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<1002 humans and beastmen have become your fans>

<Total follower count updated. Total follower of [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]: 7205>

<[Music Resonation (Major)] [Various Spell Buffs] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

Sanctified Blaze: Halo of Consecration! Purple Flash! Purple Flash! Symphonie des Feuergottes!

[“Prayer! Dreadflare Breath!”]

Three individual spells appeared simultaneously as I breathed white dragon fire at the hybrid centaur-like, scorpion-thing geisenlarg king. I kept my two custom spells to myself while I made sure to announce [Prayer] to everybody in attendance. As absolutely vital it was for me to appear in this fight as a dragon, I knew very well that if I didn't do something to gain their trust, the adventurers and soldiers would just see me as an enemy.

A halo of white flames appeared above my head. With the white flames surrounding my wings from my rocket boosters, I did hope I looked like an angel dragon to everybody. In addition, two huge magic circles appeared in the sky as I began pushing the bug away from Griffonpeak.

[“Muraina, I need your help!”] I called out as the two spells activated, pouring searing flames on the bug and me while a veil of iridescent light basked everybody in a shower of holy power.

<[Symphonie des Feuergottes (Allegro)] [Blessing of the Goddess of Light (Major)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

Muraina, understanding what I meant, began shouting and giving orders while I continued my fight against the bug king.

“Do you hear that, my forest kin, adventurers of the guilds, and soldiers of Griffonpeak! This dragon is Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor, scion of the great Dragon Empire of Kargryx! The descendant of the Dragon God himself! Look at this blessing of the Goddess and her music of hope!” Muraina announced in a ferocious tone. “This one is a champion of the Goddess! Anyone who is foolish enough to attack her will not go without a punishment! Hunters and mercenaries, if you dare hurt her, I will make sure you will be demoted! Twice!”

Hold on, I didn’t tell you to tell them—

“““For her Highness, Meoshaera Hestia! Saelari, inbaek hasti ka!”””

“Saelari, bask them in our anger and might,” or something like that. My Andurenian was literally just beginner level where I had memorized a few quotes that Tasianna threw at me. However, hearing actual elves sprout that while I was fighting did boost my morale. For a war cry, it sounded exotic and filled with controlled fury.

[“Muraina, I didn’t tell you to tell them about my champion title!”] I complained.

[“Then you should have specified it, Hestia. Just because I can use telepathy doesn’t mean that I am a mind reader.”]

[“I mean, sure, but couldn’t you have— Woah! Speak to you later!”]

This wasn’t the time to talk. An inferno ocean was being created around me, pretty much blocking my sight and such while I tried to cook the bug alive. [Foresight] activated in this situation, forcing me to stop my breath attack and make a quick dodge to the side, avoiding a black beam as it divided the flames from my [Symphonie des Feuergottes] in half.

“Skrrrrrrooooouuuuch!” The geisenlarg roared as it revealed itself, having used its armored arms like a tower shield, blocking my spell from above. Its tail with the needle stinger was shooting out that black ray, demolishing the wall and scorching the earth.

Hold on, is that? Play it, parallel minds!

“Staring out the window while it rains ♫

No one here to talk, silence is all I have ♫

So I delved into my thoughts and wondered, “What if?”♫”

As the flame sea dissipated back into mana, I began playing [My Darkest Thought], thinking this blast of dark energy felt similar for some reason. And to my elation, my guess was correct.

The song weakened the monster’s laser attack to the point it only damaged the surface of whatever it hit. Meanwhile, its skull antennae and black veil cape squirmed independently from its body, as if they had their own consciousness. Its reaction made me confident this creature had some demonic energy within it. This song only worked on demonic things.

I need to alternate between my four songs. Use them like spells to pin this thing down. Mana Eyes!

<Sepulchral Shell Geisenlarg King: A geisenlarg king born within <Information not available>. Rank A>

Rank A, huh? Urgh.

