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Calling out the name of the spell, despite not needing to, the magic circle activated, and a massive barrier of radiant light encapsulated me and anything within its range. The shimmer was similar to another magic spell I loved to use — [Shine]. The whitish, translucent barrier probably was holy elemental since it was a [The Light] spell.

[“Such a nice white,”] said Saori, mesmerized by the brilliant white light illuminating the area like a light bulb.

I silently nodded to her statement, panning my head from one side to another, just enjoying this sight. I was standing at the epicenter of this dome of light, feeling like I was being on a stage at this very moment. Once fully satisfied, I dispelled the spell. It was still only morning but this kinda light would still attract a lot of unwanted attention.

“This is, uhh, a pretty nice surprise.” I watched in awe as the spell dissipated into particle of light.

[“I concur.”] Saori nodded. [“I faintly felt something prickly on my skin by being in the barrier.”]

The reason was probably ‘cause Saori was part of the garm family. I remembered how my light spells and [Shine] were more effective on them, so considering Saori’s elemental alignment, it was easy to answer. Besides healing spells, I hadn’t exactly tried using any other holy or sacred elemental spells on Saori, due to the danger of her being hurt. I did want to try it one day, but whatever.

Once I gave her my answer, she tilted her head, looking even more confused. [“Is that so? The barrier should have had the same effect on me then, so why did I not take any damage when I touched it, furthermore I was able to pass right through it. A barrier that allows enemies to pass does not sound useful.”]

“Hmm.” I gave it a thought, but the answer came pretty quickly. “I think it’s ‘cause the spell considers you my “follower”, you know, you have that title after all. You’re my ally.” After I gave my reasoning, I appraised her newly acquired title for her.

<Hestia’s Retainer: A title given to a person that has sworn loyalty or fealty for a person with the title [The Light]. This title allows the owner to be aware of the other party’s condition, even when they are separated. This option can be disconnected by the other party’s choice. Grants the owner of this title certain benefits from the sworn person’s titles or skills. Received benefits include: Reduced SP cost for skill acquirement and improvement>

[“It leads back to this, huh?”] She frowned.

“Yup, seems like that’s the case. Urgh, this is such an embarrassing title.” I laid a hand on my head and heaved a deep sigh, bothered about the fact that a title has my new name on it.

It sounded cringe, like, it was cringe! I was like putting a notice board with “Hestia’s Retainer” written on it on Saori’s neck and shoving her forward to announce to the world this message.

I made me feel dumb. Made me feel like one of those clingy girlfriends from those sitcoms who gave their boyfriends “I already have a loving Girlfriend” T-Shirts. I was ready to off myself for this embarrassment alone! Fuck, I needed to apolgize to Saori immediately!

“Saori!”  I twisted my whole upper body in her direction and bowed. “I’m really so—”

[“Well, that is ok. Is it not so, my lady?”] However, with a smile, she startled me to interrupt my apology.

“Wha-wha-wha-wha-what?!” I was stumbling over my own words. My face was starting to heat up, about to burst in flames! “What’s with that ‘my lady?’ Please, stop! It’s embarrassing if you call me that.”

[“Hiehie, I cannot do that, my lady. As you can see from my new title, I am your retainer. Princess Hestia Atsuko’s new retainer and follower. How could I, a humble attendant, dishonor my mistress by failing to address her with her due respect?”] She was speaking calmly with a serene smile, but I could see the glee and excitement in her eyes!

“Saori, you meanie! You’re doing this for the laughs. Please, stop it already! It’s really embarrassing to be called like that.” I was never addressed this formally before, not even from my nanny. I would much prefer it if our conversations were less formal.

Saori laughed as I pouted, looking adorable in her chihuahua-sized body. [“As you wish, my lady. Okay, sorry. Hiehie, jokes aside, is it that uncomfortable for you to be called that way?”]

“It is.” I cast my eyes downward. “Besides validating that annoying [Princess] title, it also worries me that you will start treating me differently now, if you make a habit of calling me like that. It sounds so pretentious and snobbish.”

I didn’t want it to be like the past. Avoiding and judging me after finding out about my financial status. “Friends” distancing from me, just ‘cause I changed my speaking mannerism.

I didn’t want my relationship with Saori to deteriorate. I didn’t want to feel unwelcome. I made the mistake of ridiculing Saori’s dream, without fully understanding her situation, and I was feeling uneasy at the fact she might think of me as a terrible person.

[“You seem to have forgotten something about me, Hestia.”] I rose my head in confusion when she said that.  I could see her shake her head, a wry smile forming. [“I was a teacher before I died, and not just any teacher, but a teacher from Shirako High School, one of the best college-preparatory school in Japan. Catered to the rich and talented. I have seen my share of egocentric and pampered brats; you are nothing special compared to them, Hestia.”]

Oh jeez, that doesn’t sound much better, to be honest.

It felt like she was venting some of her frustration from her past life at me, seeing as we were friends. For some reason, I could imagine a beer in her hand as she drunkenly complained about her job like a salarywoman.

“But…” I wanted to say something, but Saori silence me by waggling a mental finger at me.

[“Hestia, act however you want. I will not treat you any differently, because in this one month I have learned enough about you to form a proper image. You are a hard-working, dedicated, and self-conscious young woman who, honestly, does not have enough self-confidence despite being crazy enough to bring me into a C rank monster fight.”]

