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Today's song: Katy Perry's "Firework" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGJuMBdaqIw

Edit: Small changes to Hestia's monologue.


<Burn My Dread: A manatech-based dragoon glaive created using [Geisenlarg Queen] and [Sunfang Dragon] materials, supported by the enchanted bark of a [Stonewood Treant Guardian] and voldunna ore. As the blood and flames of a [Sunfang Dragon] were used during the smelting process, this spear exudes a natural heat as if it was a miniature sun core. The [Dragonkin Blacksmith Technique] used to create this weapon causes the weapon to only show its full potential in the hands of its true owner.

Dragonkin: [Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

Attack Power: 2281

Skill: [Mana Conductor Lv. 8] [Mana Efficiency Lv. 6] [True Spear Mastery Lv. 1] [Increased Weight Lv. 5] [All Damage Enhancement Lv. 1] [Herculean Power Lv. 1] [Speed of Sound Lv. 1] [Superior Aerial Fighter Lv. 1] [Mid-Air Maneuvering Lv. 8] [Mind’s Eye Lv. 1] [Durability Loss Reduction Lv. 10] [Explosion Pressure Nullification] [Flame Core Aura] [Dragonkin Ownership]

Runes: [Utility Rune: Guided Projectile] [Defense Rune: Scale-Dust Barrier] [Passive Rune: Clean Blade] [Passive Rune: Mana Drain] [Passive Rune: Stamina Beast] [Passive Rune: Crimson Cloak] [Attack Rune: Triple Attack]>

<Heart of the Volcano Catalyst: An alchemical orb created using the volcanic heart of a Volcano Furnace Volchark. If mana is registered to this catalyst, it will levitate and float around the owner using stored mana. An aura is emitted from this catalyst, reducing any fire or lava element damage by 50% against the owner. This reduced damage will be turned into Health for the owner. Significantly reduces Health, Mana, or Stamina cost of any fire elemental attacks and its compound elements.

Owner: [Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

Skill: [Resource Efficiency Lv. 8] [Magic Power Enhancement Lv. 8] [Chant Revocation Lv. 10] [Flame Furnace Aura] [Cast Activation Speed Increase Lv. 7] [Inferno Amp] [Lava Amp] [Artillery Spell Enhancement Lv. 1] [Explosion Spell Enhancement Lv. 1]

Enchantments: [Flame Accumulation] [Heat-Mana Transmutation]>

A trail of crimson flames flowed from my glaive as I slash down at Charleslyt, forcing him to block my blow with his shield. The impact of the blow caused his shield to glow brighter for some reason, prompting me to use the second part of [Spark Crescent], a combo with an upward slash of my tail to back away.

My combination glaive and tail attack caused the shield to glow even brighter before it shot forth a ball of light as a counterattack. I activated my catalyst, and one rune on my glaive glowed bright red — [Defense Rune: Scale-Dust Barrier] — congregating the flames inside the glave to form a shield that blocked the attack in front of me.

A shield that counters the more you hit it, huh? That is one enchantment out of three for the shield.

Once the flames returned back into my glaive, I had my parallel minds cast two [Banishment Beam]s at Charleslyt, keeping him from going on the offensive. Using [Continuous Cast] on them, I had them shoot as long as possible, allowing me the freedom to dart behind the paladin through flight.

Gale Steps.

By combining [Gale Steps] with [Air Walk], I managed to dash forwards in the air in the blink of an eye,  throwing another slash at Charleslyt from behind.


He managed to block the attack with his sword. To continue my momentum, I chained my attacks, using the moves I copied from Yorshka and trained to form my Nordor Style.

With Charleslyt having to shield himself against the [Banishment Beam] while I was constantly attacking him from the side, I was pushing him even closer to my beam spells, until he finally decided on a new course of action. He used his taller stature to give his attacks more leverage, pushing me back a hair and giving himself the time to dig his shield into the ground and activate another one of its enchantments.