Honestly, I had hoped [Mana Eyes] would have worked here since I needed to know what this monster could do. Now that I thought about it, I couldn’t appraise Eithalr at all either due to those damn appraiser blocker armlets. One of my strongest tools — appraisal — was rendered completely useless today.

However, just with this alone, I was satisfied. This bug was Rank A, probably had some relation with that black potion the demonkin drank, and the amount of destruction it had done even with Muraina fighting it was severe. Looking around the outskirts of Griffonpeak, I could see that nearly all the farm villages close to the wall were destroyed.

At the minimum, this thing was at the same destructive power as the rachonoid queen. But, it’s obvious enough this raid will be even harder.

[“Muraina, I’ll rely on you! Let’s win this!”]

[“I have your back, Meoshaera!”] Muraina declared. “Our reinforcement has arrived, everybody! Let’s all survive and slay this damn thing endangering our homes! Soldiers and adventurers, through holy fire and the light of the Goddess Aurena, we shall win today! The huntress, Themestra, bless our blades, arrows, and spells for we will HUNT!!!”


The many participants quickly resumed their battle stations, manning the cannons and ballistae. Normal weaponry wouldn’t work against this thing’s hard shell, though, so I couldn’t help but be a bit curious what they defenders were planning. Mages began shooting out their spells, while others filled up hollow cannon balls with mana, a type of object I hadn’t seen yet.

Mana Eyes.

<Arcane Eoriant Ball: A cannonball made from eoriant alloy, intended to absorb mana and explode upon impact. The more mana poured into them, the higher the damage potential will become. Overloading the ball will lead to a large explosion>

Eoriant, while common as an alloy since iron and eurinium were common enough, wasn’t the easiest thing to make. There were more normal iron cannonballs than eoriant ones, which means every shot counted. Multiple mages were pouring their mana into a single ball, just to get more bang for their buck.

I don’t think using normal spells and methods would work on this thing. It was obviously weak against [My Darkest Thoughts], so it should be weak against [Shine] and my holy flame grenades. Sadly, I can’t exactly make a cannonball size grenade at this moment for them to use.

“Skrrrrruooouch!” the geisenlarg roared as it swiped it's shield-like pincers at me, trying to swat me like a fly. But the real issue came when it tried using its needle stinger to turn me into a kebab, striking at me like a trained spearman.

I dodged with my rocket boosters. If it's trying to treat me like a fly, I’ll evade it just like a fly.

I couldn’t use my [Solar Beam] with my core cracked. It being able to still absorb and transform solar energy into mana or nutrients was enough for me, honestly. I just had to make do with my spell songs and [Symphonie des Feuergottes] to buff myself. First things first, I needed to cripple this thing.

Panzer. Unheilige Engel.

Brute force wasn’t the way here. Just like with Eithalr, I had to rely on my venom.

The size and agility difference was my advantage. I slipped through its stingers and pincers, using my purple dragon breath to spray toxins into the geisenlarg while using my tail slashes and scale-dust to attempt to puncture its hard shell. I even brought out my glaive, using its levitation function to shoot scale-dust at it.

But, like a living fortress, it withstood my attacks with only a few dents and scratches. My toxins were taking a while to kick in; hopefully, it wasn’t fully resistant against them. I was pretty sure [Dread Burn] should have applied on it by now, but I wasn’t sure if it had a natural regeneration or the same “recovery” as that demonkin — replacing broken parts with new ones.

Turn on [The Will to Fight and Survive].

Aside from the extremely useful [Exhaustion] prevention and increased Stamina regeneration, [The Will to Fight and Survive] also increased damage from fire and holy attacks while decreasing my enemies’ Wisdom stat by 5% — their magical resistance. Every bit counted.

With [Symphonie des Feuergottes]’s “Allegro” phase, I was just speeding around with the increased Agility. I could continue this as often as I wanted, slowly killing it with my toxin.

