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Narrator time.

Edit: Some edits to make it clearer.


Ecosystems. A biological community of organisms interacting with each other and their environment, all linked together in a cycle of life where energy and nutrients would be transmitted around. Generally starting with the vegetation performing photosynthesis, this energy gained from the sun would then be shared among the fauna before decomposing back into the ground for detritivores and plants to reuse. However, inside a dungeon, ecosystems functioned differently.

Lacking a sun to keep the organisms inside a dungeon alive, a dungeon instead used mana to create energy, feeding its inhabitants what they need to survive. In a sense, the dungeon was the energy-recycling-and-creating-plant in this relationship.

So, why did a dungeon need to create habitats for its monsters? Why were certain floors so similar to ecosystems, then? Comfort, that was the reason. Monsters created by a dungeon were similar to natural monster spawnings, which made monsters feral and unintelligent for a certain amount of time after their birth, even if this effect would eventually subside as the monsters adapted. A living organisms’ needs must be fulfilled.

Although a dungeon could imprint certain commands like “Do not attack the dungeon master” or “Protect a certain floor” into these monsters as instincts and priorities, the dungeon and its master still had to care for them as a tamer would. That meant stimulation outside of handing their food on a platter. Leveling up, procreation, hunting, fighting, entertainment, socializing, and other needs. The monsters were all independent-thinking beings, similar to Belzac, at the end of the day, and many would rebel if their needs weren’t fulfilled.

While the dungeon possessed an external source of mana in the form of a dungeon master or other visitors, it could create stronger defenses to protect its heart, the dungeon core. Yet, this was also a double-edged sword, as with stronger monsters, a higher maintenance cost would be incurred.

Regardless, to the normal adventurer, all these facts were nothing more than background noise. To most parties, a dungeon was simply a gold mine, hiding the countless bones underneath it with a veil of dreams and hopes.

One of these adventurer parties were currently exploring Cedaraille’s dungeon.

“Gathered some fruits and got some water from the nearby river. We turning the meat from that raptor into soup tonight?” a young man said.

His friend nodded vigorously, inspecting the food gathered in the backpack. “Nice, good job! I’ll get to that in a minute. Woo, good thing that wasn’t another knopbrie raid, right, Naden? Haha!”

“Shut it, you idiot! Just make the soup already … not like it’ll taste anywhere near as good as a girl’s …”

Naden, the young adventurer Hestia and Aurora met last week, was once again back inside the dungeon with his usual party, Questing and hunting to earn money and experience. Despite almost dying against the barkwraith protector, all he needed to do to regain his confidence and sense of adventure was a good night out with the boys and a tearful confession of love to his family, all fueled by one or two too many tankards of mead and ale.

Now back to work on floor six, Naden and his party were preparing their dinner and bedding inside this lush jungle. Strangely, the young man was unnerved by something.

“Oi, what are you shaking your leg for, Naden? Come help us cut down these branches for kindling,” one of Naden’s party members voiced out.

Ahh, leave the fool alone. Idiot thinks he has a chance with those girls from last time.”

Reminded of their saviors, two of the young men smacked their knees, bursting in laughter. “Oh, you mean the girl that came rushing in like a knight to save your ass? Oh shit, I thought the mead was just making you talk, but you actually are thinking about her? Shit, man.”

Naden clicked his tongue as he hid his blushing face before his mind returned to the young blue-haired woman from a week ago.

In his moment of need when his party was about to be exterminated by monsters, Ellaine arrived. Like a dashing knight, she appeared with the wind flourishing her well-combed hair around. Armored in quality gambeson and pieces of metal armor, the young woman had enthralled Naden. At that moment, she was his savior, the person he wanted to become one day.

Like many young aspiring adventurers and would-be heroes, tavern talk, adventurer stories, and bards were his main source of fantastical heroism. Although Naden was just a commoner who only knew a few keywords necessary to live inside a city and to pick out Quests, the concept of a knight in shining armor wasn’t entirely foreign to him.

Similar to how fairy adventurers from before the War for the Fae would create incredible tales sprinkled with small exaggerations when they returned home, bards and drunk adventurers would do the same. Adventurers rescuing villagers from grimgarians, defending noblewomen from bandit raids, or even slaying a powerful B rank monster. These wild tales wouldn’t even stop when it came to recalling famous adventurer parties and squadrons defeating earth-shattering A ranks.

Some were called out for their lies, easily distinguishable by veteran fighters or worldly travelers, but Naden had been born into a worker family and grew up in the middle district of Cedaraille. He was fascinated by stories of adventurers bringing home fortune from the nearby dungeon or from foriegn countries. With so many people visiting his home city, Naden developed a dream to become just like the tales he’d grown up on, an amazing warrior strong enough to protect his home … and maybe somebody he fancied.

