon Dive!

Like a rocket, I crash landed right onto the knoll with my glaive. The wall cracked from the impact, but I knew it would survive this attack since I didn’t even turn on my catalyst. My head snapped out of the wall, detecting a few individuals taking the lead, readying their weapons in a gap in the earth wall maze Sis had created. Just looking at them sent a chill down my spine as I understood their plan.

Instead of panicking, I activated my music and cast [Featherfall] on myself. It had been a long time since I used this spell since I never had a use for it ever since I created [Unheiliger Engel] and learned how to fly. This level nine [Wind Magic] spell wasn’t useful for somebody like me, but its application was pretty crazy if you thought about it.

<[Featherfall] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

Seven Wind Blasts, let’s go!

The enemy were about to unleash their attacks, but before they could, I materialized seven [Wind Blast]s right on the wall and below me. With a second delay, all of them activated simultaneously, blasting any human, beastman, or ungrounded object away from the wall like a ragdoll.

All of them either crashed onto the ground or some still-in-tack building. Some landed safely, but some were immediately shot into the mix between undead and soldiers, forcing them to participate immediately. A good thing [Featherfall] negated any landing damage from falling, and a good thing [Idol] acted as a [Synergist’s Oath], sharing my Featherfall buff with anyone that  could hear my music.

It was just… how was I supposed to get out of here in time?

Oh oh.

“““Ggugniak! Chiksu yuf shariyk!””” How they trumpeted and howled as my hero move saved the people from meeting the same end as I was about to feel.

My legs bent down, ready to perform [Dragoon Jump] to jump away, but before I could, the gnoll from earlier grabbed both my legs and pulled me down. As I could feel his breath touch my head, I snapped my head up.

“NIAKASH BAAL’AK!” he roared with a fat smirk.

Niakash ba- Fuck yourself! Spark Crescent!

With my tail and glaive, I slashed this trashtalker into tiny pieces, to the point I realized he was just a C rank from how easy it was. It also helped that my Jobs leveled up in response.

<Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Flame Lancer] has risen from [Level 0] to [Level 2]>

<Attributes have increased due to level up>

<Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Main Job [Champion of Aurena] has risen from [Level 6] to [Level 7]>

<Attributes have increased due to level up>

Just, all these levels didn’t matter when I clearly didn’t have the time to celebrate!

Fly! Wind Bl

Just then, black tendrils erupted from my shadow and wrapped themselves around my limbs, including my wings. If I were still weak to dark magic, I probably would have groaned in pain, but thankfully that wasn’t the case anymore. It was just kinda annoying they had a tenebrous mage around just when I thought I could escape.


My eyes widened in a glare as I stared daggers as a blue hobgoblin mage, seeing her smirk of superiority. She nudged her staff to her right, showing me the sight of mana cannons and their army readying their long-range attacks to destroy the walls. And with me with them.

Tsk! White flames burn these bindings! Panzer. Sanctuary! Terra Walls! Shit, am I gonna make it time! Please, stall long enough!

I grasped that hope with my hands and snapped around, focusing on a far away point with a horde of zombies. I’d rather crowd surf with a bunch of undead then get blasted by whatever was coming here. No way would I get hit by even more mana cannons, please, oh gods, please!

I activated my boosters the moment the bindings were burned away and used [Dragoon Jump] with [Tailwind]. However, it just wasn’t enough. Although my [Haste] and other Agility buffs from before still hadn’t expired, I had just used up all the time I could use. Even with superhuman, rocket-like speed, at best I could only dodge a fatal direct hit. I couldn’t even transform back in time, so tanking it up was all I could do now!

Now! Wind Blast! Juuuuuump!

Like the sound of a crashing landfill, I heard rock and earth splinter apart from behind the wall of earth I constructed. I jumped and blasted away, ignoring it as I already knew what it was. Escape and survive, that was how victory was acquired. Nothing else mattered. All that mattered was my instincts and the lessons I had learned up until today.

Just get the hell out of here and LIVE!


Ignore and blast off! RUN! RUN! RUN!



… For a moment, I thought I heard two similarly loud explosions. One, happening right as I flew away, sounding as if something was destroyed and falling apart… like a wall. Like the demolishment of a building. The next, sounded like real kabooms, destroying everything in its wake. That was a real explosion.