A mana barrier similar to [Defensive Rune: Auracoil] materialized around the shield, only that it had the same color as my [Sanctuary]. Now that he was protected from the beams, he turned to face me full on while double-handing his bastard sword. In pure weapon mastery, he had me beat, and through that advantage he was able to ward off my remaining attacks.

“Your strikes are powerful, My Lady, but you lack experience with your spear! My sword arm was trained with our Kingdom’s knights and the Knights of the Goddess!” Charleslyt stated with a proud smile as his sword glowed up again. “Holy Slash!”

[Foresight] warned me an attack was coming, although it wasn’t enough of a threat to dodge it. Still, I used [Wind Blast] to create some distance between Charleslyt and me.

In the next second, an anime-like light cleave shot out of his sword, completely missing me and hitting the arena’s wall. Briefly, I was able to see the flicker of some mana field.

So the field also protects anything from leaving the arena, huh? Is it similar to the barrier the mage guild uses for their training field? The audience shouldn’t be in danger if I go a bit wilder.

“My Lady, that is quite the interesting armor you have there. I had thought you had come to fight in that skirt,” Charleslyt bantered.

“Of course, not. With my fighting style, having an upskirt accident is always a worry if I don’t create my own armor, right?”

[Panzer] wasn’t only there to provide a layer of defense to support [Draconic Barrier], but it also covered up my skirt and underwear. Flying could lead to some embarrassing problem and I didn’t want that. Naturally, the obsidian wasn’t poisonous this time, I didn’t want to win this battle through [Corrosive Fire]’s toxin.

“Haha, that is true, My Lady. I envy your ability to fly. Hmm, you know, your amulet doesn't match the dark purple of the armor despite how spectacular the latter looks on your alone.” He pointed at the amulet of Aurena I had on, one of the few things which couldn’t be covered up by the armor. “As a paladin of Goddess Aurena, your armor should be bright white like the beauty of the Goddess and her knights. You look like a warrior of the Dark God right now.”

“Oh really? I’m pretty sure God Kargrxymor would appreciate that thought,” I gave Kramps some snark. After all, if I had hatched properly, I should’ve had black scales like his.

White flames erupted from underneath my scales. Some shot out from my armor while others activated the rocket boost on my wings, although I kept myself from flying off with [Tailwind]. I snapped my fingers, dispelling the two light beam spells.

I gave him a “Still not impressed?” look before saying, “The crowd is excited. Let’s continue, Lord Charleslyt.” I settled back into the stance Yorshka and Farron taught me.

“I apologize once again for my rudeness.” He picked up his shield before his sword shone again. “I will make this battle quick! Gale Steps!”

Charleslyt charged forward with his shield, aiming to knock me off balance with the hit. I, however, let my rocket boosters shoot myself up into the air as I conjured up a large [Scorching Sun] and sent it crashing onto Charleslyt. As it exploded onto his shield, I could hear him groan before I had to dodge away from the incoming counterattack from his shield’s enchantment.

“Woooo, Lord Charleslyt! Not even fire magic can take him on! Go, Lord Charleslyt!”

“Come on, more action! Woooo, this was so worth begging my boss to give me the day off!”

“Superior fire magic slammed against Lord Charleslyt’s shield but not even a scratch can be seen on his shining silver shield! This match is heating up, everybody!”

Wow, imagine all that excitement after he tried to ‘end it quickly’ only to end up countered.

The crowd was naturally excited from how the fight began like a ping-pong of attacks. I personally wanted to hear how the top nobles were speaking, but it was impossible through all the announcer’s commentary and the crowd’s shouts.

When I first entered the arena, I did see the seven dukes and a few other acquaintances sitting with the other nobles. I also saw my party members sitting with Ellaine’s parents, cheering for me. I couldn’t disappoint them.

In the sky again, I activated [Dragoon Dive] and [Wind Blast] while standing in the air, shooting myself like a bullet at Charleslyt. Seeing he would block my next attack, I used my rocket boosters to swerve around to his back, slamming my glaive to his side. He managed to block it with his sword, but the weight of my spear staggered him. This was why I wanted my spear to be heavier, not lighter. With my Strength, I could handle it.