I could hear her giggling about that fight against the grizzly. In hindsight, it was a bit too idiotic and reckless to put her in such a situation. Maybe I took too many cues from the garm matriarch. Her entire “teaching style” might have been effective to drill into my brain essential ways to improve my combat style, but it also gave me a big, fat wound. Price of knowledge, I guess.

While I was nervously faking a laugh at this memory, I could hear my parallel minds speaking to me.

‘Isn’t it just fine to accept it? It’s not like she’s addressing you like that to spite you…ok, maybe she’s teasing.’

‘Yeah, we’re not getting anywhere like this. Just accept it already.’

‘It might be embarrassing but it isn’t the worst thing people have called us. Come on, accept it already. This internal predicament is annoying.’

All my parallel minds were in unison about the topic. I guess I was the only one who was still nervous about all of this, huh? I stopped laughing, closed my eyes, and opened them up again to speak. “You won’t treat me any different, right?”

[“I will not.”] She shrugged with a grin. [“Besides addressing you more formally, our relationship will stay the same. I will not go overboard with the whole ‘my lady’ and ‘Princess Hestia’ teasing stuff. I promise you that.”]

“Uh huh.” I wasn’t sure if she was being sarcastic or not, so I had to take her word for it. “Don’t you think it’s a bit weird to call me that, just after giving me my own name? Let’s just be selective about it, alright? I don’t think we need to trumpet my status to every passerby. Only when needed, but let’s keep it casual in private.”

Dropping her joking facade, she went back to her usual aloofness as she considered the potential benefits we could get from this. [“Sounds decent. Besides, we need to find which country you are the princess from, first. Oh, and could I also ask you for a favor.”]

I nodded.

[“I know I am stuck in this kid's body, but I swear to you I was an adult in my past life. If you need to say anything or give your opinion on something, then treat me like any other adult. I can take criticism and give advice, alright? I’m not childish enough to overturn our friendship because you’re scared of something trivial.”]

“…” I was speechless, eyes widened like a fish. Did she read my thoughts and my worries? “How did you know?”

“One month of traveling and living together. That’s the reason. Also, since I was a teacher at a pretty good school, I took a seminar about student psychology. Considering your experience with your acquaintances, you might be able to fully express yourself. Do it, you’re an idol, don’t forget.”

It was as if I was an open book to her. She probably didn’t know the full extent of my thoughts, but she still got the gist of it. She was like a sleuth or psychologist!

“Well, aspiring idol, but… I get it. Thank you very much. I’ll be a bit of a problem in the future, so please take care of me, Saori.” I bowed deeply in thanks for having a friend like her. I swore not to ruin our friendship. “Oh, right, if possible. Can I say something now?”

[“Hmm, yes? Sure, speak away.”]

I took a deep sigh and psyched myself up before speaking, “I would like to apologize for being rude about your dream. I can assure you that I’ll make sure to become a great Idol, so we can travel around this whole new world as much as we want!” I said as formally as I could.

Seeing me make the effort, Saori smiled. [“Then I will accept your apology, Hestia. It thrills me you are willing to speak so openly.”]


Endure it, Hestia! Take the cringe and live with it!

Saori then began laughing as I was groaning in pain. [“See! There you go, as you said, you know how to speak properly. You sound so much more elegant and cute with an appropriate speaking mannerism, Hestia. Trust me on this.”]

“Urgh, Saori. Like I’ve already said a thousand times — I don’t like speaking like this ‘cause it makes me sound too much like a rich kid.”

[“It is ‘because’ not just ‘ ‘cause.’ Also, it does not make you sound pompous, Hestia. It just doesn’t. It makes you seem educated and well-groomed, and those are not problems you should care about. Do the opinions of some mean girls matter that much to you? They shouldn’t. Heads up, look forward.”]

“Urhk…” I couldn’t say a word, but even then, Saori wouldn’t let me go that easily. Her lecture continued.

[“For example, your status as royalty could be a major boom for us if we want to make a life in this world. What if we speak with important personages like mayors or whatever leading positions exist in this world. Will you use your rowdy, street-urchin talking style with them?”]

S-Street-urchin!? It’s not that bad, come on!

“I’ll make sure to talk like how my etiquette teacher taught me when it’s needed, but talking with a random passerby doesn’t require me to speak like that!” I finally managed to argue back, but Saori already anticipated that.

[“The average person on the street will not mind it. Just abstain from acting selfish and haughty. Be you, or if you want, be your idol self. Put up a smile. Be cheerful and friendly. A cute young girl with a prim and proper appearance and approachable attitude will pierce the hearts of many.”]

“Okay, I see your point but you’re already going overboard!”

And we continued bantering like this while we made our way into the dark depths of this forest, trying to find a way out of it. I’d started my life and journey in this new world as a dragon whelp trapped in a forest filled with killer bunnies and giant wolves. I grew and trained myself to overcome these trials and tribulations, and I did it all alone.

Now, I was not alone anymore. I had a friend. I had a traveling companion. I had somebody to watch my back during a fight.

If you were already having this much trouble with killing me, Belzac forest, then just wait when Saor evolves a few more times. It will get out of hand soon, ‘cause there will be two of us monster reincarnators!

Just you wait, world. I, the soon to be idol, Hestia Atsuko, will make her debut in this world, and I will make it so awesome that it will be written in the books of history!


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