So, what was this?

I didn’t feel hurt. I didn’t even feel sore, although I did feel something supporting my back and legs, in addition to something fluffy covering up my entire face. I thought I would be flung away like the people I blasted off like ragdolls. I thought I had to kill some grimgarians as revenge to get the level up bonus.

I thought… I wanted to see what was happening as I felt the blow of the rain and blizzard ruffling my hair. So, I pushed aside what was blocking my sight, only to see a familiar purple-black yukata. However, instead of those irresponsibly exposed pink skin, I saw black scales with purple highlights glistening in front of me.

I took a closer look, noticing that the fluffy thing was actually purple fur, large enough to cover not only a chest but also this person’s shoulders, going all up to their long, mane-like hair and going as far as her horse-like tail. There were familiarities, but her muscular legs and arms, equipped with beautiful scales and carapace, confused me. Even more when I saw her lizardman face look a bit similar to a horse’s. Although you could call it derpy, her frown and wide fanged mouth gave her more of a cool-beauty kinda feel.

And this person was now carrying me in a princess carry.

“... Neill?”

[“You brat, don’t you dare laugh, alright! Don’t you dare after I came this fast!”] I heard her voice in my head. It really was Neill.

However, even without her telepathy, I saw the purple colors on her body flaring like neon lights, in addition to all the blue seams of mana flowing along the crevasses of her scales. She was clearly in her [Battle Frenzy] mode. Even if this was the first time she showed her dragonewt form to me, the sweet, sweet pheromones I could smell on her would have me think of her as nobody else than my shy older sister.

“As if, you look like a cool superhero from a niche, but extremely loved, comic book! Damn, I really want to see your kirin form now!”

It was the first thing that came out my mouth as I saw the explosions behind her. Just like a real movie character… cool girls weren’t allowed to look at them, after all.

[“U-Uh?!”] Her face contorted, looking as if I just said something outrageous, before looking up. [“Oh, could you keep playing that so—”]


“Oh, could you keep playing that song so your [Featherfall] is still active on me?” was probably what she wanted to say as we crashed right into a building, flying out of it like bullets before landing right in the mix of a couple of undead. Well, I guess Neill’s [Draconic Barrier] or whatever dragon path shenanigan she used couldn’t stop physics.

… Just, why the hell did she land perfectly? With her two legs right on the ground? With a clear, dragonewt-shaped hole in the buildings we broke through just before they broke down? Was my sister actually a movie star and this was just a movie all this time? This went way beyond what I was expecting!

[“... Could you not look at me as if I was some god? This is just the same ability I used when we were in the cave. Concentrate mana into the building at the moment of impact, spread the dragon paths around to maintain stability and form. Strengthen. Harden. Then use mana to forcefully root myself onto the ground like a plant to land ready for a fight. Rita helped me perfect it, since kirins aren’t supposed to fly, you know?”]

… Regardless, we punched and flamed our way out of the horde. I didn’t want to crowd surf with all of them moaning and groaning about brains. Figuratively speaking.

Of course, after that attack, Neill wasn’t exactly unharmed. Instead of me, she took the brunt of the incoming attack, something she felt more comfortable with given how her Vitality and scales were probably stronger than mine. Which made sense, especially since she was in her minor form and [Battle Frenzy] at that moment. In any case, I healed her up after that was done and we made a mad rush away.

<94 human and beastman followers lost>

<Total follower count updated. Total followers of [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]: 17193>

“What are you doing there, soldier! Three to the back, side-by-side, walls! Shield up, one, two, three, PUSH! Bards, we need Vitality songs!”

With Neill back in her moderate form, since she didn’t want anybody else to see her minor form, we suddenly heard some familiar voices piercing through the rain. For some reason, it was far louder than the rain droplets and the roars of war, helping us find our way back to the main camp. There, we saw not only people pushing the undead back, but also the bards from “Bardic Inspiration Music.”

I couldn’t find them at first, which worried me, but it seemed like those 21 bards were fighting with the whole crew all this time. After Neill and I helped them destroy the undead before them, we quickly greeted them, happy to see the whole group was still alive. It was unfortunate our meeting was cut short when Neill heard Renee.