Instead of chaining melee strikes and repeating what I did before, I materialized [Terra Wall] and [Bedrock Blades] to push Charleslyt back, disorienting him. I backed off, cast [Rumbling Might] to create a miniature earthquake to unbalance him, baiting him into showing off more of his skills and enchantments.

I could use [Mana Eyes], yes, but that wouldn’t be a challenge now, right? I had to train my observational skills as well.

As he slowly took damage from the giant rock blades, the crowd let out a loud gasp. Noticing the audience’s cheers were dying down as they looked at him pitifully, Charleslyt clicked his tongue before his sword began to grow in size through white mana, smashing the rock blades around him, reigniting the excitement of the audience.

First enchantment on the sword.

As he was about to unleash this light blade at me, a sudden flame bolt crashed against his shoulder plate, denting it and interrupting his attack. As he was about to say “What?” in disbelief, an explosion erupted from his shoulder, knocking him onto his back.

As they saw this, the audience turned silent at what happened only to turn their eyes from Charleslyt, who was healing himself with [Moderate Heal], to me. There were no traces of a spell’s magic circle, all they saw was that I was aiming the tip of my glaive at Charleslyt.

“Gahahaha, yes! Show the world our creation, lass! Let everybody see it, let everybody see it! Gahaha! See this Bleidla! Your fears are now realized through me!” Grimnir shouted and laughed maniacally, attracting lots of attention, especially from the nobles. Ellaine tried to stop him but to no avail.

Jeez, was he always this, well, passionate? I guess going against a god demands you be a bit crazy.

Now, why did Grimnir have such a huge reaction to my attack? Well, aside from the fact that his weapon was working well in combat after all the testing, the second reason was that this weapon was a mechanical weapon — a weapon made with the help of a blacksmith and artificer.

I twirled my glaive and activated my catalyst’s first enchantment [Flame Accumulation] to absorb some fire. In this case, my scale-dust counted as such. As the fire inside my glaive raged on as my catalyst was refueling itself with scale-dust, its second enchantment [Fire-Mana Transmutation] was keeping the weapon from overheating by turning fire and heat into mana for me

As Charleslyt stood up, he raised his shield instinctively as the sound of a sizzling flame shot through the air and smashed against it, exploding a few seconds after the hit. With every additional shot, the recoil I felt coming from my glaive began to remind me of my air rifle.

In fact, that was an inspiration for my weapon. My glaive was also a rifle, a rifle which could shoot out a concentrated balls of scale-dust. [Flame Accumulation] gathered the flame around the catalyst, [Utility Rune: Guided Projectile] not only affected spells cast through my catalyst but also every bullet.

I could send my scale-dust flying out with [Aerokinesis] but it wouldn’t be as accurate. This was my solution to the problem. It was like shooting out a grenade with a gun — a grenade launcher. It was my continued plan to weaponize my scale-dust even further!

And I planned to abuse it like mad.

“Dammit! Enough!” Charleslyt shouted as the light barrier appeared once again around his shield, giving him a chance to shoot out a spear of light with his sword.

The flames on my glaive turned white as I parried the spear of light away before throwing my glaive at Charleslyt. The weapon crashed against the barrier and it bounced back even as I dashed forward with [Gale Steps], closing in the distance between us.

Instead of grabbing my glaive, I used my catalyst’s ability to float and had one of my parallel minds control it remotely similar to how Tasianna controlled her floating ice blades. Flames erupted from my claws and tails as I used them to attack Charleslyt while attacking his blind spots with my floating glaive.

While Charleslyt’s skill with the sword was superior to my skill with the spear, I was faster and more used to changing my fighting style. My white flames and his light blades clashed as we brawled with each other. Life was brought back into the arena with a rumbling roar, following the explosive duel between the two of us.

Ah, I see. There is a mistake, oh, gotta patch that footwork up. If I had timed that better, no, angling it to the side would have been better. Damn, missed a window there. Oh, there, nice!