“Taunt!” However, this rhythm was broken by an unsuspected person.

“Skrrruruuch!” The monster sent a tail swipe at me, which I dodged, before it turned around and head to the ravaged remains of a forest before the walls.

Looking over, I saw a single armored adventurer raising its shield, shouting the [Taunt] skill to draw the monster’s attention. As it began to run, walls of earth were created underneath its feet, shooting him up in the air before a few wind mages used [Wind Blast] to blast him away from the bug, creating distance between them.

However, the geisenlarg was quite mobile for its size, easily trampling forward to catch up to its taunter. The mages escaped before they got stomped on, meanwhile the armored adventurer was now running for his life.

Shit! Is he crazy?!

[Halo of Consecration] was currently applying an AOE field around me, healing everybody with white flames. Any small injury would be healed, but if anyone sustained a fatal blow, they were dead. I did not have the ability to revive people, unfortunately…

As I raced towards the bug to grab its attention with dragon breath, my [Foresight] warned me to dodge followed by a telepathic message by Muraina. [“Move!”] she ordered me, and I did so without questioning it nor looking at the source of [Foresight]’s warning.

In the next two seconds, a giant wind arrow struck the geisenlarg king, pushing him to the side and unbalancing him. This left an opening for multiple normal-sized wooden arrows to fly, striking at the bug’s tail and digging into the slits between the carapace. They stayed there for a moment before wiggling out from them, returning to Muraina while I took this chance to morph [Unheilige Engel] into slime and let it seep through that crevice.

“Next taunter! Go!” Muraina shouted.



Without a single delay, a [Taunt] cry echoed in the area again followed by a volley of cannon shots. The bug shields himself just in time against the cannonballs but its attention was forced away by the first taunter to a new target.

“Hestia, aim for the tail! We need to get rid of its ability to shoot that beam!” Muraina commanded. “Use these moments to deal some massive damage with me!”

I had underestimated Muraina and Griffonpeak’s forces. They were like a well-oiled machine, listening to Muraina without a question. They weren’t making too much progress even with Muraina’s firepower around, but the monster probably would have begun destroying the city if it weren’t for Griffonpeak’s defenders stalling it.

“Saelari, suska!” As the geisenlarg followed the taunter, who was riding on a equerochs with a soldier, the elves began to rain arrows onto its multiple eyes. Then, a large black magic circle was cast on the wall, materializing a [Umbral Pendulum] from it to knock the geisenlarg back, delaying it even more.

“Lady Hestia, here! Drink!” I turned to the source of that voice, identifying it coming from Krymdar. He emptied a potion filled with red liquid and used his staff to gather it up into a ball, before shooting it at me.

I opened my mouth, swallowing the ball whole.

<[Raging Blaze Potion] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

<Raging Blaze Potion: A potion made from fire elements-aligned ingredients. Significantly increases fire resistance and attack potency. Decreases the mana cost of fire elemental attacks>

Oooh, nice! Alchemist support!

I wasn’t the only buffer in this raiding party. People weren’t spamming buffs like I was with my songs, but there were ways for normal people to gain buffs, and that was through potions. Krymdar was not only a dark mage but also an alchemist. After he threw this potion at me, he dashed towards a casket of potions and took a couple of them to hand over to a few elves.

While I was marveling at all this teamwork, the geisenlarg was preparing to shoot out its dark laser again, intending to snipe the second taunter. Before I could disrupt him, another giant wind arrow soar through the air and knocked him back, ruining its aim. I took this chance to play [My Darkest Thoughts] again and hellblade slash its tail to shut down the beam completely.

As if we were in sync, Muraina’s treant — which had grown in size to that of a building and was carrying its master in the air — threw shards of its bark at the geisenlarg as I attacked, crashing against is pincer to create an opening for Muraina to snipe one of its eyes.

