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Baa~ Hello my lovely Patrons. With the new year and as this Patreon grows, I'm looking to make some changes to the way the Party Time tier works to make it more manageable and fair. . . And also to cover my little goat butt a bit. 

As many of you know (or should know!) raffles are not allowed on Patreon. I've been kinda… skirting that line for a while, but now I've been dinged for it and I really don't want to lose this page. I hope you will all understand, in the end I think this will be better for everyone! Let me explain:

  • There will no longer be monthly stream raffles for pieces where I try to complete as many pieces as possible. 
It leads to very sketchy work that is rushed, and it leaves people very disappointed when they aren't selected. It also doesn't guarantee that even after months and months of contribution that you ever receive a piece, and that's not right! Some of you have contributed hundreds of dollars to me over the year and I want to appreciate you for that support <3
  • Going forward, I will be doing 6 pieces a month. 
The list of chosen Patreons will be posted at the end of the month before (Posted in January for February's stream etc.) and I will ask that if you want a piece to comment on that post with your preference by the 25th of the month. 
  • If you do not comment with your piece by the 25th I will move up someone from the next month and ask for their idea by the 30th.
This is to do a couple of things. It will help me keep organized, let me think on your ideas to complete a better piece, and it will rule out any contributors that are more interested in helping to support me than the rewards they can get (while still giving them an opportunity if they'd like some art!)

The Order

  • Monthly Patreons are selected based on how long they have been a contributor. 
This way those that have been around the longest will get their pieces first! The donators that have been around for months and months really are close to my heart and deserve some bonus art. 
  • Once your piece is completed you will be moved to the end of the list for another piece later. 
Cancellations in your Patronage move you to the back of the line when you resub - However, if you have a financial emergency or complicated reason for stopping please reach out to me! If you just need to get on your feet for a month there's no problem with that, we can work something out ^^ 


  • Suggestions/Ideas should aim to be free-form
Meaning, the more vague your idea the better. I much prefer a suggestion that is :
'I would like my character (ref here) to be a knight in battle' 
versus :
'I would like my character (ref here) to be riding a horse into battle with 30 men and his mouth is open in a battle cry with the horse reared up on it's back legs. I would also like a sunset in the background but make sure it's a sun set not a sunrise'
However, if you have a more specific idea in mind I am more than happy to take your commissions through my FA account! (Click me<3) 
  • Your suggestion should be limited to one figure
If you would like MORE than one character (with a limit of 3) you relinquish all input on the piece! YOU GIVE FULL POWER TO THE GOAT!!
Joking aside - in the past I have spent WAY too long trying to get the exact angle and pose of three figure pieces during these streams and it takes a LOT of time away from other people. In the interest of time and helping keep the stream moving smoothly I need to have freedom on these complex pieces
  • Please no detailed backgrounds!
I'm happy to do simplistic backgrounds (Scene in a field, scene outside at night, etc.) but I cannot have complex bar backgrounds with several patrons. Unless, of course, your request is FOR a background - then we can get a little bit more specific. 
  • If your idea is too complex I will let you know and work with you for something agreeable to both of us
I want to give all my Patreons everything they want, but we have to work within reason! We will meet a good middle ground and both leave the conversation happy ^^

...And that's the long and short of it! I know that was a lot, so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I'll be happy to answer. And until then, this is the list for next month's stream. It took some time to figure out this new process so I know there's less time to give me your ideas. This month will be an exception and up until the day of the stream you can get me your ideas <3 


  • Honey Hive - Info provided 
  • Remiel L - Info provided
  • Zale - Info provided 
  • Teake - Info provided 
  • Storyforge - Info provided 
  • Doctor Meow - Info provided 
  • Boca - Info provided 
  • Kevin S. - Info provided 


Honey Hive

This sounds amazing! What are the rules of these pictures ? Like, how many characters etc?

Hellfire Vraxen

I can't wait to see what this will bring, Looking forward to it! ^-^


That's a very good point! I'll make a tweak to it. I plan to limit to one character, but I think if you want two or three (capping it there) I have the stipulation that I get free artistic reign. It slows me down significantly to have to do specific sex poses or angles. ^^


This is a really nice idea.


Musclegut Cerberus Daddy


Oh. I messaged you. I cant read, im dumb XD


ohhhhhhh this sounds pretty cool


sounds better for you, good to know that the rules are updated since i wanted to get one with a friend of mine DND style xD.