I was like a flurry of steel and fire. I would transition from brawling to using my glaive whenever I could, using my dexterity to switch from one fighting style to the next. I jumped, dashed, somersaulted; I did everything to continue practicing my footwork while delivering attacks when I could.

Charleslyt was thankfully quite skilled. Unfortunately for him, it made him a great sparring partner. I could only spar with Ellaine, Arcanuess Helvas, and Saori so often until I remembered their moves and habits. Charleslyt, though, was probably the first paladin-like fighter I dueled. It was a great opportunity to continue polishing my glaivemanship.

Honestly, training with the glaive was similar to dancing for me. I wasn’t talented when I started out, I had to learn proper movements and footwork, and the advanced stuff required me knowing the foundation. I was nostalgic. Fulfilling even, when I created [Spark Crescent].

Spark Crescent!

“Grrk! Gak!” I broke through his defensive stance and landed a roundhouse kick to his stomach. A suppressed one, of course. I didn’t want to kill him or break his armor. Just imagine if he sued me for vandalism, ha!


Cursing during this scuffle, Charleslyt began shooting out multiple light slashes from mid range and using what was probably his sword’s second enhancement to create massive blades of light to come raining down on me.

Playing like that, huh? Unheilige Engel!

A brown magic circle appeared behind me as purple flames flared up until it hardened up into a pair of obsidian wings. These wings countered the blows as my [Halo of Consecration] sent out a wave of white flames to banish them.

With me knowing four of his enchantments now, it was far easier to avoid his attacks. First, don’t hit the shield, otherwise it retaliates. Second, it can conjure a barrier of light. Third, his sword could grow and attack with holy mana. Fourth, he can form these mana projectiles into blades to attack people remotely.

Unlike runes, enchantments were restricted to, at most, three since adding any more would cause them to interfere with each other and explode. As compensation, the enchantments were allowed to be more creative. It had the freedom of creation of custom spell, but, if not created properly, the enchantment could just blow up in your face since they have a lower chance of success than rune smithing.

And thanks to this restriction, it was just a matter of figuring out what all three of the enchantments were so  you could form counters against them. That was why my enchantments were kept simple and flexible, as I was the real weapon here and only needed tools to cover up my weaknesses.

Hmm? My senses were better than his. The longer we fought, the more his moves looked sluggish to me. Was this turning into easy mode?

“Gagk!” After a long enough clash, I was able to clearly see a perfect line of attack. Slipping my glaive through his guard like a snake, I drew quite a bit of blood from one of the few unprotected spots on his leg armor — behind his knee cops.

As he fell onto one knee, I comboed into a smack from my shaft to his head, knocking him down for a moment.

“Damn you! I must win! I-I will win!”

Before I could deal another attack, his shield glowed and revealed the last enchantment on his shield. A blast of holy mana, which somewhat similar to my [Dreadflare Aure] but in holy mana of the purest white, sent me flying back.

<Proficiency requirement fulfilled. [Sacred Resistance Lv. 1] evolved into [Sacred Resistance Lv. 2]>

I recovered quickly with white flames healing me and my wings preventing me from ragdolling too far away from Charleslyt. As my glaive came flying back into my hand, the paladin stood up, holding his sword with both hands before holding it up into the sky.

The light of the Goddess is my shield! The Goddess’s holiness is the sword to cleave through the darkness!” Holy mana congregated on his sword as a giant white magic circle appeared above me. As he continued his chant, a giant sword materialized. “Heaven’s Sword! Purifying Greatsword!”

It was a double attack. The giant blade shot down from the sky at me while his bastard sword grew in size, to the point I had to question if he was compensating for something. Both blades thrust at me, making me question if this was a show match or not.

I was holding back heavily, like incredibly heavily, but now Charleslyt was going all out? If I was a normal combatant, wouldn’t this be like shooting out your finishing move against a newbie?

Then again, he looked pretty desperate.

Gloria Ascendence.

It only took one spell, granted, it was a level seven spell of an advanced magic skill, but it still only took one spell to block both of these attacks completely. The audience gasped as they saw me just flying in place, taking both attacks head-on. The cheers Charleslyt had previously were replaced by cries of anguish at my disappearing figure.

