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When you hid under my black wings, they couldn't have protected you from anything. 

Once in flight they would have let go. You would have once again wound up below. 

Only broken.



Hellfire Vraxen

God damn, so heartless, makes mine ache for tusk ;-;


Omg that's so devastating! He never cared, still doesn't care, and just used him the whole time. Forgot how dark Tusk's world is. :(


I really hope Tusk finds happiness in the end...


well... fuck


Hope Jodi pulls him out of something. Maybe Munchies

pj wolf

Does it make sense that Hex doesn't even attempt to see if he can help Tusk? Yes. The only one who didn't see this was Tusk. I think everybody else saw that Hex was bad news. So like... is he dead, then


i dont know if i can adequately put to words how this makes me feel. i love our tusk and seeing him hurt makes me sad but *its very fucking hot* in a way i haven't seen from any other drawn porn. maybe its how long we've gotten to know him, how rich his inner life is before being used and thrown away like trash that gets me all excited. tl;dr this is amazing. loving this comic.


PS: his bondage fading away as he starts dying/passing out is very cool and sad imagery


damn sux i had a hunch those two where with hex when freedom was killed, cause hex had zero empathy when tusk ran to him. He almost acted like it was suppose to happen and tusk was just there as his prize..


PPS: oh shit I just did a re-read and he had the same purple eyes back in the tower tarot card