Up in the sky, Muraina took out an arrow molded from her treant’s wood as three green magic circles appeared around her. She nocked it on her bow and pulled the string, holding it as long as she needed before releasing an arrow so fast I couldn’t follow it with my eyes. It made me feel like a normal person watching a bullet fly.

Also surprisingly, when the arrow hit, it was almost the length and size of a common car. That arrow had grown.

“Skkrrreeeech!” The monster finally roared out in pain, grabbing the arrow with its pincer to pull it out. As green blood sprayed from its body, black tendrils grew out from the hole, trying to morph into something.

Oh no, you don’t!

I flew up to it and breathed white fire on the tendrils, causing it to screech once again before almost hitting me with its tail. Thankfully, the damage was done and it couldn’t replace its eye. It cried out a third time, rearing up on its hind legs like a furious horse.

It then began slamming its shield-like pincer against the wall, creating a destructive echoing shockwave, stunning multiple people all while the wall began to crumble from the sound waves alone.

My white flames immediately formed on their bodies, healing their ruptured ears. However, as the walls began to crumble, a few people fell with it. Unwilling to let any more people die before me, I cast [Air Shield] around myself and braved through the bug’s sonic attack, catching the falling adventurers and soldiers.

However, suddenly, my [Foresight] warned as I did so, only for the geisenlarg’s stinger to shoot out at me. I managed to dodge it but its stinger ended up drilling through the wall, wrecking it even more to the point that everything began to break apart.

I tried using [Terra Wall] to prevent it from breaking, but the bug took advantage of my hero action and executed a flurry of stinger attacks, only to ruin the walls even more. I kept trying to keep the wall from collapsing and catch anyone who fell, but it was at this moment that the bug managed to smack me with its tail. I had to dodge too often.

As I crash-landed on the ground, protecting the people I had already caught, I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Krymdar and the elves rescuing the rest.

““Thank you, M-Miss Dragon! We’ll be alright from here, the others need you!”” The adventurers thanked me. I gave them a nod before getting back to the fight.

The wall was completely abandoned, but it didn’t seem like anybody was caught in the rubble, but it could also be the heat of the moment, causing everybody to just care about the present. I also didn’t receive any follower lost notifications, and, while it could just be that some of them weren’t my fans, I kept myself optimistic. I could be depressed after this battle.


“Steel Piercer!”

“Hammer Fist!”

Multiple adventurers had abandoned the collapsed wall and joined up with those responsible for keeping this monster in a taunt chain. Looking at their more sophisticated armor design and quality, they probably were some B or C ranks. They managed to land some damage on the geisenlarg while it was getting taunted, but nowhere near as much as Muraina. They couldn’t be A rank.

Of course, engaging the monster to buy some time for those on the wall to recover was dangerous. There were some close calls and quite a few of them were hurt when I returned to fight the bug. Once they saw me, the adventurers immediately retreated back behind the wall, leaving Muraina and me to coordinate our attacks while people taunted.

“Fire!” A cannon volley erupted, hitting the geisenlarg at its head, followed by earth spells to try to unbalance it.

Muriana and her treant Whisperia took this chance to launch multiple arrows and bark shots at the monster, even managing to crack its shell. As she readied the next attack, she told me to attack.

<[Symphonie des Feuergottes (Adagio)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

And it came at the perfect time. The second movement activated, stripping me of my speed boost but gave me more offensive power in turn. I turned on [The Will to Fight and Survive] and flew towards that crack, heating my tail as hot as I could without needing to use my solar core to control my body temperature.

The geisenlarg jumped back, trying to get away from me, but it was stopped on its feet by a [Taunt]. Using my rocket boosters to make up for my lowered Agility, I slipped through its pincers and stingers to finally reach the crack on the top of its shell.

Hellblade Edge!

Like a volcano, an inferno twister erupted around my tail, forming into a large searing blade before I turned the crimson flames into white. I drew it across its carapace, cutting into it with the same arc motion as my [Spark Crescent]. As I readied for the second slash, the white color tainted itself in purple, and I dug my tail into its shell.