So it was a bit anticlimactic that I was literally unharmed. The two supposedly devastating attacks were nullified by my barrier, turning all the damage into Health.

Usually, I probably would be pretty peeved at the fact Charleslyt just went all-out like that, but at the same time, I was the one who asked for the mana suppression field to be turned off. I had no right to complain. In fact, my thoughts were more occupied by Charleslyt’s words than the fact he launched two large-scale mana attacks while trying to kill me here.

‘I will win,’ he said. I knew he wanted to prove himself to somebody, but he sounded extremely whiny about it later on. Not in an annoying way, but more like the ‘I must win or it’s over’ kinda attitude.

To be honest, I did come into this battle wanting to kick Charleslyt down a peg, since I heard from Ellaine that he tried to persuade Amelia into marrying him solely because he wanted to take over her grandfather’s company. It didn’t sit right with Ellaine, so I didn’t like it either. I also hated the fact he and the cardinal wanted to use me as his promotional tool.

But… now that I had a week to think it over, wasn’t I being too petty? What kinda attitude is that for somebody striving to be an ideal idol? I shouldn’t let people run over me like a doormat, they wouldn’t respect me if I allowed it, but I should not act like a bully.

Instead, forgive and forget. If they weren’t outright atrocious like Hamil, then they weren’t on my shitlist, and Charleslyt only acted like a cliched noble. Pompous and pampered, believing the world belonged to him. Sure, there were the rumors about him being mixed in with criminals from Shaturein, but it might just be from his shitty companions. Although, where he met them is worth questioning.

Still, all this negativity isn’t good for a person. In a world filled with pessimism and problems, shouldn’t I at least know how to act optimistic? I should do my best to do exactly what I imagined an idol should do. Bring hope to them through my songs and actions. Bring them a smile in their time of despair.

I’m an idol.

“I-I- Uhm, as everybody can see, Lord Charleslyt just unleashed two massive, devastating attacks on the challenge issuer! The blades of light crashed against Miss Hestia, pulverizing everything after contact! The light might be gone now but all we can see is dust and smoke…”

“D-Did Lord Charleslyt just commit murder?”

“N-No, that can’t be right? I mean, this-this was a match. Yes! A duel, right? A-Accidents happen?”

“H-Hey, what the hell was that? Wait, did he just— You bastard mana blood! You fucking murdered the priestess who reattached my father’s leg!”

“We haven’t had a death in the arena for years! Dammit, why did Hestia ask for the barrier to be taken down! C rank versus B rank. Urg, stupid arrogance of the youth…”

Is that really what everybody is saying?! No more cheers, only shouts of complaints at Charleslyt. Hold on, where is he?

Through [Detection Sensor], I found the signal closest to me, which had to be Charleslyt, slowly walking backwards. I couldn’t hear his voice at all, even if I concentrated through all the roars of anger of the audience. I felt pretty happy that so many strangers were speaking up for me, but I was starting to feel bad since nothing happened to me.

I should probably come ou—

“Silence!” It wasn’t the voice of the king, but one of his right-hand men. I think it was Armado Lifcio, the burly general type guy. “All of you are in the presence of His Majesty, King Drangleic! Idiotic! Aristocrats or common folk, none has the right to interrupt His Majesty’s entertainment when it hasn’t finished yet!”

The cries of anger died down, now replaced by bafflement and confusion—

— which only lasted for a couple of seconds.

<[Music Resonation (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

For music began to play through [Aerokinesis].

“Is this not the day, are you feeling down? ♫

Wanna smile so much, but can’t lift up the frown ♫

Is the world so bleak, all is going wrong ♫

Like a raging stream, dragged through it all along ♫

Do you ever want to break apart that wall? ♫

But every try rings hollow, and all that’s left is emptiness ♫

But let me tell you this, you gotta raise your head ♫

‘Cause there is more to life ♫”

The dust was blasted away with wind magic, revealing me in the center using my glaive as a microphone. [Panzer] was gone, I was in my normal outfit. The twin heads of my glaive retracted lower down the shaft, letting me bring my catalyst closer to my mouth without obstructing my face.