But she was so much more amazing!

But there was an issue with his fantasies.

“Ah, cut it out already, Naden. You’ve seen those girls. I bet all my savings that they were a noble’s party. Not too sure about the priestess or elf woman, but the way the swordswoman carried herself and spoke was exactly how some of those stuck-up manabloods do.”

“Yeah, exactly. Besides, have you seen how you look? She’s out of your league, in both social rank and looks. Even if she were willing to speak with you, do you honestly think you can stay calm enough to speak a single word? Ha, as if!” Friends were friends, even if they were trying to dissuade him from thinking about Ellaine in a rather rough way.

Damn, idiots … Still, why haven’t they come back yet?

It has been over a week since he last saw Ellaine and the rest of Aurora. When he heard them mentioning that they were going deeper into the dungeon, he thought they would do some felgheist hunting for a Quest and then return to the surface. He understood they were strong, so he wasn’t worried about them. Warning experience adventurers about the dungeon’s danger was considered rude, something he learned the hard way during his first three months as an adventurer.

However, Naden’s infatuation for Ellaine made him want to see her again, so he was constantly looking out for her this past week. When his party decided to venture back into the dungeon two days ago, Naden came along with worry in his heart.

Did they come into danger? Shit, I heard floor 10 and beyond are just kill zones. You could die if you were careless for even a second.

But these worries vanished the moment multiple explosions blasted off in the distance. The four young men preparing tonight’s camp jolted their heads up at the sound, witnessing the massive inferno engulfing trees from afar. As the fire spread, one of Naden’s teammates came running back from scouting, cold sweat drenched his face.

“In! Get in!” he shouted, jumping over the traps he laid down himself before pushing his friend into a large open tree trunk. Pressing his finger on his lips, Naden and the others understood they needed to be quiet.

In Naden's mind, he questioned what was happening. Considering the local monsters on floor six, he couldn’t think of any monster able to spit fire or create flames naturally, meaning it had to be a fire mage or a firebomb. However, when Naden peeked his head out, all he could see were fiery bodies moving past trees like skittering insects. Without batting an eye in any other directions, the horde moved onward.

The earth trembled as the burning trees in the distance began to disappear, no, they were falling down somewhere. As the seconds continued, Naden’s ears finally picked up the screams of people all around him, witnessing the same sight as he did.

“F-f-fuck! Dungeon break!” he heard them scream, before a loud shriek drowned everything other sound out.

Trees and rocks flew into the air like a fountain rain, scattering flaming boulders and tree trunks, igniting anything not already on fire. The sound of the earth cracking echoed throughout the floor as a giant reaper’s scythe-like legs emerged from the dust and chaos. Like a flower opening its petals, eight house-sized spider legs stomped the ground before the beast fully showed itself to all the adventurers. Everybody on the sixth floor were witnesses to this titan, no matter where they were.

Armored in a black exoskeleton harder than a crustacean-type monster, flaming spider silk covered this behemoth of a spider like a ballroom dress. Fittingly, from up close, this giant with a body about as large as a blue whale, was like an active volcano. Heat permeated around her, engulfing the entire area.


Naden thought death was looming for him once again; however, whether it was the prayer he just gave or through his impeccable luck, the giant spider ignored anything before it. The skittering sounds underneath her were her children, all of different sizes and ranks. The only being they would ever listen to was their mother. To them, the dungeon was just a nest.

As the spider queen moved forward, her massive legs crushed trees, boulders, and even her own children in her wake. Her eyes were glued to the ceiling and the path her children were taking. Dungeon walls were hard, almost indestructible by common means if the dungeon wished for it. For the spider queen to break through the ceiling and move from one floor to the next, she needed to find areas meant to be destroyed. For example, the holes meant for dungeon breaks.

Escape, prison. That was her only thought.

The [Molten Core Rachonoid] wasn’t a normal monster, but a creature the dungeon had specifically spawned to protect its core. The dungeon boss, the creature serving as the last hurdle before the dungeon room. The most threatening monster you could find. In this moment, she was escaping her home, aiming to leave the dungeon for the surface.

Of course, the dungeon itself did not like this. It couldn’t afford to lose its last guardian and all the mana it invested into strengthening it. While the dungeon wasn’t completely sapient, it still acted on its survival instincts. Unfortunately, without its dungeon master, the one responsible for covering the dungeon core’s slow actions, it was unable to stop the rachonoid. Without its master, the dungeon could only helplessly watch its finest creation advance upwards.