A large dose of virulent flames entered its body, not giving the flames the chance to cool down and turn into slime or obsidian. The crack grew in size again and again before I then used [Instant Heat Ignition] on my tail a second time, detonating all the scale-dust reserves I had in the scales of my tail. The blast was so powerful that I even blew myself away from the geisenlarg with the shockwave.

“Skrreeeeeeech!” It roared in agony, but even then, it endured the fact explosions were going off within its shell, bursting out and causing even more cracks, just to finally catch me with its pincer.

“Skkkkrrrrrrrach!” It roared right into my face as it tightened its grip, literally squeezing the air out of me. I was forced into using [Dreadflare Aura] to get it to release its grip from melting, only to slam me into the ground and start stomping on me.


<Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 5] evolved into [Physical Super-Resistance Lv. 6]>

I could feel my scales breaking off in this roughhousing as it finally decided to kick me, blasting me like a football through a bunch of trees. After I finally came to a stop, I let out a deep groan and opened my eyes, only to see my visions completely covered up in white flames.


<Health: 10576/16894>

Uuuurghg?! Are you kidding me, that single attack chain nearly shaved off half of my Health pool?! Argh, I knew it got through my [Draconic Barrier], but this shit is insane!

This geisenlarg wasn’t an A rank for nothing. It wasn’t a special attack by itself, it was just a stomping. If the rachonoid queen had done this to me, it would have had the same results. Evolution gave you a huge boost in power, but usually, late-stage B ranks could be compared to newly born or evolved A ranks in combat power, simply ‘cause the latter had to get used to their new powers.

But this attack went through a [Taunt]! The bug was taunted! Taunt decreased the damage caused to others outside of the taunter. In other words, this thing would have pulverized me if it weren’t for that [Taunt]. Holy fucking Scheiße

The only other A ranks I knew were the leviathan in Belzac forest and the Griffon King of Griffonpeak. I knew the leviathan could wipe the floor with me, and I presumed the Griffon King would too. I just didn’t expect an A rank like the geisenlarg would be able to as well, though. I presumed he would be around the power level of Astalos or the rachonoid queen.

Verdammt, being a B rank sucks!

I forced myself to stand up, spamming [Major Heal] over and over again to fix up any cracked bones and scales. However, the quaking earth drove my adrenaline up to the point I just listened to my [Foresight]. I threw myself to the side, just as a black laser shot through the forest, sundering the land.

Its blasts then punctured the earth multiple times, causing the earth to burst open in an explosion. I got caught in the blast, as I didn’t expect it to explode so often to the point it created something like a mortar bombing.

Urrgguuark, [My Darkest Thoughts], now!

[Foresight] activated as I was blasted in the sky, still trying to heal myself up from the previous beating. I activated my rocket boosters, narrowly dodging a stinger attack, only to grab onto it with my mouth. As the geisenlarg pulled its tail back, I released my bite and was thrown away from the momentum, using this chance to create some distance between us.

Ahhhhh, this is a really shitty de-aggro mechanic! Why do DPSers always have it the roughest!

I unleashed a dragon breath at the bug, forcing it to block it with its pincers. With [My Darkest Thoughts] up, it couldn’t use that dark energy, but I wasn’t giving myself any significant buffs aside from spell-based ones.

It kept up its pincer shield and began charging at me, its stinger ready to attack. I increased my firepower, even sending out spells through my parallel minds as ballistic support, but I merely delayed it for a second or two. As it came closer and closer, I could only think of doing only one thing.

Now! Warp Point: Exit!

A portal opened behind me and at the spot where I landed from the first beating, my parallel minds setting up the first point for me while I tried to stand up. I dashed into the portal the moment the geisenlarg shot out its stinger. As the portal began to close, a chill went down my spine as it wasn’t closing up quick enough.

Stinger or portal, which was close enough?!