Technically, I didn’t have to treat it as a mike. I could use [Aerokinesis] to do that job, but I just liked holding it like this. If I wasn’t in such a hurry due to this match, the enchanter probably would have had enough time to apply the last enchantment I wanted. He managed to give Saori her three, so it was a shame.

“As there will be a chance to shine ♫

It will appear ♫

So grab it tight! ♫

Your great light of hope! ♫”

Charleslyt looked mortified. He had dropped his sword and shield for some reason and was staring at me as if he had seen a ghost. The audience also was baffled at how I was unharmed, singing for some reason after everything that happened. There was barely any cheering, it was a tough crowd.

“Woooooo! Hestia, you go!”

But out of nowhere, six people in the noble section began clapping, cheering for me to catch everybody’s attention. It was Saori, Tasianna, Grimnir, Ellaine and her parents. This action caught onto a few others, which included members of House Morgiana, House Greenveil, Severa and Antonio Moreschi, and lastly Eshe.

Like a snowball effect, as these people began clapping, so did the other nobles, and eventually also the commoners. Silence was pushed back, and the loud cheers of the arena returned, only this time, it wasn’t one demanding action and conflict.

“ ‘Cause you’re the center of your story ♫

Don’t let others say it’s not ♫

Aim your sight up, up, up ♫

You gotta let yourself shine, shine, shine ♫

‘Cause you’re the center of your story ♫

Burst into a thousand colors ♫

Leave them all to gasp, gasp, gasp ♫

So rise up to be your own star, star, star ♫”

I cast [Terra Wall], creating an impromptu stage for me before I raised my glaive up and shot up a scale-dust bullet. It crashed against the mana field, exploding into a crimson flower. I shot three more bullets, each exploding into crimson, white, and purple flowers each.

The second function of this new rifle mode — fireworks. I lowered the impact of these bullets to the point they wouldn’t harm anybody if they accidentally did hit somebody, but it also meant they were so weak that they couldn’t break the mana field around the arena’s battlefield.

<178 humans and beastmen have become your fans>

<Total fan count updated. Total fans of [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]: 2778>

“ ‘Cause you’re the center of your story ♫

Don’t let others say it’sacknowledgment sight up, up, up ♫

You gotta let yourself shine, shine, shine ♫

‘Cause you’re the center of your story ♫

Burst into a thousand colors ♫

Leave them all to gasp, gasp, gasp ♫

So rise up to be your own star, star, star ♫”

After I continued onto the second chorus, I reached out my hand to Charleslyt with a smile. In my opinion, this fight was already over. I saw everything Charleslyt had and he should know I was too strong to defeat right now. If Aurena wanted to make him a champion candidate, this would have to be enough for his CV.

I wanted to end this match now. It also would act as a good PR move for him and me, no? I was able to show the church and nobility of my strength. Yes, if I had unleashed everything, like using my dragon abilities more I probably would have crushed Charleslyt, beating any chance of him becoming a respectable church representative ever again.

But I wasn’t petty. I was the better person in this argument. We should act maturely about this.

And I wanted to show him this with this song. I dunno what caused him to want this match so much, but I wanted him to know that there were other options to his goal than to act so much like an “aristocrat.”

But, it didn’t work like that.

When our eyes met, Charleslyt’s expression was still the same terrified one I saw before. Without grabbing his sword and shield, he ran out of the arena, effectively forfeiting the match. As such, since he forfeited, I won. I guess I defeated him morally?

Regardless, the match was over and I met up with the others. Grimnir kept throwing questions at me, trying to get feedback on the glaive. He did see me use the weapon when we went dungeon diving in Griffonpeak’s dungeon, but he never saw the functions Ellaine added to it  — the gun and mike mode.

It was Grimnir’s second gun creation. He had to rely on Ellaine to create it with his instructions, but he was proud of it as he made it himself. It was just unfortunate that guns are somehow not supported by the Divine System. We could blame Bleidla for that.

