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Ahoy Delos Tribe!  Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there.  Today we have a little treat for you- a brand new podcast with On The Wind!  When sailing through the BVI's we ran into our good friends Andy and Mia from 59 North Sailing.  During a windstorm in the BVI's we had a nice dinner, shared a few drinks, and did a little podcast about life sailing with a family. 

It begins with a quick update about what we've been up to in isolation and how we've been keeping ourselves  safe.   This is followed by the rest of the podcast about how our sailing lives have changed since our adventures in Svalbard.  We hope you enjoy and are able to kick back for a few minutes.  Fair winds and sending much love from Delos to you!  Capt. Breeyawn, Kazzatron, and the Little Nugget

Blog link: https://www.59-north.com/onthewindpodcast/287-brian-kazza-sierra

Direct download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/59north/Brian_Kazza_and_Sierra_SV_Delos.mp3




Does 59 North Sailing have a Patreon page?


it was a great listen on my drive home today with the Jeep top off in a sunny 50 degrees! Thanks for sharing!


Hi Brian, thanks for sharing your concerns and your feelings transparently. I definitely feel for you. I, my parents, my sister and her family live in 3 different countries in 3 different continents. I am 13 hours flight distance far from them which doesn’t even exist under the given circumstances. Here is the fact, we literally cannot do anything what will happen to any of our beloved ones. Worries are all about the future and the future is always uncertain. What is certain now is our family and loved ones are safe and healthy(Hi Papa Delos! I know you read this \0/ :D ).I think this is what we should be concentrating and greatful for. Delos has always been there for us reminding ‘Be where you are otherwise you’ll miss your life’ motto and I felt like it’s time for me to remind it back :) We’ll get through this all together. Warm hugs to all Delos Crew! I miss Alex and Brady already! Looking forward to seeing you guys unite again soon...

Ric Ulloa

Sure glad you are all doing ok!! We're all with you and can't wait to see your next youtube video, especially showing you guys all well!

Sailing SV Delos

Thanks so much Erdem, we are all on the same page on this one! Fair winds and hope you stay safe and healthy my friend. Brian


Still a great medium. I really enjoyed listening. Thanks so much. Sadly there is the self-isolation, but on the other hand you are isolating the best way possible and remain safe. We are all in the same boat, right? I hope that the new normal will bring us all closer together and change some of life's shortcomings that have been building for years. Wish you guys health and happiness during this time. Take care-stay safe!


To the SV Delos Family, Hellooo, Please check out my Patreon Profile. www.patreon.com/ArtisanSecrets Highly inspired by you guys. Please take a look and see what you think of the idea. I am still just getting started with this and I havent quite figured out all the platform features yet. But maybe you might be able to offer some tips and advise for this idea. Maybe even a shout out. Thank you for being you and safe voyage,Jim Nopps nopps.jim@gmail.com 360.220.1287 https://www.patreon.com/ArtisanSecrets