It was the stinger! However, although the geisenlarg finally managed to hit me with its tail attack, it was only a glancing hit on my shoulder, while on the other end, the portal closed while the stringer was going through it. Cleanly severed by my spacetime magic, the swiftly-moving tip of its tail continued on its trajectory… and lodged itself deep in the base of the geisenlarg’s own tail.


Uh, don’t hit yourself?


But I didn’t have the time to contemplate the weirdness that portals bring to reality, since a pretty large attack was coming at this area at this very moment. I looked up, back at Griffonpeak where Muraina was and saw mana congregating around her.

“Raeturi Sltarue!” My eyes widened as my body reflexively flew me away from this incoming attack.

And then, Muraina released her arrow.


As the arrow shot forward, it began leaving magic circles behind as it circled around the geisenlarg, disappearing completely once it made a full revolution. In the next moment, hundreds, perhaps thousands mana arrows shot out from these magic circles, basically carpet-bombing the area.


The whole forest was getting leveled by this attack, the geisenlarg decimating the land and anything within it with a monsoon of thousands of ruinous bolts of mana. It felt like a laser show, demanding for the destruction of this single monster. Absolute wicked, and honestly—

— terrifying!

“What?! You have to be kidding me!” Muraina suddenly cursed as the noise died down, signaling the end of that attack. “Fuck me, Hestia, I’ll end it with the next attack. You need to buy me more time, this thing is a fucking monster!”

What in the hell, that attack wasn’t enough?!


And that was the confirmation.

Like the drums of war, its roar was a signal for this battle to continue. It used its tail to swipe away the dust around, revealing the absolute termination of all life within this area, excluding the target this attack was meant to have killed. And how the geisenlarg looked now was the frightening part.

Its original head was destroyed, replaced completely by a tower of black flesh with eyes and mouths to the double digits where its hands and pincers should have been. Its new set of arms were two large mauls of crocodile mouths, snapping around in search for a target. Purple energy then exploded from its back, forming a flaming purple cloak from its back.

But that wasn’t all. Tentacles wrapped themselves around its legs, making it look like an exoskeleton made from flesh. Its tail also received a make-over, as the purple energy covered the whole stinger, turning it into something like a cannon.

<Divine Quest: Otherworldly Intruder Destruction

Quest Giver: Origin Goddess of Light, Healing, Miracles and Kinship, Aurena

Description: I don’t need to write anything, right? This thing merged with the otherworldly power within it, becoming a creature that shouldn’t even exist on Peolynca. You need to destroy it!

Rewards: A unique skill created using current available skills, +2 levels>


<You have chosen [Divine Quest: Otherworldly Intruder Destruction]. With the blessing of your championed God, may you be successful in your Quest!>

I didn’t really have a choice, right? If I couldn’t destroy this thing, then Griffonpeak would be destroyed. The city Eshe gave her life for in order to protect its citizens. The city Ellaine’s family and acquaintances were in right now. And also the city my party was currently using as our temporary lodging.

There was no way I could allow this thing to win. I have to become the victor.

… The problem was, how the hell was I supposed to do that? This eldritch thing just went into its second phase!

“Krrrrrouch!” It roared as it began shooting black lasers at Muraina, forcing her to dodge. It did this even with [My Darkest Thoughts]’s active!

It then stomped the ground, pushing itself forward as it charged at the wall with its mouth-like pincers snapping like a crazy snapping turtle.

Shit! Don’t let it get forward, [Dragon Fire]!

“In my purgatory, I make the devil cry ♫

In Hellfire ♫

All you hear are his screams, begging to be released ♫

It’s Music ♫”

As the monster was about to leave the ruined forest, an arena of inferno welcomed it, blocking its way forwards with a bombardment of flames. The geisenlarg roared as the flames became more and more intense, searing through its new tentacles and black mass with ease.

