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Hey everybody,

I want to first apologize for the late update. I just came out of a 24-hour flying trip and I'm still a bit jet-lagged, but I believe the chapters came out well today.

I also wanted to report that chapters 32,33, and 34 are now done with their rewrites. The troll fight is completely different now so it's kinda like a new chapter. I would personally advise you guys to read it, as the new story continuity will affect newer chapters. Chapter 39 will reference them, fyi.

Chapter 36 also was changed due to this, so giving it another reread wouldn't be too bad but unnecessary, as the changes are mostly restricted to dialogue.

Anyways, now with that done, I would like to pose two questions to you guys, my patrons.

First, it's about the rewrite. I would like to apologize for re-writing those three chapters if anybody found it annoying. I found those chapters to be a bit too weak and changed a lot of the story because of it.

That's why I would like to ask if you want me to continue doing this or not? Should I continue re-writing and posting the updates on Patreon, or should I wait and release them on Royal Road? Please leave a comment so I can know what you guys want.

Second question. I wish to write an extra story, a side story that will further enhance the viewpoint of a character in my story. I currently have a few ideas for it, but I would like to ask your opinions on it.

Currently, I could write extra chapters about "The Garm Leader and her last days" and "Tasianna's experience with the trolls". Please leave a comment for what sort of extra chapter you guys would like to see. You can also suggest your own ideas. I will eventually make a poll so you guys can vote for what I should write.

Anyways, that was it. I hope you guys will enjoy the re-written story and the new one for today! 

I would like to thank everybody for their support. It makes me really happy that you guys are enjoying my story!


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