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Finally Tusk get's some quality time with his.. um... boyfriend? But it's not quite what he was expecting...

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Hellfire Vraxen

I got to say Bleats, that pose in the bottom image is quite lovely~


Yes yes yes more more more~~~~~~~~ ahhhh this is amazing and I’m excited to see what’s next


See, now that tusky is barking up my alley. :P

pj wolf

...If Hex were a less psychotic personality, I might think Tusk is gonna be fine. But if he's saying that *he* will be Tusk's safeword, and then throwing him into an extreme circumstance... hoo boy. This seems tremendously sketchy.


You know I got a little theory in my head, hopeful it won't come true but we will wait and see. Also Hex you can do better, why lock him up for just one day/night when you could of locked Tusk up for a few days


Mmmm, I am kinda hoping to see Tusk locked up for more than just this one 'job'