Renee was most likely stuck in the air on my corrosive wings when I tried to save the people on the walls. So, how the hell was she on the ground? Why was she also taking charge of the soldiers and adventurers as if this was normal. This seemed so quick, it made me question how long Neill and I spent getting through that ground of fodder. Also, ‘cause I could see my [Unheiliger Engel] still in the air!

“[Featherfall]. I heard it from there,” she answered the moment we helped push through the horde. I should have figured. “Also a reminder that I still haven’t learned [Wind Magic Lv. 9] despite how much my father told me to learn it… Sh-He really doesn’t understand how hard it is for a ‘normal’ person to learn his swordsmanship while leveling up magic.”

“... I-I can kinda imagine that part of your life. You had it bad with your parents too, huh?” Neill blurted that out, not reacting strangely at all despite Renee somehow returning to the city. In her PoV, Renee was gone for multiple days without a word, and then appeared out of nowhere with a new set of armor.

“Yeah, you complained about your mother’s training— Arck! In any case!” Renee snapped out of that discussion, returning us back to the dire state of things. “I had a chat with Alistar. He’s leading a knight force behind their numbers for the mana cannon. The mages mentioned they can get the barrier up again, trapping the grimgarians, but we need time. We cannot lose this location!”

Renee pointed at the broken down wall, explaining this was caused right after Neill saved me. The cavalry had already broken through the rubble from the walls, taken over the area for the incoming orc knights and a buncha goblin and kobold foot soldiers. Alistar had managed to save the majority of the fighters by calling an immediate retreat, but things were far from perfect, as I had been notified of their deaths.

It was then Renee came in contact with him and quickly explained things. Since he already knew Renee was Rhea — the woman Alistar had mentioned in our first meeting — everything was quickly solved and Renee took command. Due to her charisma and the fact her armor was visibly stunning, listening to her felt natural to soldiers and adventurers. It also helped her orders were precise in this time of panic where they were being attacked from both sides.

“We cannot let them take the city. The arena might be safe, but then they would commit to the two headed attack on the port. Karhalantheel is obviously supporting them, so we need to endure! I’ve sent a message to the port for Rita’s help and any reinforcement they can send, but time was not on our side.” Renee then raised her flag to give out her commands to the people around us before continuing speaking. “Larent is fighting against four massive high ogres at once. We need to support him. Also, the grimgarians archers and mage squad are bombarding us. We need them gone before Alistar strikes!”

““Leave that to us!””

There was no need for a fancy order. We knew exactly where we were needed now.

“Good! You, soldier, recall all soldiers protecting the wall entrance to the central camp. Immediately!” With a salute he ran off. “Let some grimgarians in, I have a plan for that. Just stop the cavalry, I don’t care about some foot soldiers. Stop the breach, and we can divide and conquer! Hestia, I’ll transfer Party leadership to you, so invite anybody you think we can coordinate with. Go! May God Yeostar keep you safe on the battlefield!”

<[Human, Rhea Renee Sealight] has transferred the Party Leader to you>


Party Leader

Name: Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor  Level: 103

Main Job: Champion of Aurena Secondary Job: Ravager Unique Job: Locked


Name: Rhea Renee Sealight         Level: 88     Unique Job: Plumwind Squire


Name: Larent Antonodius         Level: 147

Main Job: Bloodoathed Avenger Secondary Job: Sword Savant Unique Job: Locked


Name: Fargryneill Qilinus Kargryxmor         Level: 111

Main Job: Dragonkin Destroyer Secondary Job: Esoteric Pathfinder  Unique Job: Locked


Ah, Neill and Larent were already in a party. Gotcha.

Neill’s eyes widened in surprise, probably at Renee’s unique job but kept quiet about it for now. She could read the room. “Then you better keep all of them safe and sound, then, you greedy punk!”

“War is never safe, but I will hold this place, even if I were to lose my limbs and head. Just come back before that happens, you two! Alistar will signal us when the operation is executed. Just create an opening afterwards for him to escape!”

With a sound “Got it!” the two of us dashed out after I reapplied my buffs on myself for the incoming battle and summoned my [Unheiliger Engel] back. As Renee mentioned, echikobolds riding on giant rhinos were wreaking havoc as soldiers and adventurers ran for their lives.