With a loud shriek, four mandibles opened up, revealing the inside of the spider’s mouth, glowing yellow from magma. Using its mandibles, the spider tore into the wall above the location her children were taking to escape to the surface, before drilling her way through it with streams of magma.

Her scythe-like legs began digging, quickly enlarging the hole until it was large enough for her to move into. Her progress was fast, the dungeon stood no chance against this natural disaster. For a rank B, the rachonoid wasn’t fully developed yet, but the amount of destruction she could wreak would be far more devastating than what the High Ogre Hestia fought against could do. In addition, she wasn’t alone.

Floors five, four, three, two, one, all floors were no match for the queen of the Emerald-Flare Forest Dungeon. “Dungeon break!” the adventurers all screamed in a panic as they witnessed the destruction happening before their eyes. Adventurers like Naden who were lucky enough to avoid the wave of spiders managed to run up the next floor to warn people, but the spider’s rapid advancement couldn’t be stopped.

No one was brave or foolhardy enough to fight against this spider scourge. Naden, as a simple E rank in his second year, was nowhere near strong enough to intervene. His party members were powerless against this force. The adventurers who witnessed the spider ascent up from floor nine couldn’t do anything but run. Nobody wished to die.

All they could do was the one lesson the hunter’s guild and veteran adventurers told them: “Run and call for help.”

On this peaceful night, most adventurers and guards only wanted to go to the tavern, drink and eat until they were full, and return home or to their inn. It was midnight, it was time to rest … Sadly, the spider horde wouldn’t allow it.


While the ceiling of floor one was as sturdy as the rest of the dungeon, the problem was the entrance. The dungeon by itself was a realm created through space-time magic by the Divine System. It was kept outside of Peolynca so as to not interfere with whatever location the dungeon spawned into. Entering a dungeon was similar to entering Hestia’s [Storage Magic], a pocket of space the Divine System created.

Unfortunately, that was the issue. Needing something to anchor itself to Peolynca, the entrance into the dungeon was the only location that had to be left unchanged by the dungeon itself. If everything inside a dungeon was like the inside of a person’s body, then the entrance on floor one were the lips. Anything inside the dungeon could be manipulated, but not the outside.

The rachonoid cracked open the entrance, squeezing itself into the staircase before literally crushing through the adventurer guilds’ entryway. The dungeon walls might have been tough for the rachonoid queen, but the mountain the dungeon was situated under was like paper in comparison.

Adventures and guild staff alike had already evacuated, all running towards Cedaraille to warn the populace there. Small manatech birds were already sent to officials inside the city to call for backup, but would they be able to stop this creature?

The rachonoid queen gazed into the sky, enchanted by the nightly beauty. Her eight eyes caught the attention of the snow-white moon, a sign it was still WinterMoon. She was free.

Her headache had also subsided as the voice ringing in her head to escape the dungeon had calmed down. The fog holding her mind back was clearing up as she witnessed the real sky. She did wonder why she would have ever dared to escape from her home, recalling how her goal in life had always been to protect the home she was born into. The spiderweb she created, the eggs she laid, the monsters she defeated.

None of them mattered now.

Her gaze then wandered into the distance, to Cederaille. This new world was strange to her, but she knew if she wanted to fully escape the dungeon, she had to make a new home for herself and her children. Instincts drove her forwards; like a flaming Christmas tree, the rachonoid advanced. And with her, her children.


With their mother finally released from the effects of the rebellion orb amplifying her desire to escape, communication between the queen and her children was stabilized. Her only command was to move with her, leaving them enough freedom to act by themselves. Having moved tirelessly for two days without any rest or food, the rank C and D rachonoids began to eye the local wildlife.

Including the humans and beastmen.

Battles began around the dungeon entrance and the nearby woods. Hunters and mercenaries alike would fight against the incoming rachonoids, but no matter how skilled they were, they were unable to stand against the number of monsters. While rank G, F, and E monsters were mostly within their capabilities to slay, lion-sized rank Ds and elephant-sized rank Cs quickly overwhelmed the numerous, weaker, adventurers around. Unable to hold them back, even the defenseless guild staff were mercilessly devoured by the horde.

The queen shrieked, roaring in triumph as her children celebrated this spectacle with an orchestra of crawling and feasting, followed up by the pitiful cries of their prey. Once again, the horrors from the depths of the dungeon would show the world what the untamed wild could do. With every step the queen took, her throne came closer and closer, and this emotional agitation caused her aura to surge.

[Tyrant’s Aura], the evolved version of [Terror Aura], spread around her, carrying her red-colored mana around the area. Suddenly, this mana began to change the air, burning it and creating an aura of flames around the spider. As the aura spread further, webs of flames began to form, creating platforms for her children to move up and down to defend their mother.

