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Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to update everybody on the fact that I've merged the old chapter 52 with the current 51, turning the two chapters into a one single giant one. I thought that it wasn't worth it to split the first meeting with the lizardmen into two parts, so I put them into one.

That means that because a chapter is now missing that all other current chapters had to go down a number. The former chapter 53 is now the current 52, and so on.

As an apology that I had to delete the old chapter 52, I released two new chapters to make it up to you guys. Everybody gets two new chapters of reading for today, so hurray.

Also I made some big changes in chapter 50, 51, and 52. Mostly to adjust Hestia's, Saori's, and Tasianna's actions and personality in those chapters. Give them another read if you guys can.

Also an update on the Extra chapter about the garm matriarch. I'm mostly done with the planning of the chapter and what should go into it. Sorry, for the delay but it'll come out soon. ^^


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