Seeing this happen, Neill then placed her hands onto the ground like a sprinter. I could see her mana faintly concentrating itself all into her legs as she shot from her starting position like a bullet. She then threw her body up, leg first, the second she passed the escaping soldiers, before flapping her wings to give her the momentum and form to move forward like a human drill.

Her legs eviscerated any grimgarians before her, slaying the heavily-armored rhinos. Feeling a slipstream created from her mana, I entered it with my glaive ready and [Gale Steps] forward to cleave the head of two echikobolds aiming at my sister’s back.

I wanted to fight this like an artillery mage, but at this current moment, it was better for me to move with my indomitable frontline. It honestly felt good fighting like this with her again.

“Grrrrrruuuuuaaaa!” Goblins cried out as they ran away, alarming the orc knights. A certain one in the back roared out, probably giving orders, as the black knights reformed their ranks and moved back slowly.

Seeing them act like this, Neill stopped her assault and tapped my shoulders, giving me the signal to do what an artillery mage could do. Seeing as we had to close up the broken down wall, this was also a chance to stop more incoming cavalry for a moment.

Purple Flash, Ruinous Rockfall!

Level four [Terra Magic]. If [Rumbling Might] could summon up a small-scale earthquake, then [Ruinous Rockfall] was a spell that simulated a landslide. Certainly not as destructive as [Heaven’s Sword], but having giant rocks fall on you could still pretty much squash most things.

In the sky, a giant brown magic circle suddenly split into five smaller ones. Each materialized rock in the sky before it just began raining car-sized boulders onto the orcs and breach. Before they fell though, my eye sharpened when I saw a tall, blue-skinned hobgoblin make her way forward with her staff raised.

She slammed it on the ground and created an army-wide black magic circle. It activated and the shadows of everybody in the circle flew into the sky to form into a thick blob that blocked even the light from coming in. I couldn’t even see a proper form.

Tsk, that mage is back. Info?

<Shadowtouched Hobgoblin: A blue-skinned hobgoblin marked by Marsven. A goblin blessed with shadows upon evolution, allowing them to cast [Tenebrous Magic] as if it was a natural part of themselves. Can manipulate shadows of others as if it were another tool at their disposal to topple the status quo of the world. Rank B>

<Level: 27

Intelligence: 5014

Wisdom: 4312>

Well, that is problematic. You want me to Heaven’s Sword you, huh?

A shame I had almost 2000 more Intelligence despite being in my dragonewt form! Sure, I had less Wisdom, but my defensive stats were usually weak as hell. Ahh, it felt so good being able to see an enemy’s profile again!

Whatever, white flame Hellflame Breath!

As such, I knew I could overpower her spell! White flames burst from my mouth as they struck the shadow barrier. Seconds went by before my attack dissolved a hole into it, dispersing it consequently and leaving the orcs below vulnerable to my terra spell. However, the mage bought enough time to minimize casualties.

<Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Flame Lancer] has risen from [Level 2] to [Level 4]>

<Attributes have increased due to level up>

The mage slipped out with the orc crew as the rocks filled up the breach in the walls. Meanwhile, Neill had quickly dispatched any remaining grimgarians within the wall. Since we had to help out Larent, we flew up on the wall, where we saw the grimgarian mages having constructed siege ladders using [Dark Tendrils].

I wanted to blast them away, but Neill told me to stop. Sure, it would endanger the rest of the people inside, but Renee explicitly told us to mostly ignore the foot soldiers. The cavalry and the hulking trolls, orcs, and gnolls were the real problem. As such, I sprayed some white flames on the tendrils to cause the grimgarians to fall down, delaying them as we flew towards Larent’s side.

“Come on, that old man is tough, but not when he’s getting engaged by four high ogres with mages bombarding him!” Neill urged me. She told me she and Larent were trying to hold off the invaders before I arrived, so she knew best in what state he was in right now. “There we go. See those mages, Hestia? Take them out. Gotta be quick though, otherwise the rest of the B ranks will gang up on us!”