“Lady Hestia, that was a wonderful match. A bit short, sadly, but entertaining nonetheless. As for your reward, would you have time tomorrow?”

There was no need for me to meet the Griffon king, but I also had no reason to not meet up with him. It was decided.

After I had some talks with the nobles, who now had a newfound respect for me, openly calling me “idol” as if I was some mighty magician or something. I think they still can’t accept me as just an entertainer, but my Peolyncian definition of an idol was a hybrid of a saintess and champion, so I had to accept it.

When I asked where Duke Equevanna was, I was told he left early with Charleslyt’s sword and shield. It seemed he wanted to return it.

Well, I hope it works out. They did not have a good relationship when I met them at the church.

Before we left, I walked over to Eshe and handed her a pair of [Room] runes. “This is a pocket dimension created using space-time magic. My party is planning to delve into the Griffonpeak dungeon to train after we meet the Griffon king. We’ve been neglecting it. If you need anything, you can come in. Sir Alikar and Dame and Anivh are allowed to, as well. So are the kids and caretakers.”

“Lady Hestia, there is no need. I meet you often enough.”

“Ah, don’t be like that, Lady Eshe. You can return it before you have to return to the Empire, but until then, keep it. Oh yeah, the subspace can’t be entered by anybody without my permission, so don’t worry about weird people coming in. Alright, see you, Lady Eshe!”

“Yes, may the Goddess bless you, Lady Hestia.”

That was actually a lie.

Aurora wasn’t going to the Griffonpeak dungeon. We were actually going to finally confront the danger inside the city. After a week of waiting, Muraina managed to get some information from that lady information broker in Shaturein, Lady Grengar, one of the undercity’s pillars.

King Drangleic had also sent a letter that his spies had finished their investigation on the demonkin posing as one of the lycerepthors. Our meeting to discuss this seemed to be scheduled for tomorrow, with the Griffon king.

As such, due to the danger, I had to make sure Eshe has a way out of danger in case the worse happened. I also gave Ellaine’s parents a pair, just in case, meaning our party only had one pair for our own use. Grimnir just hadn’t had time to create another one after all the work he put into my glaive.

In any case, the time to sit down and wait was over. It was time to bring the fight to that demonkin and uproot the city’s biggest threat right now.



A sword and shield crashed against the ground, reverbing metal sounds throughout this noble’s room. In his silver-gold armor, the young green-haired man began punching on the wall, creating a visible hole in it. He unleashed his anger at the furniture in his bedroom, destroying everything he could get his hands on.

Once all the pent-up anger was out of his system, exhaustion caught up to him and the man fell onto the ground. No tears flowed down his cheek, only a large red flush could be seen on his cheek. One caused by a slap or punch.

“Blast them all! Blast all of them! Dammit… why…”

This man was Charleslyt.

“Nothing I do ever garners their appreciation. Father. Mother. What makes my brother better than me? What am I lacking?”

But there was little time for the young man to wallow in his sadness as he jumped onto his feet. He suddenly felt something sinister approaching him. A knock from the door and Charleslyt grabbed his church-enchanted sword and shield.

He readied himself, wary of the intruders that had somehow made it into his house despite his guards and party members. People he had hired to help him achieve his dream. Mercenaries that were recommended to him by none other than Cardinal Bennard, a person he considered more his father than Duke Equevanna.

“Lord Charleslyt, we only wish to talk. Cardinal Bennard sent us.”

The Cardinal?

As if it was the special word, Charleslyt’s guard dropped slightly. The sinister aura could still be felt from behind the door, but the young man slowly inched towards it. When he opened it, he immediately noticed one of them — a lycerepthor.

But what surprised him more was the yellow-skinned man standing next to him. Two horns adorned his head while a thin tail flowed out from his pants. Aside from the ominous feeling Charleslyt felt from him, there was a certain charisma that drew him towards this man, no, demonkin.

