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Hey everybody,

Just a short update to tell you guys that I've updated chapter 29 [First Draft] to it's [Third Draft]. The general start and ending of the chapter hasn't been changed but a lot of the dialogue and text has been massively edited.

Chapter 27 has also been changed. After some deliberation, I have decided to change how Saori will address Hestia going forwards, which means that the some parts of the ending of that chapter had to be changed.

I'll probably be editing and updating the different chapters before I release them to the public. Naturally. I'll also update the ones on Patreon, so you guys can read it. It's only fair to you guys, after all.

However, I'm not sure to announce when a chapters has been massively changed. Should I continue doing these update notices to give you guys a heads up? When I finally get to setting up that discord server, I'll probably announce it there, but I won't assume everybody is using discord.

Please, leave your opinions and suggestions if you have one. It will help me do a much better job to make your experience worth the money you invested into me.


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