Using [Wind Blast], I blew Neill right into the mix of things with Larent, while I followed her directions and went over to the mages. Archers and orc knights noticed me immediately, seeing as how I was in the sky, and began retreating with the mages using [Shadow Dash].

Expecting this since this was Saori’s go-to move whenever I wanted to fight her head-on, I had already prepared something in advance as they were still Invoking the magic circle. My body jerked back a bit before I felt something hard being pulled up my throat. Vomiting this [Hellflame Breath] out, it wasn’t your typical crimson fire breath, but actually a spray of lava!


They cried out as I washed my mouth with my hand, before using [Volcanic Blaze] to control the lava and melting earth below it. Whether it was to harden it into obsidian or let it flow to poison them with my corrosive lava, I made it extremely hard for any of them to escape, even with magic.

At the same time, it gave me a chance to sing.

In my purgatory, I make the devil cry ♫

In Hellfire ♫

All you hear are his screams, begging to be released ♫

It’s Music ♫

I had to bump up the music a bit to make sure Larent and Neill could hear my voice, otherwise they would be left vulnerable to the incoming meteor shower. I looked in the sky, noticing elephant-sized flames in the shape of dragons forming, before they rained down upon the enemies before me and the four high ogres.

<Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Flame Lancer] has risen from [Level 4] to [Level 6]>

<Attributes have increased due to level up>

Seeing how I was done with my side, I glanced over, only to see a rather impressive sight between our side and the four ogres.


Personal Form 3: Sparrow Whirl.” Latent’s blade flared up with blue as he twisted his upper body to unleash a graceful slash, looking like a dancer, as the mana turned into a sparrow taking flight. The air stirred for a moment, before it launched two ogres into the sky, lacerating their bodies and spraying their blood like a watering can.

Seeing this happen, Neill’s purple scales and hair lit up as she concentrated mana into her palms. With a loud “Pulse Arcana: Maxima” a giant mana beam burst from her hands as it nearly consumed both ogres weren’t it for the timely intervention of [Dark Tendrils]. However, in the process, one of the ogres lost his right arm and weapon. Just like back at the cave, that move was really destructive.

As my [Dragon Fire] was still playing, the flame meteors kept raining down, forcing the arriving mage to raise her hand, creating a shadow barrier right above all of them with a ring. I remembered the mage from that battalion I fought in Greenveil using that trick.

However, memories could wait, as the mage quickly went on the offensive with six black magic circles. I couldn’t remember the spells she was casting, seeing as I hadn’t studied the System spell for dark. As such, I decided to play it safe and counter hers with six [Banishment Beam]s.

In that moment, simoustanly, six black and white lasers shot from our respectives sides, clashing against each other like in a beam duel. They wavered from side-to-side like a tug-of-war for a moment, before I quickly overwhelmed the mage with my higher stats. Understanding she lost, she [Shadow Dash]ed away before the impact.

Once she reappeared, I readied myself to end her, only to top myself when I heard her shout something at me.

“You’re that mage, right, dragon?! The scouts told us the navy got destroyed! You did that, no?” I was flabbergasted at how she wanted to start a conversation during a war, so I didn’t answer her immediately. “Don’t play coy, our allies told us as much. That means, you must be the one who killed Vul’grim!”

Vul-who? Has to be a grimgarian, right? Maybe it was the name of that high ogre I killed? Can’t remember.

“Our King has placed a bounty on your head in the name of vengeance, sworn before our Mother Goddess! Kargryxmor’s pawns has unsettled us enough times now!” The hobgoblin mage from before shouted out in a frenzy with a wide smile, causing the surrounding high ogres to roar in response. “We are here to regain that honor you took from him. You’re a powerful mage, indeed, so let us settle this as such! You and me, mage duel. We let the warriors fight and see who’s superior! Now, let us beg—”

“Yeah, as if!” I gave the hobgoblin the middle finger, mind boggled at how stupid she thought I was. “I gave you all a chance to retreat and escape with your lives! A warning! This is war, now. I’m not playing fair!”

Fairness? Fairness never assured my life in the Belzac forest!

Dragoon Dive! Wind Blast. Tailwind! Hellblade Edge!