“Lord Charleslyt, we are allies of Cardinal Bennard. He had informed us that something had happened at the arena today and that you needed somebody to, well, improve your mood,” the lycerepthor explained his visit. Charleslyt recognized this man but his gut told him to not mention the man’s name.

“… Improve my mood?” Charleslyt’s eyes did not sway away from the yellow-skinned demonkin. “I would have preferred it if it were women.”

“Oh? My apologies, let me correct that oversight; a moment, please. I face the original sin—” The lycerepthor chanted a strange incantation as black tentacles burst from his skin, morphing flesh and skin into the appearance of a young female with green hair and lilac highlights. “Is this form more to your liking?”

“L-Lady Amelia?!” Charleslyt exclaimed, stepping further back after the eldritch transformation.

“No, I am not that girl. But this is the person you seemed to have taken a fancy to, correct? I thought it would be better to speak with you in this form.”

“N-No, I do not have anybody I like. Preposterous. I am Charleslyt Equevanna. Noble ladies swarm to me all the time, why would I need s-some half-blood’s attention?”

“Is that really how you feel?” Suddenly, the yellow-skinned demonkin spoke, walking into the room to approach Charleslyt, who instinctively raised his blade. “Do you have no pride in yourself?”

“What?” The young man’s eyes widened.

“Can you not live for yourself? Are your actions purely for the satisfaction of others? Why do you not allow yourself what is best for you? The actions you perform, you should have pride in them. Have pride in your strength. Have pride in your efforts. But I smell nothing of that sort on you. All I sense is a child who was given a blade and shield to wield for others.”

“Nonsense!” Charleslyt shouted before slashing at the demonkin with his glowing sword, only for the latter to effortlessly slap it out of his hand. “N-No! W-Why?!”

“Why what? Why are we here? Why am I doing this to you?”


“Don’t speak anymore, just listen to my words, young human.” The demonkin grabbed Charleslyt’s shoulder and began whispering into his ear. “Do you seek acknowledgement? Do you wish to finally have the title of the heir? That was rightfully yours?”


“Take priiiiiide. A person without pride is nothing but an empty husk, controlled by the puppeteers behind it. Are you an empty husk?”

“N-No. I don’t want to be one.”

“What is your desire? Tell me and I shall grant it to you.”

“I-I want to—”

Charleslyt delved into his memories, searching for an answer to this being’s question. His brain was telling him to not say anything but at the same time, his survival instincts and his heart were telling him otherwise. And then, the words of a young girl appeared.

His heart was swayed.

“I want to smile. I want to stop faking it. I want to finally become somebody happy with myself, to take my own life in my own hands. Away from my family’s constant influence.”

The demonkin smiled devilishly.

“The cardinal should have ordered you to do something for him. Hand it over and I shall make sure you will be the hero after everything is over.”

Mindlessly, Charleslyt walked over to his desk and pulled out a parchment. A single sentence was scribbled on it. He handed it over to the demonkin.

The latter smiled again and handed Charleslyt a vial of sickly yellow color. “It is a deal, Charleslyt Equevanna.”

“What is this?” He inspected the vial with his [Identify Ring], but it wasn’t strong enough to appraise it.

“A little pick-me-up. It will… release your inner desires. Make you happy and give you the ability to act on it. Call it an upfront payment before our business is over. Take it. You will feel so much better, Charleslyt.”

And with those words, the two demonkins left the mansion as if they never were there in the first place.

“Lord Pride, when do you wish the operation to begin?” The fake Amelia asked the yellow-skinned demonkin.

“As soon as possible. A day inside the city of these humans is more than enough for me. How is that little project of yours?”

“Destroyed, but I have acquired another toy. A toy that will help us plunge this city into chaos, and it is ready to fight whenever.”

“Good. Praise the Edjurl Gods.”

The stage was set.



"shield to flow brighter" -&gt; glow brighter


"keeping him going on the offensive." -&gt; him from going

Diego Rossi

I like the chapter. Charleslyt seem to be mostly equipment, Hestia use her equipment, but she isn't so dependent from it.


He's pretty competent with weapons, though.