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Ahoy tribe!  We bought our Panasonic GH5 in South Africa a few years ago.  It's lived a pretty hard life crossing thousands of miles of Ocean and has done more than you should ask of a camera.  But it's on it's last legs and is starting to do some pretty strange things.  Like randomly shutting down, and not recording when we press the button.  The hand grip is all warn off and the outside, and probably inside as well, is covered in corrosion from years of traveling with us everywhere.  So it's about time to retire it....  

After researching cameras we decided we want to move to the Sony A7SIII.  We have a few friends using it, including Sr. Brady in Lake Tahoe and Kiril in Indonesia and they say it's awesome.  Plus the low light sensitivity is apparently insanely good.  I ordered one on the B&H photo website over a month ago, thinking that it would be in stock by now, but it's still on backorder with no ETA for being in stock.  Sony says that production delays from Covid and chip shortages have affected production.  They have no ETA on when more will be delivered.  The same story from all the other camera websites I looked at.  I even tried to buy a used on one eBay, but it turns out it was a bogus listing and the camera was never shipped to us.  Don't worry, eBay gave us our money back so that's all sorted :) There are a few more listings on eBay right now in the US, but they are going for $1,000 OVER retail due to the shortage which is kind of insane.  So a camera listing at $3,450 is now auctioning for over $4,500.  For a used one :( 

Due to our traveling and schedule we have a limited time frame to purchase one and get it onto Delos.  I'm not confident that it will come back in stock before we set sail again.  So this is where you might be able to help....  Does anyone, or anyone you know, have a Sony A7SIII body they would be willing to sell us?  I know it's a slim chance but it never hurts to ask.  If you have any leads please put them below.  Thanks so much and sending you much love!  Brian, Kazza, and Baby Nugs



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