I dived right at the mage, intending to get rid of her before the fight continued. This sudden gust of speed surprised the mage, who believed I was gonna fight her fairly in a mage duel. However, unlike her, the ogre reacted in time, sacrificing his left arm to protect the mage.

“Krrruhk!” It was the same ogre who lost his right arm, probably believing this was all he could do after losing his weapon, too.

With my brain working on overdrive, I immediately raised the heat of my glaive, burning his arm, and also unleashed a purpe flame breath on his face to fully assure his death. I then split his arm up and used my [Unheiliger Engel] to pierce his skull to move him away from me. Neill immediately went into action, pummeling the ogre before Larent dealt the finishing blow.

<Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Secondary Job [Flame Lancer] has risen from [Level 6] to [Level 12]>

<Attributes have increased due to level up>

<Experience has reached multiple breaking points. [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]’s Main Job [Champion of Aurena] has risen from [Level 7] to [Level 9]>

<Attributes have increased due to level up>

No level up despite it being a B rank? Mhmm, sharing EXP between four people is a lot, after all.

With that in mind, I stared at the mage with greed. There was a bundle of EXP just before me. All I needed to do was to reap her with a [Dreadflare Aura] and the grimgarians would lose another B rank. A level 27 B rank at that, too!

… If only that were so easy.

“Hey!” With that loud, growly shout, my [Foresight] activated, telling me to stop attacking and dodge. Clicking my tongue, I still obeyed my skill’s judgment as a giant arrow flew right past me.

Terra Wall.

The earth below me grew, launching me up into the sky where I identified the source of the attack — an archer, an ogre archer to be precise. His hawk-like eyes snapped right at me as a vulture on his shoulder squawked in response, forcing the archer to delve right back into the woods nearby.

The mage had made her escape in the meantime, unable to be found with the naked eye. At the same time, I felt numerous signals approaching us. Looking around, I saw the cavalry had arrived.

One, two… a total of seven B ranks, right?

Orc knights, trolls, C rank ogres, a bunch of archers and mages. Amongst the newly arrived, there were two more B ranks — a high orc in a suit so thick he looked like a human tank while the other was a troll. Most of the bulk of their B ranks were ogres, it seemed.

With five from the navy dead, three engaging at the port, two killed prior to my arrival, and one just dying right now. There were seven before us, so that meant two were missing from the 20 B ranks they brought to this siege. Where were they? That was a concern, but I guess for now, it would be better to listen to Renee and buy some time for Alistar.

“Hahaha, even now, it seems like I am still getting saved by youngsters during a fight. Two young women, at that!” Latent smiled with the ferocity of a predator looking for a way to kill his opponents.

“If you have time to joke around, then start swinging that sword. Here!” Neill threw him a yellow potion — a Stamina potion — before downing a Mana potion of her own. “We’ll leave the support to you, Hestia! Let’s take these idiots down!”

“Hey, Sis, remember how I bought a Crystal? You need to change your job?”

“Aren’t you being cheeky already? I still have some levels to gain!” Neill answered with an unperturbed grin.

An army and seven B ranked monsters were in front of us, while on our side, we had an old veteran knight and two B rank dragons. Not exactly fair numbers, right? However, it wasn’t like we had much of a choice left, anyways. Being outnumbered was what I expected coming into this match.

Little do they know, they are just my source of skill points before I get my rematch with that demonkin! I will have a surprise for her once this is done!

“Then enough wasting time, let’s turn this siege on its head!”



Thanks for the chapter.

Diego Rossi

She then three the crystal back at us. -&gt; She then threw the crystal back at us. our attention was drawn towards a group of fleeing soldiers and adventurers. After dispatching them, I had them bring us up to date. -&gt; Maybe "After dispatching their pursuers," will sound better. "dispatching them" seems to refer to "a group of fleeing soldiers and adventurers." Alternatively: "After intercepting them, I had them bring us up to date."


I caught up!... Thanks for the chapters, hope you're enjoying your vacation.

Diego Rossi

Nice set of changes. Alistar had managed to save the majority of the fighters by calling an immediate retreat, but things were perfect, as I had been notified of their deaths. -&gt; wereN'T perfect but we time is not on our side.-&gt; but time is not on our side. unable to be found with the blind eye. - ? What is the "blind eye"?