However, despite how powerful this arena was, the geisenlarg broke through its walls of flame through sheer willpower, sustaining massive damage in return for continuing its charge. The further it moved into [Dragon Fire]’s flame walls, the more damage it would sustain, but even [Dragon Fire] couldn’t do anything once the target was past the walls. This was the fire time anything broke through this spell song.

No! Damn it!

I rocket boosted myself forward, flying as fast as I could to reach it in time before it barreled through the last piece of defense of the city. However, even as I gave it my all, I wasn’t fast enough.



“Skry? Krrrrruuuuuch!”

As the worst outcome was about to happen, a massive bolt of black lightning shot right out from the gate of the walls, disrupting its charge and pushing it back.

Slithering Frost Serpent!

Moments later, a giant serpent of ice burst through a cyan magic circle appearing from the sky, falling onto the geisenlarg before constricting its legs. Raindrops turned into ice before forming into large swords around the serpent, striking down at the giant bug in an attempt to freeze it in place.


The roar of a cannon exploded from the wall, shooting forward a ball of white flames, bursting upon contact. Thanks to the serpent and the thunder ray cannon, this blast of white flames was enough to finally knock the monster down on the floor.


As the ray dissipated, a loud wolf howl echoed through the battlefield, followed by the crackling of thunder like an approaching thunderstorm, only that there weren’t enough black clouds in the sky.

Took them long enough!

[“Party leader, Hestia Atusko Kargryxmor! Vice-Leader, Saori Segawa, announces her entry on the battlefield with the rest of C rank adventurer party, Aurora!”]

[“Maid of Lady Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor and ice mage of Aurora, ready to freeze hell to protect my mistress!”]

[“Daughter of Arcanuess Helvas, Ellaine Fiero Helvas, and Master Smith, Grimnir Luedbrumdar, reporting to Aurora! We are combat-ready and have somehow made a warhammer mana cannon with the spare parts of— OWWWW, Master Grimnir! Alright, whatever, we’re ready to fight and have brought the flying cavalry with us!”]

“Brave adventurers and dutiful soldiers of Griffonpeak! Hear me and allow me to express my gratitude!”

Up in the sky, an army was approaching. Riding on armored griffons and hippogryphs, knights raised their weapons to the sky and yelled with that at the beginning of the speech. Mages channeling their spells followed behind them on gargoyles, chanting and readying themselves to unleash their firepower.

They covered the sky, blackening the ground with their shadows. This whole flock was led by two people. The first was a man in armor with the sigil of House Greenveil on his tabard, carrying a pristine wooden bow in his hand. And the second was—

“I am Drangleic var Artorias! King of Artorias and the Knight-Commander of the Knights of Lionheart! Brave heroes, may the Goddess bless your soul for your service on this day! Your bravery shall be rewarded for aiding Griffonpeak in her time of need, you have my word!”

He then raised his sword and, summoning a tornado around him in the same style his ancestor, the Griffon King, controlled the wind.

“Princess Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor of the Dragon Empire Kargryx! I have heard and witnessed your words of serenity! Your songs will echo and break through the tragedy of today, and it will give us the light of hope we dearly needed! The knights of Artorias have come to fulfill our oath to protect our land! Be our beacon, Idol of the Goddess of Light, AURENA! FOR ARTORIAS! FOR THE LIGHT!”

… Let’s do this!

“In the midst of the desert ♫

A bright ray of light shines ♫

Pure and brave, that she was, as she walked ♫”

The entire day was entering its final stage.

<[Symphonie des Feuergottes (Minuet)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>



With music resonation going off, i bet everyone's wondering what Symphonie des Feuergottes is. Prayer and Symphonie for all.

Diego Rossi

This was the fire time anything broke through this spell song. -&gt; This was the FIRST time anything broke through this spell song.


Not with that attitude they can't!

bob barker

This chapterrelease could useneeds a serious editingrevision job. And DAMN THAT KING for his KILL STEAL EFFORT!