This was no spell. This was the beginning of the rachonoid’s Territory. This place was now hers, marked in inferno too hot for any enemy to approach this conqueror.

Hope seemed lost for Cedaraille.

Naden, who had just barely made it to floor one with his party members, finally succumbed to exhaustion. Running from floor six to floor one as a normal human was even more tiring than running a marathon, especially with the fear of death looming over him. The adrenaline keeping him running wore off and he fell onto the ground, breathing heavily and ready to fall to sleep. Although his friends tried to pull him up, Naden’s consciousness slowly drifted away. Darkness began to cloud his eyes … but it was still clear enough to witness them.

In the burning landscape of floor one, spiders still crawled out of the hole their mother made for them. They were eagerly moving forward, desperately wanting to reunite with her. That was when it happened, a loud roar echoed through the hole they were moving through. It wasn’t one made out of anger or rage, it sounded more like somebody panicking and shouting in desperation.

Just seconds after the spiders heard this cry, their consciousness vanished. It wasn’t because they fell asleep or fainted; it was because they died. Not burned, sliced, or turned into a pincushion by arrows, no, it was something nobody could expect.


None of them expected to be squashed by a dragon’s butt.

“Hestia, fly fucking slower! Waaaaaaaaa!” A white dragonewt on the back of a crimson dragon shouted, desperately clinging onto a blue mana thread to hold herself onto the latter.

But the dragon couldn’t. Streams of fire exploded from the dragon’s wings, all coming from scale-dust hidden underneath the wings. A powerful [Tailwind] was assisting the dragon during her flight while two human wind mages, a young man with glasses and a young blue-haired girl, continuously used [Wind Blast] to redirect the dragon’s flight path. The cyan-haired wind elf woman casting [Tailwind] had to momentarily stop her spell to aid the former two, panicking from the dragon’s erratic flight.

The dragon’s inability to control her flying speed caused her to crash land onto the ground, pushing her body forward with her rocket-propulsion wings. She was brute-forcing it. With cries of anxiousness, the dragon made it out of the hole, revealing herself to everybody on the first floor.

The adventurers naturally panicked. While the dragon wasn’t as big as the rachonoid, she still was humongous, easily dwarfing any large house. As his friends dragged Naden away, his eyes were glued to the dragon. Suddenly, a blue magic circle appeared under the dragon before releasing rain upon the burning woods, quenching the fire caused by the spiders.

The moment Naden’s eyes closed, the dragon once again smashed into the ceiling and then crash-landed, eventually making it to the entrance while destroying any spider in her path. Despite how absolutely lackluster this supposedly cinematic sight was, she somehow managed to do what she aimed for.

From the rubble, the surviving humans and beastmen on the surface witnessed the ascent of the dragon, blasting out from the dungeon before spreading her wings in the sky. As the crimson flame from her wings disappeared, white flames replaced them, healing the wounds the dragon had sustained. With a roar loud enough to quake the earth, everybody’s attention was directed to her.

Not because they were scared. At this very moment, the dragon’s features were being hidden by the white flames in the sky, appearing like feathers in the distance. Deluded by the horrors they faced that night, they couldn’t help but kneel and pray.

“Please, Goddess Aurena, we beg you to save us!”

As the white flame-covered dragon began to fall, a translucent dragon appeared next to it. The flame-covered dragon spewed out a white flame breath towards the spider while morphing it into a shield. With everything set, the translucent dragon spread its wings for a second before it quickly descended downward.

Nordor Style: Silver Dragon’s Skyfall!” With a voice almost as loud as the crimson dragon, the translucent dragon slammed against the rachonoid queen. The impact shattered the trees and ground around them as the white flame shield dispersed like dandelion seeds.

Shrieeeeeeeeekkkk!” The queen cried out. Her rule challenged by the princess of dragons.

Cedaraille’s prayers were answered.



You sayin’ Hestia has a big butt?


Thanks for the chapter!

bob barker

I could have used a few lines to indicate when the perspective changed


It was fun to see their ascent from another perspective :3 thank you for the chapter.

bob barker

the most confusing part was just before it switched to the mini spider's perspective, which was just before hestia came and smashed it. I forget whose perspective it was before that, but the transition between the before person and the mini spider was the most confusing for me


Yeah, I got caught up by the same thing. I thought it was Naden's party that suffered death by dragon butt for a bit. I've suggested a change that would clarify it. It just takes a change to a single sentence to clarify that it's the spiders that got crushed, and not the adventurers.


I took on Termac's changes. How does the flow feel now? Clearer when the perspectives changes?